Trigger's extra is a 2D animated opening sequence for the fake 80s anime-style "Battle Saurs" TV series that is featured in Disney and Pixar's short. Hiroyuki Imaishi (Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill director) served as the opening animation character designer and animation director. He is also credited with the key animation drawings alongside Yoh Yoshinari (Little Witch Academia director) and Akira Amemiya (Inferno Cop series director). Yūji Kaneko (Kill la Kill, Little Witch Academia) served as the art director, Eiji Tsuchida (Welcome to THE SPACE SHOW) handled the photography, Nahoko Kosugi (Doraemon animation director) and Yoshie Endo (Doraemon animation director) served as the in-between animation directors, and Hiromi Wakabayashi (Gurren Lagann setting production) was the animation producer and color designer. (Source: ANN) Note: The trailer contains the entire short.