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Dog & Scissors


A nonsense comical mystery. Harumi Kazuhito is a high school boy who loves books and is a fan of novelist Natsuno Kirihime. One day, he finds Kirihime writing at a cafe, about to be shot by a robber. He protects her from the attack but is killed instead. Through the supernatural power of a book-worm, he is reincarnated as a dachshund dog. Kazuhito (as a dog) writhes in a painful bookless life, when a sadistic woman carrying a pair of scissors offers him help. She is Kirihime herself. (Source: Dog and Scissors Wiki)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2013-07-02 to 2013-09-17
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 8802
  • In favorites: 47
  • Popularity Rank: 1164
  • Episode count: 12
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 4 h. 48 min.
  • Genre: Comedy , Supernatural
edd.kunze - 2014-11-18 18:26:30


The story of this anime is quite simply our main character Kazuhito Harumi gets killed while attempting to protect a girl Kirihime Natsuno and somehow gets reincarnated as a dog....he meets the girl who he died protecting...she can somehow understand his thoughts which is the only way they can communicate since dogs obviously can't speak........following all this, he starts living with her and crazy things ensue.

It was pretty decent for the most part.....shouldn't be any complaints about it....pretty standard of what you'd expect from a 2013 anime i guess. The character designs were quite nice and i enjoyed them.........the back ground was quite complaints really. 

The opening "wan wan wan wan n_1" by Inu Musume Club........was quite enjoyable in my opinion.......the ending "Lemonade Scandal" by Max Akizuki was decent too........the music you hear throughout the show isn't anything special. Now the voice acting was alright.........nothing special.

My favorite part of an anime is not the story but the characters so this was the most important thing for me........and these characters are crazy...the main character Kazuhito has somewhat more personality than i thought he would have as a he's cool...the main female lead Kirihime is somewhat stereotypical but she's entertaining to say the least...the other female characters i won't talk about due to them coming in slightly later in the series and they may be spoilers involved, but they are all very unique i have to say. All in all the interactions between them is pretty much what drives the show home for me. I like them.

Well if you're just looking for a good laugh....then look no further.....if you want a plot driven show then i'd pass on if for now.......its not the best thing you'll ever see and its not for everyone but it isn't bad and its a nice way to kill time, I myself quite enjoyed it.

wilkinson.cletus - 2013-10-07 14:51:21

If there is one thing that many people (for the most part even those watching Anime) in the west agree on, it is that Anime is weird! Anime has some parts to it that just seem to exist for no obvious reason but for the lulz (I'm looking at you Boku no Pico!) and as a medium coming from a country that is known for producing stuff that doesn't really fit the standards we have here, that should not be really surprising. The western, just as the Japanese audience though, loves to point out just how hilarious this is! This probably also is the reason Animes like the one that I am about to Review just keep happening and seem to never die out. Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou is an excellent example of just what weird shit Japan is able to bring to us!


The story of Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou, or InuHasa for short, revolves around the book-fanatic Kazuhito Harumi, a boy that is obsessed with books, as they fill his entire life and they are the only thing he actually thinks about. One author in particular really stands out from the rest. Akiyama Shinobu is one of the three most popular writers and she rose to fame by writing a series of books, that seemed to draw in every person that read the book. Especially Kazuhito has been fascinated by Akiyama's works and loves everything about her. One day, as he sits in a cafe reading, when suddenly a robber comes inside, carrying a gun and threatens the few people in there. While one woman doesn't even seem to notice this and just goes on doing whatever she was doing before, the shopkeeper tries to calm the robber down. The robber gets angry at the disinterested woman though and starts pointing his gun at her. As he shoots, Kazuhito jumps in front of him and intercepts the bullet. Obviously, the boy dies. he is the main character he obviously wouldn't be killed off in the first episode and the book-fanatic gets resurrected through the power of the bookworms ( read that right...). His body is a little from his original one though, with him now being a dog instead of a normal human being. With this body, he now is not able to communicate with anyone anymore, except the one woman that he saved during the bank robbery and as it turns out, this woman is the sadistic author Akiyama Shinobu.

The story of InuHasa is as you might have figured from the Synopsis rather weird, which is something that already was made public even before the first episode aired, as the seasonal chart already mentioned that this was supposed to be a nonsense comedy show. Now we all know that humor is completely subjective, but in a comedy of this kind, the funny parts are expected to either be a nonsense story, that people are supposed to laugh about, or hilarious character interactions. As for the story of InuHasa, I found myself surprised about it, as there were times when it tried to really explain things and build Drama and suspension. It was these times, when I felt as if the show didn't actually want to be a nonsense show, but rather be a Slice of Life Drama, which is sad, since these Drama parts could not be taken seriously due to all the nonsense reasoning that lead to them. Now, one could argue that this precisely was intended and the Drama part only was supposed to be another funny scene, but it just didn't feel that way. There is nothing to laugh about, with a character holding an emotional speech about how he has to help people, or a character finally finding his destination after a long struggle if he would be able to do it.

Of course InuHasa doesn't only consist of these serious scenes, they actually are rather rare, but often consists of a a lot of nonsense and really random things happening. These scenes are part of what makes this show a nonsense show for the most part. These scenes alone though, are nothing to laugh about and there is no actual humor in there, besides the obvious "Oh my god this is so bad I am laughing about it!", which didn't even happen very often to me in the course of watching this shows. The most part of the comedy happened when the characters were together, interacting.


The characters for InuHasa are as I mentioned the main source of comedy and as such, the interactions are the most important thing for the whole show as it is supposed to be funny. Unfortunately though, the cast suffers from either being incredible unlikeability or just plain dullness.
We have our main protagonist Kazuhito Harumi, a book fanatic, that at first doesn't seem to care about anything but his pleasure in reading. As we get to see a little more of him though, it gets more and more clear, that he actually just is our generic sarcastic guy. After accidentally saving his favorite author, he dies, gets resurrected as a dog and from here on lives with exactly the person he saved, being Kirihime Natsuo. She is our second main character and is a sadistic author, that for the most part of the show does nothing but hurt her dog, by cutting her with her scissor after he said or did something wrong. The Supporting cast of InuHasa is just one big pile of stereotypes. Credit where credit belongs though, the stereotypes that the show uses are all stereotypes that have been used rather rare in the last years, making them seem a little more original. For the most part though, it gets clear pretty fast why those stereotypes have not been used often, as most of them get annoying really quick.

The characters in total for Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou, are as I said the most important part of the show, but at the same time the part that probably ruined it. Not even a single character was a character I started to like at some point and I was not able to relate to a single one. I didn't feel any attachment to them and as I didn't feel such, it was hard for me to care about anything that has happened within the show. The character interaction was quite funny when seen the first time, but as the show progressed the jokes were reused again and again, making them seem more and more boring. If the character interaction just have been written a little better this show probably would have had a lot more potential. 3.9/10


The Animation for this show was rather average. The studio doing, is Studio Gonzo a studio that is known for either being amazing or being pretty much crap. There are some scenes where lighting is used pretty well, but there are other scenes, when it seems like the Animation studio closed down for a week and they were not able to do anything. Still the show looks quite okay and it certainly is above average. One more thing that annoyed me quite a bit was, that whenever the dog was talking that they were leaving his mouth open all the time and wouldn't close it at all. 6.1/10


The Soundtrack for InuHasa was composed by Akito Matsuda, who doesn't really have any other works besides this one. Still the Soundtrack in this Anime is quite good, always fits the tone and while there is no Standout track there is none that I couldn't stand hearing either. Most of the songs sound rather joyful, but there are some quite piano songs, which probably sounded the best out of all. The Opening for this Anime was rather annoying and after some time I really couldn’t stand hearing it anymore. The ending on the other hand was pretty normal and nothing really worth talking about. The Voice Acting for this Anime was solid for the most part, even though there were a few characters that didn't seem to be well done throughout the whole show, for the most part it actually was quite good. 5.7/10

In total, Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou is an Anime that tries to be funny at multiple parts, while still being a Slice of Life Drama. It tries to be way too much at the same time and even though it is not to be taken seriously for the most part, sometimes it just doesn't feel that way! The comedy parts are for most of the time not funny and feel forced for the majority. The Drama is not really worth mentioning, as it is hard to actually get any attachment to the characters when they are seemingly only talking about and doing nonsense.
Now as I calculated the scores I gave InuHasa (Story, Characters, Animation, Sound and my personal enjoyment), I came to a score of 4.76/10, it tries to be something it is not, while still wanting to stay the same thing, leading to a failure at both points. As it is now, InuHasa has been licensed by Sentai Filmworks, but has not been released yet since it still is pretty new. If you want to watch it, it is available on Crunchyroll, if you want to stream it.
With that, I hope I was able to help you out with this Review and see you next time!

kshlerin.loraine - 2013-10-07 10:23:01

The story that could have been there, was tossed aside directly by the main character. Random, but funny at times. At first I expected a great mystery type anime, Sadly it never happened. The laughs I had brought it to watch-able.

dfranecki - 2013-09-17 15:51:02

Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou (Dog & Scissors) It's comedy series is it a great on or not let's see

Story: 5
Okay the story it's a comedy series what story if there a story is this it he was human then he got shot then he turn into a dog to read the last book of series of books from his favorite author and then what nothing happened no book just an episode after episode.
and the comedy what the fuck after episode 3 or 4 it the jokes repeated it self and to many boobs jokes (Flat chested ever fucking time okay we get it)

Art: 8
it's good no problem in it so let's skip it

sound: 4
noting to remember about it maybe the ending but overall nothing

Character: 6
No fucking development none they are the same from the beginning to the end except now Natsuno loves Kazuhito that is all and the support character nothing except for Hami Oosawa and not big one just small one after all she is a support

Enjoyment: 6
to be fair i enjoy it a little and Natsuno is fucking cute especially in the last episode and she a few of the tsundere character i like and that coming from me

Overall: 6
it's a decent but not flat out amazing and if you wanna watch it watch it just to pass time or when you download something to pass time

wlegros - 2013-09-17 01:31:26

Dog and scissors has to be one of the most obscure anime I have ever scene. With the weird premise where Kazuhito dies protecting a girl. He comes back to life as a DOG because he didn't read a BOOK. Already sound weird? Set girl he protected turns out to be his favourite author that hadn't written the book that let him live. Skip the bull crap and you end up with the Girl falling in love with him. "Awwwww!" you're probably thinking. Let me remind you, he has been reincarnated as a DOG. No matter how much love their is, bestiality is bestiality.

Next, the charaters! LvL6 Stundere small-boobed Author,Yandere Sister, Masochistic Publisher, stupid idol rival, ninja maid etc.

Overall it the sound and animation was meh, wasn't anything good but wasn't terrible to the point where it had purple bricks (looking at you Attack on Titan)

jovani59 - 2013-09-09 13:22:06

The story is quite amusing especially for Kazuhito and Natsuno they're funny. If you like reading and books this is an anime meant for you although the story seem to focus more on random mystery which is really weird but its good.

crona.hayden - 2013-09-07 17:48:07

Dog&Scissors is one of those series where you go "what the hell," if you are watching it you know what I mean. To begin with, don't expect much from Inu to Hasami Wa Tsukaiyou cause this series don't deliver just appreciate the quirkiness and plot less story. The animation was actually great to me I never hated the animation like that. The music never fit with the atomsphere they were giving off like in episode 10 the girl was being very serious with Kazuhito and the msuic they were playing was fitting to be in a really awkward scene like Kirihime is confessing her love for the mongrel, now that would be funny.D&S has its good moments actually like when ever Kazu bring up anything book related is very funny. Such as, the deadly sevens sins of books joke. I really liked that joke . Then, this series actually has good drama whenever they talk about authors I really enjoy that. How that Readers understand an author emotions through their writing.

I like Kazuhito he's funny with his onslaught of commentary. kirihime is my favorite character she's strong(insanely strong for this series) the sharp scissors that can cut anything, now we got her unrequited love.

I liked the weirdness. Ejnjoyable. Opening is terrible.

nannie.torp - 2013-09-04 21:00:54

I can only give one reason to actually watch this series:

Dog + Girl

Yea yea, sure, there's a human spirit and mentality inside that dog; but at the end of the day, the main male character is a dog. Apparently, we have a nicely dressed female character, who had shown hints of the dog as a "partner" (if you know what I mean). Though, he's a small dog, so he may have to use his snout to get the job done...

OK... shut up, Kyuu, enough about that. The dog isn't even interested in that kind of you, you sick bastard.

If that's not your reason for watching this, then you're wasting your time. The artwork looks messy. The supporting characters are annoying, especially that masochistic editor character. Not only is she annoying, she's also ugly as hell. There's really no character paying attention to, other than Mr Dog and Miss Shinobu. Even then, the "masochism" between these two got rather old, very quickly, especially when there is no substance. Quite frankly, I don't see Miss Shinobu as a sadist; she's more or less a sadist wannabe. Nevertheless, she has a fine sense of fashion. Ooo la la.

Yet, the image of this series makes itself worse when it tries to imply some kind of "harem" around the dog. The series going in this direction simply doesn't make sense and is completely unnecessary. But alas, it simply cannot avoid the cliche, in order to dilute the dog + girl thing.

Overall, this is one poorly executed series; but I continued on to watch this, because of a few things worth paying attention to, like the above picture. Awww yea.

bednar.raleigh - 2013-07-16 22:21:15

This anime is really weird, and random. The protagonist is a dog. A cute little doggy who lives with a girl named Natsuno Kirihime who is a famous author. The dog loves books, especially Natsuno's books. How can a dog know what books are? Well, our protagonist was at a restaurant when suddenly, someone came in with a gun to shoot Natsuno. The protagonist protected her, but died in the process. So he was rebirthed as a dog. This show has a pretty good plot, not the best, but good. The animation is great, especially in the opening scene. There isn't much music, the characters are pretty well written. So far are enjoy this anime. It has only three episodes right now so, I can't say if I'll watch it to the end yet.

laron.kozey - 2013-07-02 23:28:07

I'll do my best to avoid spoiling this episode. This story is original in the sense that it's not one that's been used recently. The protagnist's perspective sells this anime. There are so many different ways the producer can go with this story moving forward. The supporting protagonist's schtick got old by the end of the first episode. However, this is a unique new series that deviates from the traditional formulas. I look forward to future episodes.

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