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The story revolves around the daily misadventures of 5 glasses-wearing high school boys who are members of the "Glasses Club" and their antics resulting from their shared passion for eyewear, most especially, their ultimate goal to make functioning "X-ray glasses." (Source: Zinc-view, Wikipedia)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2013-10-07 to 2013-12-23
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 11182
  • In favorites: 15
  • Popularity Rank: 3169
  • Episode count: 12
  • Episode duration: 23 min/ep
  • Total duration: 4 h. 36 min.
  • Genre: Comedy , Slice of Life , School
fritsch.keely - 2014-10-24 03:21:13

This is one of the few shows I actually dropped and then undropped. Did I make the right decision? Possibly. 


The story is basically this. A club of five high school boys wish to make X Ray glasses. The story resolves around the characters and their love for glasses and their friendship. Over the course of the show, we revisit the boys making the X Ray glasses only to fail multiple times. So, this is their chronicles of their love of glasses and friendship.

Okay, the story is actually...pretty unique? I guess? I've never seen a show where a plot it ~literally~ about glasses. The problem is is that the story is really...stupid. The first episode is probably the bulk of stupid since it clearly tried to ripoff Free! from the season before. Actually, that's why I dropped this originally. Eventually, though, picking it up again, the similarities stopped. The jokes are nice and an entire show about glasses is different. Sure, I don't like the show, but I can't stop watching it.

For animation, I have to say. I've never seen something animated in this way before. It's nice and different. The animation is probably the best out of everything for me. You can actually tell Studio DEEN had a pretty high budget for this one, lol. 

The sound is decent. I like the little "WE ARE MEGANEBU!" during the eyecatch. I sang it every time it came up tbh.

The characters? Actually, they're pretty fun.

We've got Soma Akira, the leader of the Glasses Club. Obvious he loves glasses. He's the most interested in the creating the X-Ray glasses, so I guess that makes him the main protagonist? I don't know. I kind of like this character, especially how he always cries "MEGANE!" when he's down, ha ha. Funny.

Then we got Mitsuki Kaminanti. The first year character. He doesn't get along well with the character Hayato for reasons I'll explain later. Okay, this guy is cute and I love his passion to be in the Glasses Club. Also his smiling is DAZZLING. He's a fun guy.

Then we got Takuma Hachime. The cheerful, clumzy guy whom is doted on by his two older brothers. This guy is a pretty nice character. It's nice to see him struggle to take care of his glasses. I enjoy that about him. Makes him stand out in a way!

Then we got Yukiya Minabe. The childhood friend with plenty of technology. He's also kind of the quiet stoic in my eyes. I like this character as much as I like the others despite how he's barely in the show. 

Finally, we've got Hayato Kimata, the fake glasses wearer. Basically the, what have you "Meg Griffin" of this series. Always made fun of for wearing fake glasses and basically ignored by everyone in the club for it. Still, he tries to fit in with the glasses club, and I find that kind of adorable. For that, I adore him. He's actually pretty adorkable.

Enjoyment? Well, this show is pretty bad, but I found it entertaining. If you want something that'll kill time for...three hours, I'd say try this. It's actually enjoyable despite how it's not any good, ha ha. 

auer.zoila - 2014-05-05 18:44:01

Meganebu! is about a group of adorkable high school boys who are obsessed with glasses. So obsessed that they create a club for glasses and try to create glasses that can see through anything. Their seemingly impossible dream leads to all kinds of hilarious hijinks.

I highly recommend this anime to anyone who needs a good laugh. Meganebu! is so obsurd you can't help but laugh out loud. It also, has a strong message about the importance of friendship, family, and that even misfits can find a place to belong.

wilma61 - 2013-12-23 18:31:08

In a sense, the arguably best thing to do in life is being open minded and letting something play out all the way before judging. With Meganebu! the first episode doesn't really spell out the actual quality of the anime through it's plot or its character design. It doesn't have the fan service guys and gals were expecting. If you were expecting bouncing Ta-Ta's then you'll probably be let down, because the only female in this anime is an old lunch lady...unless you're into that...Back on subject, it doesn't have the best music (though I did love the opening and closing sequences). But what it does have is a beautifully saturated world filled with quirky personality.

The world of Meganebu! is a world that seems all too familiar, at least to me. A club of five guys with the passion for all things glasses. The group, especially club leader Soma, wants to build x-ray glasses so they can see through the school nurses outfit. A grade A group of idiotic perverts. All though this is a main theme throughout the anime, what makes it interesting is the relationships between the five guys. Their male bonding is the main concept of the show and is what builds itself to its climax. If you have the time watch the anime with the understanding that even with the misleading giant robots, exploding x-ray glasses, feministic males and strange premise, is only a fragment of what the anime is about then you can find this anime to be a original gem.

This Slice of Life anime has a comedic style that's cross between slapstick and deadpan, which most attention spans don't seem to enjoy now-a-days. It's a very niche anime that oozes odd humor. So if you are not a fan of that style, that's fine.

If you enjoy watching something just to pass the time, get a few laughs and see what it would feel like being in a group of absolute weirdos obsessed with 眼鏡 - Glasses - then this anime is one you should check out.

Not to spoil the ending but how I said the plot doesn't really do anything for the story in the beginning, the last two episodes was what made the series seem fairly decent to most anime standards when it comes to the Slice of Life genre.

No its not the best anime of 2013, nor is it the worst. Just watch it with an open mind and expect to understand life a little better.

No glasses, no life.

arielle.hamill - 2013-10-16 03:55:08

Insul's Challenge: Meganebu!

In the first minute of this show I was presented with a question: "would you like to see a woman naked?" to which I replied, hell yeah I would. What followed was a giant robot that turned into a pair of glasses (hue hue) and then exploded, which unfortunately did not kill the cast and end the series. Instead, the rest of the episode focused on the "Glasses Club" trying to build these x-ray glasses to view a nurse naked, because they are virgins it is their life's dream to do so. There are some crazy antics and some fanservice involving Sasuke taking his shirt off ( ) but that is really all that this show amounts to.

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