오세암The animation is based on the fairy tale of the same name with the local sale over 100,000 copies by Jeong Chae-bong, a writer well known for his innocent and heart-stirring tales. It is a story about two orphans, Gil-son, a five-year-old boy, and his blind sister Gam-i who are brought up by a charitable monk at a secluded temple in Mt. Seorak. Gil-son, a mischievous boy, is the guide for this hour-long travel in search of innocence. Having a pure heart, he befriends all living things and communicates with clouds, birds and flowers. One snowy day, however...
rowland82 - 2017-03-26 14:23:35
I don’t know why this movie hasn’t been popular yet, maybe because it’s Korean or something like that, nevermind that let’s get into this review this will be as brief as this piece of film was when i watched it. It was over so fast i thought i wrapped through time or something like that.
The story follows two orphans whom has been sheltered by monks the girl is blind and the boy is bratty as hell, we follow their story as they live their lives in a Buddhist temple, and share their emotions. Animation wise this was decently animated, the backgrounds were brilliantly good and the soundtrack is a piece of artistic masterpiece.This is by far the most touching story that i have seen in anime, you should give this a try, don’t look at the seven in the score, because that’s how i rate anime This is certified recommendation so go watch it now.