Kemono Friends
けものフレンズThe anime's story takes place in Japari Park, a "gigantic integrated zoo." In the zoo, due to the mysterious "sand star" substance, the animals start turning into human-shaped creatures called Animal Girls. Japari Park is a place where many people visit and have fun at, but one day a lost child wanders into the park. The lost child starts a journey to return, but because so many Animal Girls join in on the quest it becomes an unexpected grand adventure. (Source: ANN)
grayce05 - 2017-07-04 00:49:45
A review sold me on watching the show, so I figured I would write one to maybe help somebody else decide on whether to watch.
First and foremost the CGI and animation is a bit of a problem. The quality is lacking and clearly they studio did their best with the budget they had. Cost cutting measures can be found in scenes were characters have their backs to the camera but dialogue continues. In these kinds of scenes there is minimal animation, hence the cost cutting. Be that as it may, the backgrounds were actually freaking amazing at times. I mean they were well produced, so the visuals are not all bad. You will get used to it, especially if you have an open mind and manage your expectations going into the show. Honestly, the sub par animation adds a bit of charm to the show, because you end up not only rooting for the characters but the show as well, sort of like in a “Little Engine That Could” kind of way. You can do it!!
Ok, so now that we have some of the expectations out of the way, what about the show itself? I won’t be long winded here. The show is soft, sweet, and a bit funny at times. In addition, a good bit of mystery is involved as the main characters are on a journey through a “zoo/safari” type of theme park. The MCs meet other “friends” along the way, and the meetings make for quite the adventure. The directing is quite good, and the way the studio balanced the “task of the week” and the overall story was superb. The larger mystery of who the friends are and where they came from will keep you intrigued.
You will smile at the beginning and end of every episode. Why? Because of the characters…well more specifically because of the the voice acting. I haven’t heard voice acting like this across so many characters in one show in a long long time. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it at least. Each character is so unique strictly due to the amazing range of these voice actors. You will not be disappointed I promise you that.
Last thing, oh yeah and the show is super informative about cool animals. So there is that. Yeah, I learned something about Camels and their humps. When you find out, you’ll be like me: “Well, no s&*t!! I had no idea!” Anyway, take a chance, get through the first 2 episodes and you won’t regret it!
PS I really liked the OP and ED. =)
lwyman - 2017-06-18 04:48:25
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!!!
kilback.esther - 2017-03-28 20:03:59
By all rights, Kemono Friends shouldn’t have worked. It clearly was working on a shoestring budget, was based on a defunct mobile game, and has CG animation that looks like a poor man’s RWBY. But, after a slow first couple of episodes, it really starts to click. Something about the endearing kindness of the Friends contrasted with subtle worldbuilding and dark questions about Japari Park’s past combine into a perfect storm of lighthearted fun and building suspense.
The art, as I mentioned, isn’t great, but it isn’t distractingly bad, and the story and characters more than make up for it. If you can get past the CG and the first episode or two being a bit slow, it’s absolutely worth watching.
monte.greenholt - 2017-02-16 10:03:41
Kemono Friends it’s a bad anime, that’s fact, but it’s a bad anime that tries some aspects than other kid shows find as their main selling points, it didn’t help having the anime be based in a defunct smarthphone game.
It tried to be a 20 something anime that is clearly aimed to children in japan that plays games in their phones but with a little educational flavor.
Because of that I give the solitary star to the show, i pity the studio, the voice actress and every single one who worked for anime game where the game studio give up on them even if the show is being “popular” with the fans of the game and the tv show.
What are you going to find in this anime?, Bad CG/hand drawn anime, stiff animation with equally stiff voice acting, moe theme is used in a friendly point of view so it can conect with the younger audience, as I say, it tries to educate the viewers about friendship, zoo life and survival tips, not bad for 1 to 3 year old children. To anyone else it may be a waste of their time.