Dimension W
Dimension WIn the near future, humans have discovered a fourth dimension, Dimension W, and a supposedly infinite source of energy within. In order to harness this profound new energy, mankind develops advanced "coils," devices that link to and use the power of Dimension W. However, by year 2071, the New Tesla Energy corporation has monopolized the energy industry with coils, soon leading to the illegal distribution of unofficial coils that begin flooding the markets. Kyouma Mabuchi is an ex-soldier who is wary of all coil-based technology to the extent that he still drives a gas-powered car. Kyouma is a "Collector," individuals with the sole duty of hunting down illegal coils in exchange for money. What started out as just any other mission is turned on its head when he bumps in Mira Yurizaki, an android with a connection to the "father" of coils. When a series of strange events begin to take place, these two unlikely allies band together to uncover the mysteries of Dimension W. (Source: MAL Rewrite)

taurean.funk - 2017-01-11 08:45:59
Cool characters great character design, but nothing really memorable. story is all over the place, the antagonist is lame, but sadly i did not really care for this characters.

little.emerald - 2016-05-15 16:17:29
The best way to describe Dimension W is that one show you find on FUNi’s S.A.V.E. banner and you thinking to yourself “Ehh fuck it. Its 20 bucks. May as well.” And in that regard, I totally recommend Dimension W! In any other regard, save for maybe the first half, it’s not worth your time.
So first let’s look at the pros. I think the best part about this show are the characters. THESE are what drive this show. Kyoma’s awesome with his wolverine claw things. Mira’s got an interesting backstory. This guy, that guy, they’re all interesting. The action is also good, when it actually happens.
But what about the cons? Well, first let’s get this out of the way: after Episode 7, which in my opinion is the best episode of this 12 episode series, it decides to do what Inception did and stop making sense. I completely forgot what happened in a lot of these episodes. Granted, I don’t watch this show a ton, but I was watching some of these episodes a couple weeks ago, and I STILL have no idea what’s going on. Something about a black hole orb of death or some shit like that. I don’t care. ACTUALLY, I was watching an episode a little while ago and it was starting to actually make sense, and the characters were, of course, great. That still doesn’t excuse the fact that this show is a garbled up mess. Probably because they were trying to squeeze 80 CHAPTERS INTO 260 MINUTES. DAMN, I mean, it sucks when shows that know they aren’t getting another season just make up an ending instead of a cliffhanger, but DOING THE OPPOSITE ISN’T GONNA MAKE THINGS BETTER. It’s not like the shows popular in Japan, it sure as fuck ain’t well-known here, so I know these 12 episodes and maybe some OVAs are going to be it.
But in my opinion, the WORST part about this entire show, is the title. Now, a bystander may walk past this show’s title and say “What does the W stand for?” TOM will tell you Walrus, the @SquadSwim will tell you Wumbo, and I will personally call it Dimension WeDon’tCare. In reality, asking what the X, Y, or Z in those Dimensions are supposed to stand for. DW is the 4th Dimension. THE FOURTH DIMENSION. In the show’s intro, it shows that our world is a 2D world, while Dimension Waldo is in a 3D world. That’s a REALLY clever idea, but maybe it was budget cuts or something, because you wanna know how much 4D we are exposed to in this show. None. NOTHING! Okay ok, so the one thing I wanted to see I never got to see. Big whoop. I wanted to see Ant-Man grow big in Ant-Man AND THAT NEVER HAPPENED! But at least that wasn’t called “Giant-Man”. A better title for this show would be “Kyoma and this Weird Android Girl Thing”.
So back to my original point: can I recommend this show to you? No. The first half’s fine but the second half is a complete clusterfuck. A couple years from now, if you do end up finding this show under FUNi’s S.A.V.E. banner, and there’s nothing else you can buy, I can totally tell you that the show is worth it. Remember: I liked the first half of the show. Just don’t expect anything out of the second half.

kevon.kunze - 2016-04-20 18:37:00
Garbage anime that tries too hard to be the next Darker than Black.
Villain so one-dimensionally evil that it's comical.
Main character's motivation is cliche to a tee complete with generic love interest character.
Faithful companion robot only exists for fan service.
Inclusion of quantum mechanics plot device so over simplified and wrong that it makes Haruhi Suzumiya seem like a science textbook.
EDIT: I'm adding 1 extra point to the 'character' scoreboard for the inclusion of Japanese Steve Jobs, and Japanese Commander Femshep