ヒャッコOn their first day of high school shy Ayumi Nonomura and taciturn Tatsuki Iizuka become lost on the immense campus of Kamizono Academy. An irresistible force of nature named Torako Kageyama accompanied by her best friend Suzume Saotome appears in front of them. Led, sometimes pushed, by Torako, the girls and their classmates work through problems of school, home and adolescence.
ryan81 - 2014-06-25 12:39:53
In short: nice and underrated comedy series. Major strongpoint is the characters and their interactions (among the very best i've seen to date in comedy), major weakpoint is lack of actual content - being based off of 4koma, each episode quickly runs out of steam and is stretched out with unnecessary filler. Should the series be compressed into 2 or 3 OVA i would rate it among the top of the genre among giants such as Nichijou or Lucky Star, but as it stands, with 13 dilluted episodes it ends up ranking only as mediocre.