Based on the original comic strip Boondocks, Two young brothers (Huey and Riley) move away from their birth city to live with their irascible grandfather out in the suburbs. With one brother being socially and politically motivated and the younger brother a stereotypical black youth who likes rap music and its culture. Socio-political commentary ensues when they meet a whole cast of crazy exaggerated characters set in a mainly white middle upper class neighbourhood.
coy44 - 2015-07-29 04:14:08
Why is THIS on here? Ok then. It's a comedy. On of my absolute favorites in fact. Aaron McGruder is amazing at black satire, and this is his f*cking masterpiece. My favorite episode is The Story of Gangstalicious Part 2, which had me laughing hard all the way through.
You might also like the action sequences, which are heavily inspired by Samurai Champloo.
So, if you want something to laugh at, and aren't an Uncle Ruckus, then this is definitely a must-see.
(P.S. skip the first episode and the entirety of Season 4, THAT gets a 5/10)
igreen - 2015-01-03 21:59:52
I really didn't expect to see the Boondocks on this site, but that doesn't change the fact that it is an excellent series and worthy of your time.
The Boondocks is an American cartoon, with a very American feel. Do not expect subject matter that feels like an anime, because an anime it is not.
That being said, it is one of the most hilarious and best done cartoons I have had the pleasure of watching. The Boondocks is an impeccable piece of satire that doesn't apologize for some rather cutting social commentary. The characters are smartly designed, the plot is episodic and always manages to catch interest, and the animation is absolutely top-notch. Would recommend to anyone who isn't easily offended. 8/10