Magica Wars
魔法少女大戦"Mahou Shoujo Taisen" is a project created from a variety show for the Otaku "2.5 Chigen TV" (2.5 Dimension TV). The characters are the mahou shoujo that represent each local town in Japan. The characters that won from the second illustration competitions that were held on pixiv will appear in the anime. (Source: MAL News)
maximillian.smitham - 2016-07-05 22:35:37
This magic genre anime is quite extraordinary magical show in which the mahou shoujo heroines are having its own characteristics. They are uniquely formed of thoughts from different creators. By having created by different illustrators, they also embodied spirit and quality of each illustrator.
(FYI) The heroines in this anime are the characters made by participants of a competition held on Pixiv. The winners could rejoice from animated characters of their own on Mahou Shoujo Taisen anime. In the anime version, you will only have a chance to know the story of few characters. You can check other franchises like games to know more about it.
Rated as a plain anime show (around 6+) in MAL, wasn’t affect my intention to watch it at first, because somehow I got feeling this show would be good more than just 6. Each mahou shoujo represents 47 prefectures in Japan. Other than just representing it, they seem functioning as promotion media such as wearing or using stuff related to each prefecture, like the traditional clothes, the colour of the clothes or even the panorama, the weapon they use also differs.
This mahou shoujo’s duty is exorcising Magatsuhi (harmful impure being) to keep peace in human world with help by Misaki (God’s servant). Most of them are in adolescent, so they will still go to school or chill out around their towns. Everytime Magatsuhi emerges, mahou shoujo will transform and neutralize it. (Sometimes it’s shown that the neutralized Magatsuhi becomes something edible fall from the sky lol). Although magical girls suppose to keep the world in peace, in purity, it also has possibility to be corrupted by Magatsuhi and controlled by wicked will of Magatsuhi. It can be happened when the magical girl herself loses sight of her purposes, like desire to protect their lovely hometown.
Well, for the artwork it is quite hard for me to explain. I only can elaborate it briefly, the visualization is using many colours and mostly neon colours which makes it look so colourful. The edge of its outline looks sharp with exquisite design of characters. The fighting scenes aren’t too much with blowing effects or hazardous aura, but not moe either.
Theme song is sung by livetune featuring Anna Yano, “All Over (オール・オーヴァー)”. What I can say is, it’s so livetune, an electro light J-pop. All Over is also the theme song for Mahou Shoujo Zanbatsu in PS Vita.
From my point of view, analyzing it from the beginning of production process, it’s a pleasure for me to give it 7.7!
What I love about this anime is the characters are the chosen or the winner of a contest on the art website (Pixiv), and got voiced by voice actresses born in the prefecture they represent. It gives meaning more when your work is being appreciated to a degree where it’s getting animated. And it really did good job to choose the voice actresses like that, like they brought us to a real each-prefecture vibe.
Sadly, it’s episodic and I wasn’t into it because episodic anime makes the character developments aren’t involved much. Well, if you like episodic story you can go with it nicely. I think the anime can make the relation of each region by a single matter related to peace in Japan, so mahou shoujo can gather together to purify the magatsuhi in the same scene with catchy artwork.
tressa31 - 2014-12-23 03:57:29
I actually dropped this anime 12 weeks into its airing, but I picked it back up thinking I could give it a second chance. I guess you could say it deserves its second chance if you have literally 78 minutes of your time to kill. Think of this anime as a mini movie, what have you.
If you like Hetalia, you'll love this.
Story is pretty basic. It follows the story of six girls that represent a prefecture in Japan as a magical girl. Each of the six arcs highlights a different girl. They have to fight these monster things called Magatsuhi. The story is nice enough to smash into three minutes, I'll give it that, though the first couple of arcs are really...really stupid... it's not until the later bulk of the episodes that it's nice.
For a three minute anime, you'd expect the animation to be shit, but the animation is the reason I actually decided to go back to this one, to be honest. Ganiax is a cool company to animate a three minute anime this nicely.
And the sound, too. The soundtracks are pretty cool.
The characters are okay, not much to say since everything is jam crammed into three minutes... but each girl got a nice thee - five episode arc and this series is 26 3 minute episodes, so the characters aren't all that horrible. That first girl in the first episodes was the reason I dropped this at first, though. So, not all of them are nice..
Overall, I'd say I found this decent. If you have nothing to do for a good hour and eighteen minutes, I say go for it. If you like Hetalia, what the hell? Why not. It's like Hetalia with magical girls, you'll love it. Expecting something like Madoka Magica? Well, that you won't get here.
72 out of 100.