Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ"Sheryl, Nero, Elly, and Cordelia are the most popular students at Holmes Detective Academy, because of the many cases they've solved with their Toys and teamwork. The students and the people of the Detective City Yokohama all look up to the members of "Milky Holmes", as they're called. But on a dark and stormy night, during a battle with their rivals "The Gentlemen Thief Empire", they lose their toys, and their fate undergoes a dramatic change..." (Source: Crunchyroll)

schmeler.aurore - 2015-02-23 14:57:30
One of the few anime where the three-episodes rule cannot be used because the first three episodes were utter crap! Then episode 4 happened, and the funnies start rolling in, the parodies and references much appreciated.
The most underappreciated character is probably the main villain, who also doubles as the *spoiler* mother character to the hapless heroines that are so aggravatingly clueless that even the bad guys need to help them out.

qklein - 2014-03-18 01:30:31
Story: Four detectives have very super special powers known as Toys. They use them to protect the town and bring peace to it while keeping a close eye on the Gentlemen Thieves. Sherlock can use telepathy, Nero can control machines, Cordelia can sense and hear things from afar and up close, and Hercule can pick things up heavier than her. The girls call themselves Milky Holmes as they work together to fight off crime with their powers and find out what the thieves are planning to do for world conquest.
Actually, that would have been the interesting part of the story. Instead it shows them in a fight and due to lightning, they end up losing their powers and now have to start from scratch and find out a way to get them back with some stupid hilarious antics along the way. Sigh...
Cons: Already we have the biggest problem, the story is wasted on here in room for more humor, couldn't they have at least balanced the story, mystery, and humor!? Ugh, they don't even balance it right, also the humor sucks. With the exception of Saku, a girl with lollipops and headphones, no one in this is funny at all.
Speaking of, the majority of the characters are unlikeable and mean spirited. Sherlock is preachy and annoying, Cordelia and Nero are full of ego, only care about themselves, and are selfish and cold. The Genius 4 leader Kokoro is the same thing but worse. The thieves are stupid and weird with the exception of the leader. The others are ok.
The ending is a big cop out and nothing happens in it or changes at all. I really wanted them to use there powers but for the most part they never get to use them :C
Animation is... ok, but nothing too special.
Pros: Herucule is so cute and likeable, too bad she's surrounded by jerks everywhere. Saku is also hilarious ("This is a mistake, I'm going to die." Say that in a deadpan voice :P).
The villain Lady Arsene/Henrietta is so awesome and cool, she always thinks ahead and is one step ahead of them, plus she's pretty hot (no lez) :D
The art is really pretty to look at and the story had some potential that the show did not want to use and decided to use more stupid comedy instead of adding in mystery.
Overall: This wasn't a fun one to look at despite the premise, don't be fooled and don't watch this. Just look at the Alternate Specials of this show instead of this.
Thanks for looking at my 20th review~