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selector infected WIXOSS

selector infected WIXOSS

It's hard being the new girl, and Ruuko Kominato knows this better than anyone. She has yet to make any new friends after moving to a new town. Her brother sees her struggling and gives her a deck for the popular trading card game WIXOSS, hoping that it would help Ruuko connect with other people and forge new friendships. In Selector Infected WIXOSS, each WIXOSS deck comes equipped with a LRIG card, which serves as a player's avatar during matches. It all seems pretty straightforward…except for one thing. The girl drawn on Ruuko's card moves and talks! Is that normal? She soon finds out when a fellow student at her school approaches her and challenges her to a WIXOSS battle. Over the course of their match, Ruuko learns a few things. First of all, she is a Selector, a special girl who is gifted with a living LRIG. Secondly, Selectors have the opportunity to make a wish come true. But, finally, if they lose three matches, they forfeit their chance to realize a wish and instead become cursed. Ruuko's fight for her heart's desire begins now!

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: 17+ (violence & profanity)
  • Date aired: 2014-04-04 to 2014-06-20
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 3846
  • In favorites: 133
  • Popularity Rank: 1064
  • Episode count: 12
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 4 h. 48 min.
  • Genre: Psychological , Game , Mahou Shoujo
aliza.fay - 2014-09-28 02:16:42

WIXOSS left a new feeling on me, I loved how the ending wasn't as you would expect it to be; the game and the rules were big surprise to me. I love how the story makes a lot of twists and turns, but then slaps you in the face at the end making you want more and finding out the true ending.

emard.ansley - 2014-09-14 03:50:23


bayer.orval - 2014-08-19 18:45:30

Selector Infected Wixoss

12 Episodes
2nd Season coming soon
Sub Only

A new card game is sweeping Japan and becoming incredibly popular with teenage girls. Among these girls, there are those called Selectors. These girls can hear the cries of and use powerful cards called LRIGs. By using the LRIG cards in battles against one another, they have the chance to become “Eternal Girls” and make their wishes come true, no matter how dark and sinister they may actually end up becoming.

The story begins when Ruko obtains her LRIG. It Is a white type card named Tama. She also finds out that her friend Yuzuki is also a Selector. Ruko and her friends are soon thrown headlong into a sort of battle royale with all the other Selectors in Japan. They make several friends and enemies in this quest to become Eternal Girls, and soon discover some amazingly dark plot twists along the way.

This story can be pretty much summed up by adding Madoka Magica and Yugioh and blending them together. Wixoss story may seem simple and straightforward at the start but becomes actually very dark. It starts out exactly as it sounds, a bunch of girls playing a card game. It starts rather slow and takes a few episodes for the full scheme of things to come into play.The end result however becomes so much more than that. It delivers some very dark and cruel plot twists that will certainly be enough to keep you coming back.

The game of Wixoss itself seems like an interesting game. It appears to be similar to Kaijudo. But that is the problem. Outside of a few minor statements, the rules to Wixoss never actally are explained. I guess it just assumes you play the real game, but it only exists in Japan as of now. The story itself isn’t complete yet, with a second season coming this October. What we have so far, however, has been very well written and interesting thus far.

Pros: Great plot twists/ Engaging premise

Cons: Slow to start/ rules to the game are never properly explained/ not complete yet

The main cast of Wixoss is mostly consisted of the Selectors and their LRIG cards. Explaining the characters in detail will ultimately lead into spoilers so ill go over the the major characters in briefly.

Ruko Kominato is the main heroine of the show. She doesn’t have a wish to become an Eternal Girl and is mostly in the game to have some fun.

Tama is Ruko’s LRIG who likes battling. A LOT

Yuzuki is Ruko’s best friend and wishes to make a romantic relationship with her brother a possibility. She is incredibly dedicated to that wish.

Hitoe is a shy character who befriends Ruko and Yuzuki.

Akira is a sadistic model who fools everyone with her cute appearance, dispite her malicious intentions.

Iona is a powerful Selector with the ability to see the wishes of other Selectors. She has expressed interest in Ruko, as if she has had a past connections to her. *cough*Homura Akemi*cough

Other characters include the LRIGs of the other main characters, Yuzuki’s Brother, and Ruko’s grandmother. Every character, save for a few LRIGS, is given a good amount of development and their motives are all ( mostly ) explained throughout the show. Given that there is a second season on the way, the questions I have now are almost certain to be answered.

My only nitpick with the characters is one girl named Chiyori. She is heavily featured alongside the rest of the main cast in posters and such and even has her own spotlight in the opening. This character however, only gets one short scene in the entire show. I’m sure this will be fixed later but for now she just appears to be nothing but merchandising.

Pros: Large cast of characters/ Good development and characterization / All characters have a purpose, except one.

Cons: Chiyori’s existence confuses me/ Incest

Animation and Sound:

Wixoss came out this year, so it is very new looking and shiny. The overall art style is nothing all that unique, but the card battle scenes are quite cool to look at. Sure, the battles are basically just the LRIGs firing kamehamehas at each other, but it is cool for what it is. The LRIG’s design is also quite unique, and very colorful. 

The music for this show didn’t really stand out to much to me. It does its job well, but there wasn’t anything to iconic for the show here. The opening ( of course ) is the exception. Just watch it. It speaks for itself.

Pros: Solid animation/ killer opening/LRIG design is unique

Cons: not much stands out

If you can get past the mediocre start of the show, you will probably really like this show. You will especially enjoy it if you have played any sort of trading card game. They throw some general gaming lingo around that you won’t get otherwise. Fans of Madoka Magica will probably also love it, and I could go on forever writing down the similarities between that and Wixoss. Be warned though, this show gets very dark, and it is glorious. If you don’t play cards games, or didn’t enjoy Madoka, this show probably isn’t for you.

Final Verdict:
Story: 8
Characters: 8
Animation and Sound: 6
Enjoyment: 8
Overall: 8.5/ 10

It’s a dark take on your everyday TCG. It has some great characterization and plot twists, and some good animation to back It up. Fans of TCGs and Madoka Magica will rejoice with this show. Otherwise, you probably won’t get into it as much. Now if you excuse me, I must make a countdown timer on my tablet for the premiere of season 2.

Dark story filled with twists
Great characters with a lot of development
Solid animation

Slow to start
None of the aesthetics really pop out
TCG fans won’t enjoy it too much

graham.kayli - 2014-07-12 02:52:50

I certainly would not want to be an eternal girl o.O
Like really it's crazy everything in the anime is crazy.

The plot is crazy even the characters even so I like it's craziness but I still don't like the eternal girl thingy and being stuck inside a card sleeping. NO FOOD , NO ANIME , NO CATS, NO EVERYTHING D: Well they did say they will have a season 2 because yeah still more mysteries who the heck is that girl with that fluffy so freaking fluffy hair ??? 

Battle! Battle! Battle! If I hear those lines more and more and again and again I might be the one who will go crazy @w@ and wait what episode is that where Akira said she can't be a model because there's a crack in her face? Bitch please Itachi handled those cracks so well and looks so freaking hot X'D Since we're in the modern world have them fix that (though it might be some eternal thing and nothing would have effects)

But overall crazy good anime (How many times have I said crazy already ?! )

ford.bode - 2014-07-04 00:56:42

You think it's going to be another Madoka twist, but it twists twice because BANG! last five minutes are brutal on the emotions. I love Selector Infected WIXOSS, music was great and story was intense. 

lehner.ansley - 2014-06-20 23:13:43


Short for “wish across,” WIXOSS (pronounced “we cross”) is astory about a few friends playing card games. These young girls in **** schoolare special, though, because they’re “selectors,” individuals with specialWIXOSS LRIGs that talk and use magic. These LRIGs promise the girls that ifthey win enough games against other selectors, they’ll become an “eternal girl”and their wish comes true.


WIXOSS seems wholly uninteresting, based on descriptionslike the one above. It’s a story that sounds like it’s been told a milliontimes, but it’s really deceptive. It set my own expectations extraordinarilylow, because card game shows typically play out like a sports anime would:

“A budding, wide-eyed, and hopeful individual is introducedto a card game, and learns alongside the viewer in how to play. They getmercilessly mauled by a seemingly superior opponent, then resolve to beat sucha villainous foe. Cue a 25-episode montage where we’re introduced to the maincharacter’s sidekick bro, sagely grandpa, and cute love interest. Finally, theprotagonist beats the antagonist in episode 26. Anime studios relish in thethousands of dollars in royalties earned from the card game sales and maybeit’ll get a sequel featuring some edgier protagonist designed to appeal totheir aging audience.”

WIXOSS is relievably nothing like that. The charactermotivations are all driven by their wish desired from their LRIG, which rangefrom the naïve to the perverse, with no middle ground. This lends to a moreengaging experience, where I was rooting for characters to win, or jeering themhoping they’d lose. The reality is that WIXOSS is a zero-sum competition, withmany losing and few winning. The real intrigue is in the exposition of what itmeans to really be a “selector.”


Interestingly bland. In many ways, this is part of theillusion that WIXOSS is just another card game show. There’s also a notablelack of fanservice throughout, as the show was intended for a female audience.The WIXOSS battles generally required more from the animators, and they made aneffort to step up to the plate and not necessarily score a homerun, but atleast they got on base. We’ll call it a double.

Sometimes, however, the background artist would appear tohave some sort of odd flash of inspiration and at random points throughout theseries we’re treated to beautifully drawn scenes out of nowhere.


Also on the list of things surprising for a card game showis the top-notch soundtrack, voice acting, and sound effects. Almost entirelyout of left field comes an A-list cast of voice actors from JC Staff’s vault ofincredible female talent. Sakura Ayana as Mizuki and Akasaki Chinatsu asAki-lucky give notable performances over the course of the series. Even one JCStaff’s high-profile voice actors, Arai Satomi (Kuroko from Railgun), briefly lendsher recognizable voice.

Sound and soundtrack are usually lower priorities on thetotem pole when it comes to anime creation, but every WIXOSS battle tends tohit you in the face with some pretty aggressive sound and music. This is prettysteeply contrasted with the boring piano music you hear outside of WIXOSSbattles, and while this can be a downer, it lends special importance to everyWIXOSS battle and makes for gripping television.


The show knew how to play with my expectations. It gives youa glimpse of exactly what you’d expect, happily crushes it, rubs your face init, then steals your wallet for good measure. I know I can’t wait to buy aWIXOSS deck and maybe, just maybe, I could also become an eternal girl. Carefulthough, there’s a second season coming in Fall 2014.

Similar recommendations:

Puella Magi Madoka Magica


Gen’ei wo Kakeru Taiyou

rokuneva - 2014-06-20 07:35:24

This may go down as one of those anime that people just don't know about, or don't bother seeing. The reason maybe because it just seems like another card game. However, it's nothing like a typical card game anime like Yu-Gi-Oh. In fact, in my opinion, you get an anime that goes away about what the game is about, and takes you into a dark route where it shows you what humans can be when they're given a chance to make a wish come true. 

 [I'll try to make this as spoiler free as possible] 

 In this anime, a card game called WIXOSS is becoming popular with the kids. However, there is a twist, a very few selected of girls, who are called selectors, that bought a deck of WIXOSS cards are given a special card called LRIG. These LRIG's serve the purpose of making their owner's wish come true by winning a certain number of games. 

 [Only the selectors know about the LRIG's and the wish] 

 Sounds simple enough, but the anime isn't about all the stuff that I just said. The anime is more about the characters that are trying to make their wish come true, and you get a wide range of different wishes. You see one girl's wish is to make someone's life crumble. Another wish is to be able to make friends. There is even a girl whose wish is to make her own brother fall in lover with her, basically incest, that for some odd reason I feel okay about ( -.-'). However, with all that said, this anime is actually kind of dark with it's twists. 

 Honestly, you are not really introduced with interesting characters. Actually the LRIG's are more interesting characters than the human's themselves. But what the anime does good is going in depth of how far each person would go in order to make their wish come true, and then throw terrible situations at them. 

 [This is my first review on anime so if it sucks, then ... oh well] 

Overall, I did have a lot of fun watching this anime. It's an anime that is going under the radar, when it really shouldn't considering the other animes that were released on Spring 2014. However, there are a few things that we're terrible executed. Plus, with the show ending, it left more questions then answers; but with the next season coming this fall, hopefully those questions can be answered.

zbarton - 2014-06-20 04:59:02

I'm going to be straight with you. This show has almost nothing to do with trading cards... but it has everything to do with being fucking awesome.I didn't expect anything out of this show, mainly because the title sounded like a hodgepodge of random words and the short anichart descriptor made it sound like it was cribbing off of Future Diary of all things. But low and behold, sometimes something great creeps up on you.It's almost impossible to talk about the plot in detail beyond the description without spoiling anything. This is a show where girls play a card game for a chance to make their wishes come true. But it has very little to do with the actual card game, in fact so little that there are no infodumps about how the mechanics work or any explanation at all really.WIXOSS is more focused on a telling a good story than it is promoting the product it is based around. Which is a wise move. It's not about strategic card battles, it's about real human drama. It's about these characters and their clashing desires in this depressing situation.And make no mistake, this show can get depressing. It's dark, it's painful and it pulls no fucking punches. Madoka Magica eat your heart out, Mari Okada is coming through to show you pussies how it's done.The characters don't have a great deal of depth, but what they do have a great deal of relatability. They're very grounded, to the point of being underplayed. This makes the drama more effective. It doesn't feel like forced drama inflicted on cartoonish archetypes, it feels like legitimately terrible things happening to believable young girls. Including one of the most serious, yet positive depictions of incestuous love I've seen in a long time.The show excels in its atmosphere. The artwork is sort of an off-shoot of JC Staff's usual style, with more flat colors and almost watercolor-esque background art. It enhances the dark, oppressive mood. As does the excellent music, which does a great job, though I struggle to remember much of it. Both the OP and ED are good as well.The animation is usually good, but can occasionally falter. There's a lot of front-facing shots where noses look more like paperclips than anime noses. Other off-model shots happen sometimes, but it isn't distracting or prevalent enough to be a problem.This is an enticing show that almost seems to punish the viewer for daring to watch it. The ending of this first cour leaves me hungry for more. Look forward to a more complete review when the show finishes this autumn. Rewatch Value: Yes (Based on a Yes/Maybe/No scale)

will.lela - 2014-05-22 23:44:54

At first glance, this seems like the lovechild of Madoka Magica and Fantasista Doll. Yu-gi-oh in some ways, too. I wouldn't call this anime an "extended card game commercial", though. I would say it's far from that.

Well, okay, this anime kind of starts out slow and intriguing. I started this anime with low expectations, but I guess my expectations changed when I realized... I love the characters. Except Iona.

The anime's plot twist is evil, though. In fact, it practically scared my soul out of me. I wasn't sure what kind of twist they would make, but holy crap, this plot twist is evil.

I'm condemned to say this anime won't end happy, and season two won't either. Though, it's a great show, you just have to stick around until the plot twist to realize how amazing it is.

...And how evil it is.

lou.emard - 2014-04-14 13:37:08

Selector Infected WIXOSS in short - A Madoka Magica themed anime that revolves around a dark world of card games.

While the card game basics are thrown off, the show focuses more on character development rather than a solid plot.

The interesting part of the anime seems to lie on the battle scenes which sadly lasts for a few minutes. Apart from that, everything seems pretty dull.

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