Hand Shakers
ハンドシェイカーThe anime takes place in Osaka in "AD20XX," and revolves around the Hand Shakers—partners who can summon "Nimrodes," weapons born from their deep psyche by joining hands. In order to grant the pair's wish, the Hand Shakers compete with and fight other Hand Shaker pairs. The top pair will then meet and challenge "God." "They, the receivers of the Revelation of Babel. They, the challengers to God. They, who inevitably throw themselves into battle with their partners. What does God want from them? And did they want powers exceeding that of Gods? The chosen ones, their souls linked, join hand and hand for the Ziggurat where the fighting shall ensue." (Source: ANN)

dora59 - 2017-07-12 11:17:36
The story is shit, the characters are good, The animation may make you sick but is impressive none the less, The music is wonderful and if you don’t like GoHands as a studio, don’t watch Hand Shakers. 5/5 - IGN.
The Good:
The show is entertaining, the show is cute at times, and the show was well thought out with it’s imagery and things like that.
The animation is one thing a lot of people complain about. first, it is a wonderful show with wonderful visuals and pretty consistent at that. gohands has a specific style that really comes through in this show, outside of the color pallet they also have animated all the things. i mean when you go through the trouble to animate every single frame, it becomes impressive no matter what. then there is the issue of the camera angles and things like that, if you have an issue with what they do with the camera angles, the flowing and the following of the action in large sweeping motions, then don’t watch it and don’t complain. people go sick watching the hobbit for crying out loud and that was regarded as a very good movie, GET OVER IT.
The characters were pretty good overall, while the show has more than it’s fair share of bad or annoying characters, all the characters make sense in the roll that they play, if you discount the loli businessgirl for her height and design, however her role makes sense. The main characters aren’t unique but they are better than average, and since they are the characters that GoHands spent the most time on developing, instead of creating a character to fill a role, they do work surprisingly well. Koyori specifically is on my list of the most well thought out characters and the most developed characters in a show. if you were to take the character you get at the beginning and the character you get at the end, you will end up with 2 entirely different character, and this is a good thing. this means that in the span of 12 episodes, the hospitalized Koyori transforms into valid member of society, not to mention this growth is believable. i mean if you want a show about a character and how they develop over time, this show has you covered.
The music, of course if you have seen a GoHands show, then you will know that the music will be 100% classic by the time you are done with it. well, over all. i can’t think of a moment that i didn’t enjoy the sound track. The soundtrack doesn’t stand out like K’s sound track does, but it also doesn’t meld into the background and sound mundane or under utilized.
The Bad:
The story consistent in terms of flow, every plot point in the show flows into the next and they make sense in the grand scheme of things… but the quality of that story was all over the place. you have some pretty stupid episodes with some bad moments and you have some pretty good episodes with some great moments. i’ve never seen a show that has had this level of inconsistency when it comes to it’s own story. overall the story while it flows, gets an average rating for quality.
The Ugly:
i can’t really say that i’m not a bit biased in my review of the show… I’m a fan of GoHands to the point that i can’t see a fault in anything they do, i mean pretty colors, but still. The show isn’t great but it is still good. while i never got the impression that the show was really about the story anyway, kinda like how people say Black Lagoon is character driven, however you can’t say that about this show, no matter how you put it, the story is where this show fails miserably, but what fails in story it makes up for in the everything else. GoHands has never been able to make a good story, even K their best original series, has some pretty major flaws and drawbacks with it’s own story.
This is why i also didn’t and don’t care about the story over all. i know what GoHands is capable of, a good story isn’t one of them. if you go into this looking for a story don’t. go into it looking for animation, looking for the characters, go into it looking for the GoHands style. that is what the show is meant to be, not really much more than that. this is why despite it’s flaws i give it a 5/5 on my personal enjoyment and opinion of it. if i were to rate anything on here critically, it would get closer to a 7/10, or for me average (yes i skew thing in that direction so what?).

vreichert - 2017-01-25 00:46:16
The art is beautifull and the story looks promising

skreiger - 2017-01-18 01:01:04
It’s a complete mess. Too many effects, bad cgi, rushed plot and dialogue, bad animation, and background that is literally pictures which acts as a constant reminder that you are watching a 2D show because the characters look flat against it.

percy97 - 2017-01-14 16:39:22
The only thing this show achieved was giving me a headache.

ckshlerin - 2017-01-11 20:16:10
No really, just don’t.

tremblay.dante - 2017-01-11 04:05:09
Great series so far