Rescue Me!
れすきゅーME!The story centers on Mizutani Masayuki, an ordinary high school boy. His classmate Shimizu Sayaka lives in his home as a zealously intrusive maid, leading to uncomfortably erotic situations. (Source: ANN)
alynch - 2017-05-11 12:39:50
I’m feeling bad after watching this.
wbatz - 2015-03-27 02:06:15
Much comedy. Much Ecchi. Much perversion. Is must watch. 'Nuff said...
knitzsche - 2014-06-18 02:27:43
Gud way to get off!
karina.towne - 2013-08-14 03:20:05
This Rescue me! ova is well just a massive fan service 27 minute episode with really weird sex fantasies all involving what seems like a peace loving male protaganist Masayuki.
The plot line of this ova is odd really with characters quickly jumping into the scene and what looks like massive time jumps all in one 27 minute episode first they are at school then home then on an island all by them selves or something like that.
The character list expands rapidly in a 27 minute time span which gets confusing kind of but mostly focuses on
Masayuki (Male)
Shimizu Sayaka (Female)
Yuka (his younger aunt.....yeah I don't get it either)
another girl (i forgot her name stupid me)
and Yuka's lesbian friend?
The voice acting in this was as of any normal ecchi/semi hentai you can find all lewd voices sounded..... well real
really i am not expert so i cant really say anything on this
Though with a very weird a quick story line I can't say i didn't enjoy this anime it has all the harem/ecchi needs with a large female group and a boy with very very odd and funny happenings
sleannon - 2013-07-18 10:24:13
This anime is 100% perv.
They put in 27 minutes more fanservice than any other anime without counting hentai.
But this Ova is fun.