ブレイドThe story revolves around Blade, a "Daywalker" vampire hunter who was born with vampire and human blood after a vampire attacked his mother. While visiting Japan on a mission, Blade tracks down Deacon Frost, the vampire who killed his mother. Blade confronts "Existence," a mysterious organization composed of vampires modified by Frost. (Source: ANN)
zachary31 - 2015-09-24 15:34:58
(I try to keep my reviews short and sweet and straight to the point without giving away spoilers with that said lets get this show on the road)
Marvel dipping their hand in the anime field. This anime is mediocre with no real jaw dropping moments. We all no the Blade story he hunts vampires end of story. I feel like they should have added a little more extremeness to make more then someone just slashing a sword a vampires for their own personal reason.
1. Blood Shed their is a lot of blood to go around for every.
2. Action a good amount of fighting (gotta work out some how right)
3. No Romance (who got time for love when their vamps taking over the world)
4. Predictable (um some what)
5. Supernatural yes vampires duh and different kind of species to who new.
Overall 15+ should watch this anime. Not really a main anime to spend a whole lot of time. BASICS OF THE BASICS