Mysterious Girlfriend X: A Mysterious Summer Festival
謎の彼女X 謎の夏祭りOVA released with the 9th volume of the manga.
boyle.lacey - 2016-08-14 00:10:14
Ah, the must-have Festival episode. In the form of a cute mini-mystery fan-service extravaganza.
That being said, its very cute, as always. The romance between them is adorable and gross and sweet, and everything i love about this show, so theres that.
That being said, the pacing is abit off i think, it feels a little rushed, but i cant complain, still longer than a normal episode, and the animation is beautiful and charming as always.
Overall a solid 9/10
jraynor - 2014-10-09 21:16:01
There is not much to say about the plot of this OVA, except that it ties perfectly in with the rest of the episodes of Nazo no Kanojo X. Style, quality and tone is the same - and so is the sound.
Talking about sound, I could only get this episode in Japanese with english subtitles at the time of writing, so I don't know whether it exists in a dubbed version. However I am not a fan of the english dub for Nazo no Kanojo X and after having heard the Japanese version of this episode I wish I had watched everything in Japanese.
But as said this is basically the usual slice-of-life faire with Urabe being strange and loveable and Tsubaki being his typically Japanese easily-embarrassed self. The one unusual part of this episode is a ghost-story arc (no, I shit thee not) where Tsubaki gets to be the action-hero for once... although he does get a little help from his mysterious girlfriend of course.
In summary - if you liked the series, don't miss this OVA.