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Gundam Build Fighters


Though Gundam Plastic Models, better known as Gunpla, exploded in popularity with the release of the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, their presence faded before resurging with a new purpose. Through the power of Plavsky particles, fans are now able to pit their Gunpla against others in a virtual reality-style battle with the best competing at the annual Gunpla World Tournament. Sei Iori, whose father was a once finalist in the competition, dreams of one day conquering the contest himself. However, while Sei is an expert Gunpla builder, he lacks the prowess to effectively fight his creations during actual battle. In comes Reiji, a mysterious boy who is curiously ignorant of society but quickly demonstrates to Sei tremendous ability in Gunpla battles. The two boys decide to combine their strengths in order to sweep the Gunpla World Tournament and take the Gunpla world by storm. (Source: MAL)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: All Ages
  • Date aired: 2013-10-07 to 2014-03-31
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 1281
  • In favorites: 116
  • Popularity Rank: 2050
  • Episode count: 25
  • Episode duration: 25 min/ep
  • Total duration: 10 h. 25 min.
  • Genre: Action , Sci-Fi , Mecha
Reviews - 2015-06-17 03:28:11

Story- The story is predictable and standard, but the characters and the action make this story very entertaining. The only complaint I have is that the Arian subplot was never resolved nor explored, making it pointless.

Animation- It was very fluid with no CG! The fights were explosive and breathtaking.

Sound- The ost was very energetic and made me excited for each battle.

Character- The characters developed nicely and were all very likeable and fun to watch.

Enjoyment- The most entertainment in an anime I have had in a while!

xlynch - 2014-10-22 00:33:33

Spoiler Warning beforehand!
I do not know much of the other Gundam timelines as I dabbled only into two specific gundam series, one being Mobile Fighter G Gundam which literally has no ties with the Gundam universe and one being Gundam 00 which is one of the newer gundam series to have come out. In this story instead of Gundams to be the giant war machines used by colonies for conquest, they instead take form of the hobby of Gunpla. Only catch is that the Gunpla you build can be used to battle in an arena.

Story: Onto the story of Gundam Build Fighters, it is to be honest one of the typical tropes that most anime come to bring out which is the tournament format where we have the main protagonists enter the tournament in order to challenge a rival which has defeated them before. Sei is a boy that possesses the ability to build very powerful Gunpla but lacks the ability to control them until he meets Reijin a strange boy that although he lacks common sense, he's able to pilot his Gunpla magnificently. The two are defeated by someone in a battle and swear that they will battle him once again in the Gunpla Tournament World Championship. Meanwhile another underlying story takes place but is quite often overshadowed from the fights. At times the story can be very predictable as in many occasions I pointed out what was going to happen and was quite surprised in what I predicted came through. The story is not bad but just predictable and normal at that.

Animation: Now for the animation. The animation is where I believe this particular show shines in. I'm not talking about the character designs or whole background of the show as in some cases they are quite generic looking. I would go far enough to say that Reijin looks almost like Masquerade from Bakugan Battle Brawlers just with red hair. It is the battles. The battles in this show are intense, highly entertaining, and visually appealing. They sure as hell don't make sense but I would compare the battles in this like those comparitively to Gurren Lagann. They don't have to make sense. This is one of the series where you just have to turn off your brain and enjoy the battles.

Sound: Now the soundtrack in this show is not very outstanding. There's nothing particular that sticks to you with the exception of one song and that is Yuuki's theme which I believe the translation for it is The Passion of the Ordinary Flamenco. It is possibly the one soundtrack in my opinion that stands out. There are other renditions of it in the soundtrack but it is very distinctive due to its Latin/Spanish music influence. In the beginning it sounds very stupid and out of place but as you hear it gradually, it literally blends very well with the battles and fights taking place

Character: Now as I said this anime takes the typical tropes and that is to be said about the characters as well. Reijin is the typical hot blooded protagonist that usually rushes in without thinking twice about the situation and he acts as the arms and legs of the duo. Sei is the typical shy and intellectual of the two acting as the brain of the duo. There are multiple other characters that have their own indepth story and personalities but it would take too long to explain them all. To sum it up the characters are as well good but do not stand out to me as I stated

Enjoyment: As predictable and cliche as this series is, I was quite pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it that much as I did. When I enjoy anime it usually falls into two categories, one is the psychological and intellectual category say like Death Note or Code Geass and the other is the mindless fun category where it's like Gurren Lagann. As predictable as the series one I could not help myself getting caught up in the battles and fights and get immersed in all the robotic action goodness that is Gundam Build Fighters. It is not for everyone however. If you're looking for an impressive story and characters, this is not the show. However if you're looking for mindless fun and epic fights blown out of proportion, this is your show. You honestly forget sometimes that the fights taking place are with little Gunplas. 

Overall: This series is not without faults as I stated with its cliche format and typical anime tropes but however as I stated this show is awesome for Gundam fans as you will be able to see Gundams from different timelines and universes duke it out and the battles within the show get pretty ridiculous and get higher and higher in scale. This show is not for everyone but like I said it is quite enjoyable is you turn off your brain and watch the robotic battles galore.

nolan10 - 2014-03-15 00:29:18

Gundam Build Fighters is what happens when you take one of the longest running anime franchises, and try to make a children's show out of it, then succeed. The jokes are silly, the characters are very thin, but that is okay, because when it comes down to it, the show just makes you happy.

Story : 6.

Okay, so the story doesn't win any awards. The main character Sei Iori finds a random dude from another universe who happens to be a prince, and then invites this prince (To be refered to as Reiji, his name) to his house so he can pilot his plastic gun dam model. They then enter the world tournament for Gunpla Battle, so Sei can be like his dad, who came in second place during one of the first tournaments. And where is his dad you may ask? Who the fuck knows, all we know is his mother is now running the family model shop. The plot is basic, but to the point, and it serves its purpose for a children's' anime.

Animation : 10.

The animation is smooth, the fights are gorgeous, and the models look quite in place (granted this is more or less a giant advertisement to buy gunpla). The backgrounds are nicely done, and while the animation does have a few

rough frames, they are usually for some comedic aspect of the show.

Sound : 8.

The sound design is good, but the music is only really noticeable during the battles, and there aren't all too many tracks they have for them. On the bright side, the music does not detract from the show in any way, and it feels like it was well placed.

Character: 8.

This show has a lot of it. From modded gundam, to an Italian womanizer, to an alien price, to a normal art student, the cast is huge, and so are the references. This show brings in gundam spanning all of the series, as well as adding its own to the mix. There are also constant references to events in the other series, such as specific units, characters, and even episode numbers!

Enjoyment : 9.

Its fun, okay? Not Kill la Kill jaw dropping fun, nor Gurren Laggan fun. It also isn't a masochistic Neon Genesis Evangelion fun, and if you were looking for a deep plot, stay the fuck away. But if you want to sit down for 25 minutes at a time, and watch Sei Iori, Reiji, and too many side characters for me to name have a good time battling gundam models, building new creations, and, basically, enjoying childhood, then you can get something out of it.

Overall: 9.

It has flaws, It does not have a plot. But god damn if it is not entertaining. There is a lot you can get out of it, and since it is free on youtube by gundaminfo, you have nothing to lose.

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