Forest Fairy Five
FOREST FAIRY FIVEA beautiful nation, prospering since ancient times, Japan is now known as the Anime Kingdom. There are more than just humans living there; animes truly do exist in Japan. Past the Fairy Ring, to the world of fairies, live anime-chans. There's a Fairy Ring in your town, too. Here. And there. Even in Harajuku. Maybe even in the Ashigara mountains. By some chance, we'll open that door. And we might get to meet the anime-chans. This is the land where you get to meet anime-chans. (Source: Crunchyroll)

verner88 - 2017-03-26 12:43:29
[Copied from my MAL acc.]
I can’t stand this show anymore.
Story: 1
What’s the story? Three fairies in the forest—no, in the anime kingdom? They peek up in the human world, and play together. Only that. Forgettable.
Art/Animation: 1
I usually can tolerate CGI animations, but this show failed so bad. I mean, the characters were too bright! In Episode 2, when they play that gesture game, they were so bright that nobody could see what are they doing. And almost all of the time, this anime only display the background and not the character. Their gestures were odd too.
For the character design, its good, but the animation ruined it.
Sound: 1
The character’s voices are terrible. It’s like the voices were recorded on a webcam. And I usually can’t tell which is Musria—or whatever her name is, and the other characters voice.
Character: 1
Forgettable. I only remember one character which is Musria or something, because her name is weird. They don’t have any personality. They don’t have anything that makes them stand out. It’s like, the characters were bland. They were introduced by the narrator, but their introduction are so weird, so I can’t remember anything about them.
Enjoyment: 1
Who will enjoy this trash?
Overall: 1
Don’t try to watch this. You’ll regret it.