KADO: The Right Answer
正解するカドKojiro Shindo. Cabinet Office Director-General for Policy Planning, is at Haneda Airport for a business trip. While the plane is on the runway, a giant structure suddenly appears out of thin air. The plane carrying Shindo and 251 passengers is taken undamaged inside the giant structure. After everyone disembarks, a man who looks like an ordinary human being shows up. He assures those rom the plane that they're not in any danger. Shindo asks him to identify himself and explain the situation. Then the outside of the structure is displayed on a large screen, and at the same time, every passenger's cell phone starts ringing all at once. On each cell phone screen is a message from this man, to every one of Japan's citizens: "I, Yaha-kui zaShunina, hereby notify you that I am going to intervene in Japan's internal affairs." What is this young man's goal? And will Shindo manage to become an intermediary between Japan and the Anisotorons...? (Source: ANN)

awuckert - 2017-07-17 02:26:07
An overview of an interesting “Humanity” focused anime. Contains moderate spoilers and harsh language.
Let’s go over some of the positives first.
- It’s unique. It’s not common to have an “alien invades earth” theme in anime. This one does it even stranger than that.
- The animation is excellent. Very few shortcuts and its a pleasure visually.
- The soundtrack was :ok_hand: :100: :eyes: :triumph:. It was deep and cool and dramatic.
Some of the negatives.
- The plot is fuckin’ weird. Like, some random ass alien givin humans random ass super solutions and trying to make them understand an nth dimensional existence. Like, ok buddy.
- The plot gets even weirder at like, episode 9. It’s like, let’s take this perfectly reasonable story about the downfall of humanity by overacceleration, and then flip it on its face.
- Random ass beam swords.
I would do this a bit more in depth, but that’s really all there is to it. It ends abruptly, in a single episode, the ending was a Deus Ex Machina, and overall, not bad, not really looking for more.
Solid 8/10. Worth watching, not much else beyond it or needed.

oconner.urban - 2017-07-13 16:57:44
It is hard to review Kado without spoiling. Here is one: it is flatland but we are the two dimensional beings in the story.
Yes, from the fourth dimension comes forth a being who wants to bring humanity closer to the right answer. But what is an answer without question?
The animations were awful, and the stiffness of the animated movements were even jarring at times. Yet, the style chosen made certain scenes spectacular to watch. But that is it, some. It made me feel like this was a cheaply made advertisement for the Japanese government. Even enforcing the ‘us’ vs ‘the world’s in some cases.
The premise was the only thing that kept me watching. But I was very close to dropping this series were it not the well executed plot twist near the ending.

koch.willy - 2017-07-08 00:06:21
What a shame. : /
This show had so much going for it, and it all fell apart right at the end. It strikes me as a clear example of an author having a moment of inspiration, imagining the middle of the story, enthusiastically writing the middle, and then the beginning, and then having no clue where to go from there.
The last ~3 episodes were rushed, cliche, and predictable, three things that up until that point the series had managed to stay well enough away from.
It really is regrettable, but I suppose saying that again and again won’t change anything. It could have been so much better.

kole.schuster - 2017-07-05 03:37:45
This show is crazy. I have such mixed feelings about it. It’s simultaneously poorly done, and yet incredibly unique. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.
Cons: the main character is a complete Mary Sue. He’s dead boring, no conflict is a challenge for him. I mean he makes Tatsuya from ‘The Irregular at Magic High school’ look downright flawed. (yes I watched that one too don’t judge me) The side characters are one dimensional caricatures provided for comedic relief or worse, are there for no reason at all. The plot is stiff and has very little real conflict until the very end. There are copious information dumps. The 3d animation is cool for some of the effects, but body language is horrifically awkward and over-exaggerated. The characters ‘acting’ so to speak frequently dives into the melodramatic.
So why did I keep watching this? The premise is very interesting, and the show does explore some thought-provoking concepts, like what would happen if (spoiler alert) humanity was suddenly given infinite energy. That and the ‘alien’ character honestly fascinated me. But sadly the story just isn’t handled well. The whole thing comes off like a clumsy, canned advertisement.
And then episode 9 hit. YEeeeeesh. The show abruptly nose-dived into some really fascinating explorations. Actual conflict occurred. All while maintaining stiff, awkward acting and dialogue.
Ultimately for me this show falls in the category of “should have been amazing but something went terribly wrong.” Watch… at your own risk.

trey.lesch - 2017-06-30 21:42:22
The first few episodes are immediately engrossing. Unfortunately, the show’s schizophrenic pacing lurches toward a completely lackluster resolution, relying on once-an-episode plot twists or reveals to carry its unrealistic characters along. I’d call it “disappointing”, but KADO never really gave the impression of being anything other than a mediocre science fantasy series with psychedelic visuals.
The Good: trippy special effects; the first half of the series is compelling (for the most part)
The Bad: major homoerotic pandering; zero believable characters; derivative “friendship is magic” story
The Ugly: an autistic manic pixie otakubait does origami really hard to explain technobabble

cordelia.stamm - 2017-06-30 19:43:33
It helps to this full CG anime that the characters are mostly standing arround talking… wich relate to the central theme of the series: Get two parts of anything get into an understanding where both feel they have won.
The plot is convoluted with a couple of well placed twists that seem very well thought.
If you want something different and you have some pedigree, this is definetly a series to watch.