Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons
クロスアンジュ 天使と竜の輪舞〈ロンド〉The royal life of Princess Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi was as idyllic as the life of a sixteen-year-old princess could be. Beautiful, talented, athletic, loved by her people, and soon to be baptized in honor of her ascension to the throne of the Misurugi Empire, Angelise had everything. Even her kingdom was in a blissful age of peace and prosperity thanks to the utilization of an extremely advanced technology materialization force known as "mana." However, everything Angelise has come to know soon crashes to the ground around her after she is revealed to be a "norma," a member of society resistant to the effects of mana and unable to use it herself. Just like the rest of the norma, Angelise is arrested and removed from society. Now she's being forced to work as a soldier based out of the prison camp, Arzenal, and fly a transforming robotic vehicle called a "Paramail." To survive, Angelise will have to adapt to several different aspects of her new life in Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo, coping with prison society, relationships with other "norma" women, and piloting her Paramail against giant beasts known as DRAGONs. Will revenge be a great enough motive to encourage her to overcome these challenges? Or will the hate for those that betrayed her tear her apart in the process?

jodie.brekke - 2015-06-16 16:42:24
2014 was a prime year for Mecha titles ,Spring brought the ever engaging M3:The Dark metal and the highly acclaimed Captain Earth.The summer brought us the awe-inspiring Argenvollen and Aldnoah Zero,and fall blessed us with the Masterpiece that was G-Reco.Maybe I over did it with the sarcasm,but 2014 was not a good year for Mecha or Anime in general,everyone complained about how shitty titles were getting etc.But where does Cross Ange fit into this,Does Cross Ange break the chain of pretentiously convoluted garbage that 2014 brought us ?
Story ( multiple hours will never get back out of 10)
(Mostly likely if you are reading the synopsis is right there next to this,which save me the effort of explaining it)
Cross ange starts off simple ,The Normas have to kill dragons with mechs for money.But as it goes it starts layering different plot points and events on top and hopes the cake doesn't fall over from so many layers.An accurate comparison would be if Michael bay directed lesbian porn then realized it didmt have much action.The show certainly has this limbo where it doesnt give a fuck about itself ,giving it the "its so bad its good" atmosphere the show is known for.But nonetheless it has many problems ,it has a messy narrative filled with conveniences,to put it simply.It literally feels like the staff went to a bar,got drunk and thought up the plot of the next episode EACH WEEK!Yes,some parts of the show ,you could see the intention that they wanted to make it cleverly written but it was executed poorly.But by far the worst offender was the exposition.Its one thing when the show outright info dumps you but it's another thing when the show constantly reminds.At several moments the show will tell you information and then a few episodes down the road they will remind you in the most blatant of ways usually in fanservice scenes.As if they expect to forget what mana was.Did I just mention Fanservice? *queue the segway*
Characters (3 lesbian sex scenes out of 10)
Honestly I asked myself watching this show ,what was the point of most of these characters.Almost half of the cast served no purpose,and we're basically there for yuri fanservice,The show would have benefitted greatly if it didn't have so many character and developed them.Heres a brief rundown of those one dimensional bunch.
Ange-formerly the princess of the misurugi empire discovered to be a Norma.She is atleast much better than most protagonists in this genre and undergoes some development but you can obviously tell she behaves just as the plot wants her to.But truth be told she is the only redeeming character in the show,which isn't saying alot compared to rest of the angst filled cast.
Tusk-dense beta male
Hilda-Bitch #1
Salia- Bitch #2
Rosalie- Bitch #3
Ersha-non Bitch
Animation (6 paramails out of 10)
Compared to today's standard the show looks mediocre with slight moments that look above average.The show has moments where the movements are presented from angles that require less work to animate (suck as the cockpit scenes)but still look good, only to take a swan dive to mediocrity in the next scene.Nothing of worthy note stands out aside from the mech designs or as the show likes to call them "para mails" which are the exact same copy of one another with a different coat of paint.Surprisingly the CG doesn't look as bad given they move as such speed you can't pause to pin point there flaws.The Character Designs have distinguishable look to them, particularly the eye shape,but have a saturated color scheme to them so you can "tell them apart",and also compliment their given archetype.
Music (7 mothra-rip-off-dragon roars out of 10)
The music in cross ange is actually surprisingly good.It falls into this category where you can listen to the ost during the show and on your own and actually feel "hyped" .The music certainly accompanies the visuals well with its electric guitar riffs adding a layer of excitement ,while the chorus vocals adding to the "mystery" or elusiveness to the setting.Sunrise obviously threw a good chunk of the budget here.
Cross ange may not have been the Messiah that 2014 needed ,but doesn't mean that it wasn't an enjoyable as a brain dead action flick with good music to boot.But even so there are better entries in the genre , so just skip it.

jaylan88 - 2015-05-14 20:13:22
This show is crap. This show is also the best thing ever.
Lesbians, mecha, 12-hour long sex, lesbian sex, vanilla sex, group sex, dragon sex, sex on a mecha. Speeches about having sex for 3 days straight.
This show is the best piece of turd ever made and it's worth every minute.

dibbert.keyshawn - 2015-03-31 04:37:45
This was excellent work. At first I thought this was going to be some stupid anime that was lame but I was wrong. It had times the mood was up and down and it keeps you hooked till the very end.

geraldine76 - 2015-03-29 22:05:45
I actually enjoyed this you don't see this very often.
Lesbian rape scenes, instead of the usual fall on your boobs the love interest falls on her pussy.
This anime did have convenient plot holes though but that doesn't matter cause Ange doesn't take shit from anyone.

clovis11 - 2015-01-07 00:18:41
Well... yeah a lot of shit happens. I guess? I have no idea what's happening right now, but it's fun to watch.

jazmyn40 - 2014-11-20 22:41:58
Ordinarily I would never review an incomplete anime [7 out of 25 episodes], however the audacity of other reviewers has roused me to action. Some seem to be of the opinion that Cross Ange is the most retched and despicable anime in human history, and that the people who enjoy it are worse than Hitler. I beg to differ.
Cross Ange is by no means the anime of the decade, or even anime of the season for that matter. That being said, it is interesting enough to merit watching. The sex, violence, fanservice and CGI mech battles are nothing new to anime (which makes me question why people seem so offended by them) and they shouldn't be a decisive factor in deciding if the show is worth viewing or not. Personally, I find the theme of class as well as caste based discrimination in a piece of Japanese fiction (and one intended for popular consumption as well!) to be intriguing enough to make the show worth watching.
TL;DR: Ignore the hate bandwagon and the hype bandwagon. Watch the show for yourself. Form your own opinion.

xklocko - 2014-10-12 21:03:41
You either already watched this show and are now only looking for reviews because you want someone to tell you didn't waste your time. If you are: You had fun right?
But if you are contemplating whether to watch this show from start to finish: Don't bother, it may be `good` but not enough to warrant watching 25 episodes. Except you really like mecha and soft-yuri-romance-ecchi ridiculousness. Because there is a lot of that.
There is not much to say about Cross Ange, the Animation sucks the Sound is pretty good, the Story shit, but salvaged by the characters and I had fun.