ばくおん!!The story revolves around high school girls who discover the appeal of motorcycles. Sakura Hane is a high school student who looks a little bit like an airhead. On the way to her all-female high school one day, she is worn-out climbing a hilly road with a bicycle, but she sees a girl named Onsa Amano who is riding a motorcycle. Sakura immediately becomes interested in motorcycles, and she and Onsa join the motorcycle club at the school. Then, Sakura sets out to get her license. (Source: ANN)
earnestine.wiza - 2017-03-12 10:10:01
Bakuon!! Is refreshingly dumb, with a fair amount of substance, and a focus on fun.
5 girls (6 at the end, but who cares), and a battle between Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki and Yamaha. This anime is about the passion of being in a fandom, and all of the arguments, pride, fun, and thrill of indulging in your passion. This anime is best enjoyed by those who are either curious about motorcycles, or already love them (unless you like Suzuki, which gets ragged on quite a lot by the show and the cast)
Bakuon!! is funny, though sometimes the jokes felt off. A lot of the off jokes suffered from not feeling like jokes until after they had played out, and you were left wondering if that was a joke, or if the show was taking itself too seriously.
Overall, Bakuon!! is just fun, and isn’t anything more than that. Bike fans will love all of the bike porn (like food porn, but with a lot more kawasakis) and everyone else who likes women will enjoy the pinups, cute girls, and lighthearted nature of Bakuon!!