The Perfect Insider
すべてがFになる THE PERFECT INSIDERGenius programmer Shiki Magata has been living in isolation at a research facility on a solitary island since she was a girl. Nagono University associate professor Souhei Saikawa and Moe Nishinosono wish to meet Shiki in person, so they visit the facility but get caught up in a murderous game. (Source: Fuji Creative)

mozell.hilpert - 2016-07-31 05:23:27
A decent mysterious anime that gets you thinking right away.

jarod30 - 2016-02-25 16:57:37

xeichmann - 2016-01-01 02:54:06
here we got a very interesting anime with a lot of mystery and theory and a lot of moral are present in this anime who make the anime even more interesting without forget the logical riddle if we can say this like that.. but yeah that's have been really interesting to follow and let's begin !
About The Storyat the beginning we don't really know what is really gonna happen in the anime because we begin into a school and see a Student going into the Sensei office so we are like what is going to happen ? well that's not really focus in this place.. i mean they gonna go into a Island for some vacation but something really bad is gonna happen and become a solid case.. the story never turn out on something unnecessary and at each episode everything is important and there a lot of talking this is really important to follow everything they said in this serie for know all the puzzle and riddle present in it , the story is the most interesting in this anime and got a really high rank because of it i don't say this is a masterpiece but this is really good.. , i like how each little thing are connected into 1 riddle and try to solve it before the character do it and they clearly explain all the element in the anime and they do not miss any information to explain but you really need to follow what they said for not being lost in this story and the bad thing that i mention is... they will fall into a murder case during the sortie.. something really unexpected but they will want to solve the mystery behind this murder case and the story will follow this road until the end , that's a very good mystery anime for fan of Riddle and Mystery and really mature in build-up , i want to mention that this is actually a Japanese Roman if you like roman ! so yeah this is very intriguing storyline to watch with snack and drink
About The Animation and Soundsthe graphics are pretty good they have a special design and because of this design we feel like this is more mature or serious this is not the very big quality but this reasonable , there a moment when they talk english in the anime but that's have been really awkward and difficult to understand it but let's not worry about this thing... for the Opening and Ending i like both but they don't show anything about the anime but we can see that's gonna be a mystery one just by seeing the Opening so ... for the Ending they some kind of program who are related to Saikawa because he is programmer and think a lot about the actual case and this is related about a program in the place they are during the anime but anyway i don't know if you understand me on gonna probably understand you watch the anime.. but i will give you the link for Opening and Ending !
About The Charactersthere a lot of characters but we are the most of the time with the 3 important one so i will just talk about them in details and the others will be in this text , all the characters don't have actual charm i mean they can be ugly but you can see that's not important to the anime and they really want to focus on the story more than designing the characters but we can see they wear casual clothing and because of that.. that's giving some realistic to the story and can appear like something we see in a normal life but yeah the most of the character i don't find them really beautiful xD
Sōhei Saikawa / that's a professor and our main character with Nishino , he is a programmer and smoke a lot and make some joke to Nishino and do some little moral speech sometimes but we can see he is not soo stupid but not perfect too and he is pretty good in solving case because he really
Moe Nishinosono / a pretty normal girl who like a lot Saikawa we can say she love him and she have a lot of money for be short she is rich but that's not soo important , she like solving thing like Saikawa so yeah nothing soo special about her.. the only thing is that she have a really bad past about a event that i cannot say
Shiki Magata / let's say she is special because of the manner that she think and she have multiple personality.. so you can see that she have a little problem.. she is the reason why the story have beginning
About The Enjoymentthis is really intriguing to follow so i have enjoy that a lot , this is really good for fan of mystery genre , and because that's feel like mature and more serious than the normal anime we get this is more interesting to be really into the story and if you have the opportunity to don't stop the anime until the end .. do it because this is the kind of anime i like watching in don't stop until the end !
well i recommend it for fan of Riddle and Mystery or if you like Murder Case but this is sure that's not everyone who can like this genre but if you are not really sure try 2-3 episode for see if that's interest you but i really think you gonna have some interest in it !

leopoldo33 - 2015-12-31 10:55:23
Une très belle histoire, qui vient surprendre jusqu'aux derniers instants, qui travaille, porte et reste finalement, dans une obsession maladive. Une révélation de cette fin d'année, qui montre que la case NoitanimA peut vraiment sortir une série digne de son engagement.
The Perfect Insider, c'est en effet avant tout une ambiance, une musique porteuse qui est celle de Kenji Kawai, une mise en scène fine et raffinée de Mamoru Kanbe portée par un character design fin et pertinent au service d'un scénario glauque et sordide, qui mènera le spectateur au bord de l'inhumain.
Verdict: 4.75

shane09 - 2015-12-23 19:18:45
Subete ga F ni Naru follows Moe a girl who after the loss of her parents in a plane crash is helped raised by Souhei a student of her fathers. Moe meets Dr. Magata a very bright women with a very corrupt state of mind. Dr. Magata as a child killed her parents and was sent to a island to stay captive in her own world due to her split personalities. Souhei admires Dr. Magatas work as a scientist and Moe takes them to go see Dr. Magata. This is where everything takes a turn for the worst while waiting for Dr. Magata to see them a huge twist happens the lights go out, the sealed door where Dr. Magata stays that never opens has opened up and rolls out a body with its arms and legs cut off which seems to be Dr. Magata. Throughout this series they must unravel the clues left by the killer and find out why this happened and how this happened. This series is very creepy and very dark. It has a very mysterious vibe that continues through this series until you come across the conclusion. I believe its very hard to cut a clear picture till everything is done you are hinted and given little clues a long the way. Then right at the end everything locks into place. I feel like this series had a very interesting story and plot to it. With out of the ordinary characters and really awesome visuals this was made out to be a awesome mystery anime series.

jonas40 - 2015-12-19 13:18:29
The Perfect Insider was pretty good, it wasn't the best I've seen, it wasn't 10/10 and neither was it really something I'd write home about, but I will say I did enjoy it.
The Story? (No Spoilers)
This was of course one of the main selling points, considering it is a drama and all that. It was quite well done, fortunately I hadn't seen the live action series or for that matter read the original source material so I can't compare how it was done in those versions of the story. Without going into detail I feel as though you could sort of figure out where it is heading after the half-way mark, of course it didn't really spoil the ending though and it was still decent, however there are a few things that could have been shown more, but they really weren't too important to the main plot.
Brilliant, vivid animation, it was pretty to the eyes, I'm no expert so on that stuff, so 10/10 for me.
Nothing to complain about here, well maybe the Engrish scene, but even still it wasn't the worst I've listened to so far.
The banter between Nishinosono and Saikawa was the stand out, these too characters were by far the most fleshed out and you did feel as though that they did learn something about each other at the end, they felt like real people and to me that's the aim in crafting a narrative.
The other main characters? Well there is Magata, she was a great character, but personally I felt as though you were still left with some questions about her, so I guess it's source material time?
The side characters? They were there. Some were interesting but apart from the main cast they didn't have enough air time to really see much of them, but then who wants to know more about the lazy security guard who plays drums on books?
I have to be honest I lost interest in the story a few episodes in, it was really getting slow, but then it picked up, they introduced a decent enough hook and I was thrown back into it. Needless to say I enjoyed it by the ending.
A decent drama and mystery, it ain't no Sherlock but its a good watch.

elsie.cassin - 2015-12-18 07:54:04
The Perfect Insider is a great example of how fast an interesting premise can turn into a bad story. If you came to this anime looking for an interesting and intellectual show, then I would advise you to look somewhere else.
This show started out with an interesting premise. The premise being that a genius programmer Shiki Magata is murdered within a locked room on an isolated island. This becomes a game of cat and mouse, as our two main characters (or protagonists) search around for clues to the mystery. While I hyped the premise initially, the actual progression/execution of the show was lackluster tosay the least. The answer to the mystery was rather predictable, but I was hoping that the execution would be better. The themes were simply not explored enough and most of dialogue seem unneeded or unnatural. In fact most of the show consists of poorly written dialogue, with very slow pacing and annoying plot holes/plot conveniences. This show tries to bombard you with pseudo-intellectualism, rather than actual facts, logic or interesting logistical questions. Even when a noteworthy question is asked, it is quickly overshadowed by other non-sense within the show. In some cases, the question is not even related to the problem at hand. In other situations, the answers are very left field or do not even answer the question. However, the final episode was very well written. Unlike previous episodes many interesting questions were proposed and answered. We gain a bit more understanding of Shiki Magata; however, one episode does not make up for the entirety of the show. The plot just contains a lot of lazy writing, pseudo-intellectualism and moments of huge info dumping.
Rating: 4/10
All of the characters are surprisingly flat, which is shocking coming from a dialogue heavy show. Many of their motivations, fears, or dreams are stripped away. We are left with dull 2-dimensional characters, with no additional interesting information or talents about them. There are three main characters:
Souhei Saikawa:
Angsty, pseudo-intellectual main character, who solves the mystery with almost little to no insight. Most of his rants have nothing to do with the actual plot, and his moments of “genius” are ass-pulls.
Shiki Magata:
Genius, yet psychotic programmer, with the foresight of a time wizard. There’s almost no motivation for this character and no personality either. She’s merely a plot device, nothing more or less.
Moe Nishinosono:
Young side kick who obsesses over Souhei. She’s just a hollow placeholder for the audience to project their views and feelings through, while they watch the show.
Rating: 3/10
The art is typical, nothing new in this department; however, the animation can be a bit sloppy at some points. For anime built around dialogue, many of the scenes were often animated badly. There were many jump cuts and some seriously awkward camera angles.
Rating: 5/10
This is where Subete redeems itself. The OST was rather fitting for the type of narrative created. It added to the atmosphere and overall progression of the show. The opening and ending songs were very well done. The opening was very catchy. The ending song keeps and maintains this upbeat feeling, unlike most ending songs of today. The voice acting was spot on, I have no complaint in this section.
Rating: 8/10
The Perfect Insider is a mediocre at best. No matter how interesting a premise is, if the execution and characters cannot match, then the show simply fails. Subete unfortunately bit off more than it could chew, which caused it to resort to pseudo-intellectualism blurs rather than creating logic/interesting dialogue and characters. I would say to try another show before you watch Subete ga F ni Naru: The Perfect Insider.
Total Rating: 5.0/10