Little Witch Academia
リトルウィッチアカデミアFor young witches everywhere, the world-renowned witch Shiny Chariot reigns as the most revered and celebrated role model. But as the girls age, so do their opinions of her—now just the mention of Chariot would get a witch labeled a child. However, undeterred in her blind admiration for Chariot, ordinary girl Atsuko Kagari enrolls into Luna Nova Magical Academy, hoping to someday become just as mesmerizing as her idol. However, the witch academy isn't all the fun and games Atsuko thought it would be: boring lectures, strict teachers, and students who mock Chariot plague the campus. Coupled with her own ineptness in magic, she's seen as little more than a rebel student. But when a chance finally presents itself to prove herself to her peers and teachers, she takes it, and now it's up to her to stop a rampaging dragon before it flattens the entire academy. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

lula52 - 2016-01-02 01:49:33
this was a cute story very enjoyable the witches were very funny i wish it was longer

quitzon.gerry - 2015-09-11 09:06:16
Little witch academia when I heard of it from animemirai, a competition held for burgeoning animators to break in their new legs;my opinion of it was that it is just another calming sweet story made to appealto ghibli fanatics who praise Hiyao Miyazaki like a god and leave takahata inthe dust, because no one actually does their research to see who directed Graveof the Fireflies, a great animated film not created by Miyazaki-sama. Besidesmy tangent, I later found this short to be a fantastic yet obviously saccharineride of great animated potential.
Looking into it a bit more, I could see that StudioTrigger had a hand at helping this wonderful entrancing piece come to light. Infact, they put a lot more effort into this than their project, which at thetime was kill la kill.
It's a rich flowing piece that has a lot going on withthe motion of it's characters. Going as far as to minutely get the right motionfor someone stumbling to get up and make a mad dash away from a dragon.
I could sweet talk this show's animation all day, butwhat else this show manages to do is to take a simple premise and make itentertaining enough to make it not so generic as many would imply simply on thebasis it's not all too original. However, even with the lack of anything trulyoriginal or inventive, it can be seen in its execution that the heart was thereenough to squeeze in some scenes that are not only relatable but can evoke asense of adolescence. Meaning that this show does have a strong Disney vibethat Western audiences can enjoy.
The sound can be easily over looked, yet that isn't tosay it is all that intrusive, but it can lend to some serene moments. While themusic is not as essential to the piece as a whole, the main attraction is theoverall presentation and it's pure child like wonderment which it executesperfectly.
This show gets my approval and a resounding must watchfor anyone looking for something outside the realm of edgy modern shows and moeblob fan service. Enjoy.

steve18 - 2015-03-25 13:46:08
Little Witch Academia is one of those Animes that i want tolike, but just can't. It struggles in too many areas to actually be consideredan amazing anime, and comes up as swinging more towards the fence of mediocre,maybe decent at best.
Here's the bottom line.
The story is one i have seen done many times before. Being an avid D&D nerdand love making stories, i have seen too many times to count.
Oh no the quirky, useless excuse of a mage is struggling to become the hero,and oh look now she is the hero ( Whoopdee fricken doo)
This story would benefit so much if it changed its point of view. Specificallyto Shiny Chariot aka the teacher in Luna Nova.
Wouldn't this sound a lot cooler?
I mean shiny chariot after being ridiculed time and time again and looked downupon as a witch has decided to hang up the towel and give up. She now works asa washed up teacher at Luna Nova struggling day in and day out to enjoy herselfagain, and find a way to bring herself into becoming a witch that nobody willever forget.
Hell even throw in Akko in as a sub-plot as someone who sticks up for chariotand gives her enough courage to teach the children.
Way better. Not some Harry Potter Tera re-skin, but an emotional and thrillingride through the Psyche of a washed up Witch.
Also if you’re wondering here is a short synopsis on therest of the Characters
Akko: Annoying as all hell. It’s like if they mixed Narutowith nails on chalkboards
Diana: Seen it before. She’s the bitchy (Oh look at me I’mbetter than you, but secretly I actually respect you) girl. SEEN IT! NEXT!
Lotte: Shy Glasses Girl-san how I didn’t miss you. -_-
Sucy: Actually kind of funny. I enjoyed the Minotaur scenepretty well, but doesn’t make up for the rest of this Garbage.
The Musical Score and Animation are the only things that areactually cool about this anime, and that upsets me. I thought I was going towalk into a Magical Experience, but all I got was Pure Mediocrity.
I Don’t want to Hate it, but it is something that I have tohate. This Experience has been a pure Let-down for me.
Overall a 2/5 for me.
I’ll still watch the sequel, but I’m not expecting much.
Lukas Out

cummerata.kasey - 2014-12-24 01:48:36
Little Witch Academia is a standout anime, even though so far there is only one part and it is about 25 minutes long at this stage I would definitely consider this a masterpiece.
Instead of writing an essay about this i'm going to create a list of Positives and Negatives, I know when you're just looking to see if an anime is worth watching you usually don't want to read all that much.
- A short story which leaves room for expansion yet ties up the major loose ends and sticks to a three act structure incredibly well.
- The characters are all very different from each other, none are stereotypical archetypes and each are likeable in their own way.
- The soundtrack is not something I noticed too much, but it was enough to create the correct atmosphere for the scenario's.
- The animation, I feel like this really needs to be stressed, by god the animation is amazing, everything is so smooth I think this might be the smoothest and most consistent animation i've ever seen.
- Hard to think of many.
- The soundtrack wasn't extremely memorable, hardly much of a negative.
Like I said, it's very difficult for me personally to find faults in Little Witch Academia, I would recommend this to almost anyone and am certainly looking forward to the future of this project.

linnea.kulas - 2014-02-23 06:33:46
Short and Sweet, Delivering Entertainment that is Witty, and to the Point [Spoiler Free]
[Overview] Little Witch Academia is a quirky and enjoyable journey into the world of magic that although inspired by others in the genre, manages to find it's own ground, making it a unique and entirely refreshing experience. Overall, it's a great show for the casual viewer, given it's short length and distinct, likeable characters.
[Plot] Despite the show's short length of just a single episode, Little Witch Academia manages to convey a charming narrative that excels because of its simplicity. The story follows the daily adventures of Akko Kagari who, after being inspired by the famous witch Shiny Chariot, decides to join Luna Nova Academy a school for young witches. In many ways, it is simple yet also quite marvelous due to it's attention to detail and aptitude to amaze.
Where this story shines is in it's simplicity and ability to awe and amaze. Everything from dragons, broom flying, and dungeon crawling is packaged into this tightly knit story, which makes everything familiar, but also new. Little Witch Academia draws heavy inspiration from western media, most especially "Harry Potter", but plays its own unique take on them, combining it with the eccentric flair of most mahou shoujo shows. Essentially this is what makes Little Witch Academia so great, it manages to be somewhat of a mahou shoujo while also having a distinct western taste, setting it apart from the standard fare.
What hurts the plot the most simply put, is its length. Little Witch Academia is only a single episode long. With only half an hour to convey what could have been a 12 episode series, it simply is unable to really expand on its rich world that is literally brimming with potential. Nonetheless, the main narrative is certainly strong, but with such an interesting setting, your'e left wanting to see more of Kagari and the gang's adventures. (8/10)
[Characters] Every character is simple, yet unique, each with their own quirks, yet none are really memorable simply due to the length of this show. There is Akko Kagari, who's relentless motivation and energy is almost contagious, along with her band of misfits, including the mischievous Sucy who's moments of dark comedy are quite enjoyable. However none of these characters really leave a lasting impression on the audience.
This is mostly due to the nature of show, in which it tends to haphazardly place characters into the environment for quick gags rather than using them as a way to progress the plot, making each character likable, but not essential necessary. This makes sense, given the fact that Little Witch Academia is only one episode long, none of the characters are given any room to really grow. This may had been a problem had the show been longer, but each character's unique, simple personalities are suitable for a show that gives so much in such a small amount of time. (7/10)
[Sound] Little Witch Academia score is fitting, yet forgettable. Nothing really stands out, yet also nothing felt unnecessary either. It most certainly captures the fantasy and majesty that the show strives for, but none of it really is anything ground breaking or memorable. That doesn't really take away from its merit though as just like the rest of the show, its goes in quick, and its effective. There's no opening song, and the ending song is simply background.
Another note should be made is that it's impact is slightly hampered by it's short run time. The show has little time to really let its score shine and therefore, the audience can't really get a feel for the score's style, causing some of the effect to be lost in the process. While not a masterpiece, the soundtrack is fitting and works, manging to capture the tone of the show. (7.5/10)
[Art] The animation style in Little Witch Academia is decidedly more western than the usual anime. However, it still manages to seamlessly blend this western style with a distinct anime influence, which is a refreshing combination that feels both innovative, and also fascinating. Little Witch Academia's unique style is one of its strongest assets, as it's unique flavor pours into every scene, keeping my eyes glued to the screen during even the most mundane moments.
Another admirable aspect of Little Witch Academia's animation style is that it keeps the show fun and clean, avoiding moments of suggestive content/fanservice as much as possible. This is a huge benefit to the show, as it makes the whole experience more fun and joyful rather than forced, capturing the essence of a show that is truly "fun for all ages". Animation is truly the highlight of this show, picking up the slack for Little Witch Academia's weaker aspects. Given the short length of the show, Little Witch Academia's animation is what defines it, and ultimately is its greatest strength. (8.5/10)
[Final Impressions] Little Witch Academia delivers a small dose of magic and fun that leaves you wanting more. The animation is superb, combining both eastern and western animation techniques to create a unique experience that never fails to amaze with its attention to detail and beauty. It's a shame however, as numerous aspects of Little Witch Academia are never able to reach their fullest potential due to the extremely short nature of the show. But when all is said and done, Little Witch Academia still has just the right amount of charm and flair to make it a worthy watch for all ages.
[Personal Enjoyment] If I were to base my score simply on enjoyment, without considering any other factors besides how much fun it was to watch, Little Witch Academia would receive a moderate (8/10).
Overall Score: 8/10

marisa.conroy - 2014-02-09 00:07:30
“Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.” - Shiny Chariot
Why do I watch anime? To take me to another world: a world where possibilities are endless, a world where the surreal can take the place of the real, a world where imagination rules!
Little Witch Academia reminded me of this reason when it swept me up and brought me back to my childhood, when I believed I could go to a school and learn how to twist reality with the flick of a wand.
Story & Plot: 6
The story of Little Witch Academia is not incredibly special, it’s a tale that has been told many times before – gifted students are sent to an academy to learn the ways of magic and how to transform the world in ways we can only dream about.
Art & Animation: 10
The choice of art, character expressions, backgrounds, and animation stepped out of the boundaries of standard animation. LWA boomed and flashed in a display of color and livelihood that made me smile and squirm in my seat like a certain someone in the beginning of the film. Although it did not have as detailed art as The Garden of Words or Redline, it still gave off a wildly joyous air that left me excited and refreshed.
Sound: 10
The sound effects and voice acting felt in sync with the visual signals from characters mouths and faces, and the soundtrack was a very pleasant arrangement of upbeat orchestral music that fit well with the movie’s happy-go-lucky animation.
Characters: 7
Although the characters of Little Witch Academia are very basic and straightforward, I had no problem liking each of them for their bold displays of personality and obvious archetypes.
Enjoyment & Experience: 10
I was totally immersed in this captivating short film from start to finish. It is not very often that I have this much fun watching an anime, I felt like I was being carried away from my seat in front of my computer screen and into the magical setting of Little Witch Academia. To enjoy a film this much is a rare experience for me.
Overall: 9
I don’t give this anime a nine out of ten because it has an exceptionally profound plot, nor do I award it such a high a score for having deep symbolism, I believe that Little Witch Academia deserves top marks because it tells a story in a fashion that provides the absolute utmost in entertainment.
So thank you Studio Trigger. And bravo.

schamberger.maxie - 2013-10-24 15:07:05
The quote on top of this page says "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show!" That could easily be an introduction to the movie, since Little Witch Academia feels a lot like a western show.
The story is simple, the setting very reminiscent of Harry Potter but the pacing is furious. Everything happens really fast and that felt a little bit rushed. It seemed like it was a prolonged single episode with a lot of things stuffed inside like characters. They were one-dimensional and stereotypical, the weak point of the show. Their designs though were cool and their antics - fun to watch, the animation also seemed good even though it was sketch-like and over-the-top.
However, as much as I tried to view it with a scolding, critical eye, it was still an enjoyable and fun watch. I recommend this to you if you want something simple and fuzzy and/or have already watched all the cool stuff.

mallie.corkery - 2013-08-23 06:18:17
As always, my reviews are spoiler free.
MAL-era import review; please excuse my lack of experience.
Little Witch Academia was created by a small team at Studio Trigger under Japan's Young Animator Training Project. In only 26 minutes, it told a story that was able to captivate an audience large enough to donate over $625,000 to create a sequel.
Story - 7/10
It is very difficult to tell a compelling story in 26 minutes. One could argue against that by saying that there are thousands of single episode arcs that tell a good story. LWA differs from these greatly, however. In these 26 minutes, it is able to introduce a cast of characters, a setting, and a solid plot, whereas most episodes already have the cast and setting established.
LWA's story is simple yet charming; Akko sees a witch perform at public event, and aspires to become like her. One time skip later, she and her friends are attending a magical academy studying to become witches. In these 26 minutes, they face rivals and monsters, form friendships, and even throw in a bit of comedy.
Of course, the story is not especially deep, but it is tremendously done for how short a period of time it is.
Animation - 9/10
LWA has some of the best animation of any series, let alone a short made by a small studio. It has a beautiful color pallet, superb character design with great detail and shading, and stunning backgrounds that totally immerse the viewer in the setting. On top of this, LWA has nearly perfect fluid animation (best appreciated with 24/120hz playback or SVP).
Sound - 7/10
LWA has a very strong voice cast, but has little opportunity to prove itself with a soundtrack. However, the few tracks that are included do well. I will be very interested in seeing a larger soundtrack upon the release of LWA2.
Characters - 6/10
With the allotted time, a full cast is introduced, each with their own personalities and quirks. While many are close to cookie-cutter stereotypes (Akko being the ambitious underdog type, Diana the talented and stuck up perfect girl, etc), we get a few interesting characters such as the gloomy looking yet mischievous Sucy. Her potions are a source of comedy and defense.
It was quite the cast for such a short time, with some 12 episode series having less interesting characters.
Enjoyment - 9/10
Any anime fan should devote a few minutes of their day to see this light-hearted short by Trigger. The fact that it was able to inspire fans to fly past the target monetary goal should be reason enough for you to give this show a chance.
In short, you get nearly all the fun of a half-cour series in just 26 minutes. It can be found for legal streaming all over the internet, so you have no excuse not to watch it 30 seconds from now.
Other Thoughts
Not much to say here. I'm looking forward to LWA2 and Kill la Kill, with the hopes that Trigger can prove themselves to be a strong force in the anime market.

remington.adams - 2013-07-25 15:48:12
The movie Little Witch Academy talks about a young witch who was a fan of charliet (a famous witch).
During a lesson the diana who was also a witch removed the seal to an old safe that contained a dragon devouring witches.
Among both young witch finds the weapon that was the famous charliet and uses it to defeat the dragon.
[my impressions]I liked the movie thinking it is not a movie but the first episode of Little Witch Academy.
The company realized that the film is already making a sequel, I hope contanha many episodes because the movie was good.
[Evaluation]- i´m gonna give 8 points to story.
- I´m gonna give 8 points to animation.
- I´m gonna give 7 points to sounds.make
- I´m gonna give 6 points to characters.
- I´m gonna give 8 points to Enjoyment.
- And i´m gonna give 5 points to Overall because the movie is very short. Please make a anime about this movie.

dejon.beahan - 2013-05-22 09:19:55
Young Animator Training Project/Anime Mirai short reviews: Part 10/12Little Witch Academia has had a bit of underground hype building for it because it’s by the newly formed Studio Trigger, Hiroyuki Imaishi’s studio he formed after he left Gainax. Little Witch Academia really amplifies the Saturday morning cartoon feel their previous works had with its bouncy animation style and cartoony visuals. The plot feeds into this too, being basically an animated version of the early Harry Potter books. This was particularly apparent during the broom flying lesson scene. I did get a laugh from Draco Malfoy being recast as a posh stuck-up ojou-sama because it allowed me to imagine Malfoy doing the ojou-sama laugh where he puts the back of his hand against his chin and goes “ooooohhh hoh hoh hoh hoh~!”The whole thing is very colourful and joyous with a real childlike energy to it. The animation and artwork is bloody great, and feed into this bouncy energy it all has. If I feel like being nitpicky, it’s very shallow. The attempts at having a larger theme about believing in yourself are not well worked in at all, particularly since there’s a better theme there about childish wonder that they didn’t tap into as well as I think they could have. If I were to compare it to the other YATP, it doesn’t have quite the same IMPACTO~! as Wasurenagumo because the story is so rote. But for what it’s trying to achieve in being this energetic Saturday morning cartoon, it does that perfectly.Verdict: Watch