Z/X: Ignition
Z/X IGNITIONThe story is set in the not-so-distant future. Five "Black Points" suddenly appeared around the world as portals to parallel worlds. Immediately after, strange creatures began their invasion from these portals. These creatures are the inhabitants of five worlds—the same worlds in different timeframes. In order to ensure their own future timeframe survives, each of the five invasion forces battle to wipe the other future timeframes out. The key is one card-shaped device. (Source: ANN)

schuster.loraine - 2014-04-25 09:01:24
Z/X Ignition is in short the most boring anime I have seen in Winter 2013. In this Winter season I saw many anime which were uncut diamonds that were polished and cut to be one of the most memorable I have ever seen, this anime went from gold to scrap metal. The storyline was boring, it created too much excitement on the first episode than it could promise for the entire anime. A world where aliens appeared, tried to take over the world but some were captured by cards. A more stereotypical situation could never be created than the one shown here, which is an achievement by itself.
No way to sugarcoat this simple fact. An anime that offered the theme of "adventure" but ended up being a slice of life with the occasional fights and supernatural element. Main character is surrounded by girls, and one of them looses control just so that she can be saved by the MC. Plot development is so boring that there is literally nothing else I can say about this.
Animation was actually really good. The characters looked sharp and well-thought out, the landscapes were detailed and very realistic and pleasing. Hardly any mistakes or bad graphics for the fight scenes. To be honest, this is one of the only reason why someone might like to watch it.
The voice actors were correctly chosen, the fit the description well, the dialogues were clear and could be understood perfectly. The regional dialect chosen for Asuka was well executed as well and receives my nod of approval. The other sounds such as that for the vehicles, the crowds, the fight scenes were also well done. And this would be the second and last reason why anyone might feel the urge to watch it.
Here is the second reason why you would NOT want to see it. In short... they suck, stereotypical. That one hot-headed person with a dark past, the skeptic whiny girl, the loli, and the quiet one. And leading them all is the socially gifted kind-hearted stereotypical oblivious main character. If you want to get a good idea of what stereotypical characters look like and behave like, this is the place for you.
You would enjoy it if you look at the screenshots because the artwork is respectable and if you just hear it without getting too immersed into what they were saying. Otherwise, you won't because there is nothing new. Story is stereotypical, the characters are stereotypical and even then they managed to make it boring. If they really wanted to make a stereotypical anime then they should have tried other genres like rom-coms and comedies because that is where stereotypicality is not minded because no matter how stereotypical, there is a slight bit of originality.
Dont watch it. Seriously don't.

lempi84 - 2014-04-14 09:45:27
There are allot of card games out there, and there are allot of anime for those card games. Vary rarely are those anime good as they are a large scale advertising campaign aimed at kids. However, that doesn't mean every single one of those are. Hello dear reader and welcome to my review of Zillion Enemy X, the anime based off a card game with the second most ridiculous name i have seen for one.
So the plot for Z/X goes like this. All over the world there one day appear Black Points, big black ball like thinks that act as portals for Z/Xs to come through to earth from other worlds, and allot of them enjoy killing humans. For a while humans had no way of fighting them but eventually they either made or were given (the show never reveals which) card devices, small i-phone like things that can capture a Z/X and allow the user to command a Z/X to fight other Z/Xs. Now the show starts with a future event that overall was annoying and confusing. Normally I like it when they do this but do to the scene they decided to go with i was quite annoyed. Fortunately for the most part the anime is quite dark for the most part, and being a Gen Urobuchi fan i liked it, but its not at Gen's level of-cause. The plot mechanics of he show were well thought out and there is no hint of a card game other than the card devices themselves. The idea is sound and is written relatively well, but the main problem is the ending. It's one of those "Wait for a second season" endings, as i don't think the manga is far enough to be further the anime with 2 volumes.
Ah so animation is something i have to talk about here. The look of it is almost fate zero level with very few still frames. It's beautiful to watch if there wasn't one nagging problem I have with it. Every time you see a character or location for the first time in an episode, there are big words telling you the name of the place or character and if its a location, what time it is. It gets annoying fast once you realize its in every god damn episode even for the main characters. Even I couldn't ignore that.
Music is good, the opening is great, the ending is enough to warrant listening through and the insert music brings a good amount of tension while enough lightheartedness for the casual moments to have a happy feeling. so music is ok, normally i have more to say....hmm.
Characters are interesting. yes they are mostly cookie cutter Archetypes, but there are a few exceptions, including the pervy Z/X that always gets at least a smile from me and the Fate-Gilgamesh like Z/X that represents Alexander the Great. Speaking of that, this show has allot of resemblance with Fate/Zero as a whole, and I found that interesting.
Overall the series is an interesting take on the card game genre of anime that its a surprisingly good watch if you can somehow ignore the annoying words that pop up every minute. Worth a watch, but not going to end up on any top 10 lists.