Library Wars
図書館戦争Toshokan Sensou tells the story of Kasahara Iku, the first woman to join the Library Task Force. In the near future in Japan, the Media Enhancement Law has been forced upon the population censoring all books and media. To counter this, the Library Defense Force was created. To protect themselves against the Media Enhancement Law Commission, all major libraries are fully equipped with a military Task Force, who take it upon themselves to protect the books and freedom of media of the people. This anime follows Iku and her fellow soldiers as they protect various special books and artifacts from the oppression of the Media Enhancement Law Commission. A love story, war story, and comedy all rolled into one.
schmeler.alek - 2015-08-12 22:51:05
A right-above-average anime with an intriguing concept that trudged through some of the plot but was enjoyable enough. It was a downgraded, not as good version of 'Fahrenheit 451' in anime form, so it made you think a bit about censorship and its impact on society.
I liked the animation. It wasn't '5 Millimeters a Second', sure, but it wasn't awkward at all and looked great. The sound was good. The characters had pretty decent character development and I liked them, but at times certain characters and their person vs. person conflicts were slightly aggravating. Overall, I liked this anime. I would re-watch the live action movie and the animated movie, but not the anime.
abernathy.litzy - 2015-07-08 00:25:23
A surprisingly Enjoyable series that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I recommend this to those who enjoy action and romance.
grady.deonte - 2013-07-07 09:22:03
Toshokon Sensou is a show about a war that takes place in the future between an army that enforces censorship on all forms of media and a force who ensure the safety of all books and media by creating a special task force to keep them safe.The show follows Kasahara Iku as she joins this Task Force, you will see her in her happiest times and her struggles with various people as well as finding love.Art/AnimationSome people might not like the art because it does use a thicker black border but personally i like it and it added nicely, the characters were all designed well, the hairstyles and facial expressions were nice (i particulary liked Tezuka's (the younger brothers) character) The backgrounds are not anything brilliant but they fit nicely and are pleasing.The animation is smooth though i noticed gunfire hitting cars and vans in certain scenes seemed repeated.CharactersKasahara Iku is the protagonist of the show and the only character to really get any development, she joins the Library bevause of a 'Prince' from her past saved her, (how many time have i seen this before?) you can see her really grow from a below par recruit to a full fledged member of the squad. The other characters are all fun and get there moments, we only see a bit about Doujou when other charaters comment how similiar he is to Iku, Tezuka has the conflict with his brother and then there is Shibasaki who is a really good friend to Iku and helped herout numorous times, everyone else was nice and all had different personalities.SoundThe sound is pretty good, the opening is a really nice song and the ending is ok. The Seiyu's all performed there roles well and each actor fit there character, the background music was ok i noticed some techno/syth as well as some piano styles.OverallThis show has multiple genres and mixes them at different points, there's comedy, especially when Doujou tries to be nice, but the comedy never fully takes off and probably won't have you in stitches at any point, the drama is small and again never fully takes effect, there's also romance, this was my favorite part as the characters grew you can really see the romance blooming and the ending is really sweet. Oh and there's a whole tonne of action thrown in there.Toshokan Sensou is a fun enjoyable show that isn't too serious and will be enjoyed by a wide audience.