Majestic Prince
銀河機攻隊 マジェスティックプリンスIn the latter half of 21st century, humans leave the Earth and begin to live in space. In order to adapt to the environment in space and deal with the hostile aliens in Jupiter, genetically engineered children called "Princes" are artificially raised and trained to be pilots of armed robots "AHSMB (Advanced High Standard Multipurpose Battle Device). This is a story about one of the teenage "Princes," Hitachi O Izuru, who studies in an academic city Grandzehle. (Source: MAL News)

agibson - 2014-01-27 21:59:35
Enjoyed this anime a lot though it could have done better.
The characters were generic but they were develop properly...
The fight scenes were amazing...
The romance was mediocre...
Some episodes were cringed worthy but the story was at least acceptable

dubuque.veda - 2013-09-21 18:25:40
This started off as an average mecha anime. You have five students who aren't good at piloting mechas, piloting mechas. It quickly grows to be more than that though. You get to learn how strong the bond is of friendship is and how powerful it can be.
The story follows a group of 5 friends who pilot mecahs at a mecha-school. They're dubbed the failure five for how bat they are at piloting mecahs. They quickly get sent to the front lines even though they are terrible at piloting mechas. They are each presented with their own unique mecha that only they can fly. Then the story basically takes of from there. They are first put on small missions as they each learn to pilot their mechas.
The slowly gets better and better though, All 5 students quickly mature and learn about themselves. Their bond gets incredibly close and its enjoyable to watch them work together though out the series. But where it excels, is near the end. I don't know whether they switched writers or the writers were just saving the best for the last, but near the end of the anime it gets incredibly better and you feel so much emotion. The ending was perfectly written and gets a props from me.
The music was pretty good,characters were not that cliché and animation was kinda wierd, it was clean and all but the faces took time to get used to.