A Certain Scientific Railgun S
とある科学の超電磁砲SMikoto Misaka and her friends are back, investigating rumors across Academy City. Soon, Mikoto discovers something terrifying: horrific experiments are taking place throughout the city, involving the murder of thousands of espers. Moreover, these espers are far from just ordinary people: they are clones of Mikoto herself. Feeling responsible for their treatment, she sets off to put an end to the experiments; however, the forces opposing her are much more dangerous than she anticipated, and Mikoto finds herself up against some of the most powerful espers imaginable.Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S continues the story of the Railgun as she desperately fights to put an end to the inhuman experiments that she believes she helped cause, her life dragged deep into despair in the process. There's never a dull moment in Academy City, but no one ever said all of them would be pleasant. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

jorge.moen - 2017-04-12 23:47:25
Better than season one. Glad to see Accelerator and Touma got their stories lengthened. I may just have to go read the source material!

ernser.ewald - 2017-01-24 01:02:47
Normally on shows with split seasons like this I leave one review for the whole series and go about my day. However, the Sisters Arc is hands down one of the best things I have watched. If you watched Index, then you know about this arc, but instead of Gary Stu, the Right Hand of Justice I Do No Wrong, we are blessed with Misaka Mikoto who is such a phenomenal character that you almost wish the entire Raildex series put her at the center.
Animation get’s my nod of approval, and the plot is great too. It becomes quite dark (relatively), and it shows Misaka as more than just a wildly zapping damsel in distress. It really shows her struggle with everything going on in the arc, and she truly feels human (albeit no real middle school student would have the same responses, but my brother always said everyone in anime is 18+ no matter what, so I am sure it’s fine).
TL;DR Biribiri > A Certain Cliched Fanservice

leora02 - 2015-12-31 19:29:05
Story 1: The story takes place sometime after the first season. The bad guys' plans are ruined, Kiyama reunites with the children, and the girls go back to their normal lives... it doesn't last long however, as Mikoto Misaka discovers girls that look just like her. She then finds out about the existence of the Radio Noise sisters that are being used in the Level 6 Shift, an experiment where they are killed in order for the highest-ranking Level 5, Accelerator, in order to achieve Level 6.
Afraid of putting her friends in any danger, Misaka decides to go solve the mystery of the incidents herself, go into the tree diagram, get her revenge on the scientists from long ago, and put a stop to the experiments once and for all (with the help of someone unlikely).
I know a lot of people consider this to be one of, if not, the best story arc in the franchise, but I personally find it to be the weakest. Why don't we talk about the things this arc does right? For one, the story is unbelievable, unlike the first arc in the last season, there's always something going on in this one, every time you finish an episode, its impossible to not want to watch the next one. I know I've said that before, but these episodes are really addicting and intense, even in the more talkative scenes, its intense and shocking. The twists and turns this has are really well handled and for the most part executed nicely too. Plus, this also gives way for some development for Misaka, since she was the only main character to not get any in the last season.
And now for the problems. Remember what I said in the last review on how it did just the right amount of balance between action and letting the character breathe? Well sadly this arc (which by the way took about SIXTEEN EPISODES to fill!) has WAY TOO MUCH ACTION! There is barely anytime for characters and environments to calm down, its always loud noises, violence, crazy stuff, it gets really tiring and you just want it all to end already! And then there is Misaka herself. While I said before that I like her, and I'm glad she gets developed, that excuse the fact that she gets WAY too much screen time and hogs the spotlight from her friends, and I liked those girls! Part of what made the show work for me in the past was the interactions between the four girls, but it just focuses on Misaka which to me, is a let down.
And speaking of which, that is probably my second biggest complaint with this arc. I love Misaka, but her actions in this are questionable at best and aggravating at worst, the stuff she does and says really make me scratch my head and boil my blood sometimes. I'll get to why in the character section, but its... something I suppose.
The villain's in this aren't as bad as the one in the second arc, but not as good as the one in the first arc though. The girls are annoying at first and stuck up, but they seem to have good chemistry and act like a cool team... though they only show for one episode to do evil and then occasionally show from time to time not doing much. They seem like the main girls in a way with how they sometimes act, but the comedy isn't very good compared to the first season. Also, there's also some crazy talks and complicated explanations much like the first arcs but unlike them, I had a very difficult time comprehending them, it legitimately hurt my brain trying to think about it :c
Accelerator is, mediocre. I don't know what he's like in Index, but his design is over the top and his motivation is half assed in this. That's all I gotta say. At least he's kind of entertaining, but he also is annoying in how clichéd and jerkish he is so I can't give points.
Overall this arc was the weakest in my opinion, but at least it had a satisfying conclusion and was fine at some parts, but it longed over stayed its welcome (by the way, I'll talk about the sisters themselves later on in the character section)
Story 2: The girls come across a curious white-haired girl named Febri, who appears to know Mikoto personally and is cautious around her at all times. Meanwhile, the mysterious organization begins their next plan to show their power against espers, said thing involves Febri and another (which I won't spoil who). After finding out about who Febri is, the girls make a vow to stop the evil organization and save Febri and *spoiler* from their twisted fate.
I find this arc slightly better than the first, mainly cause of the awesome ending and climax (which I will not dare give away), but that's not the only reason. The explanations are handled better than the last one, the main girls all get a good amount of screen time again (and Misaka explains the situation to her friends instead of doing the same thing AGAIN!), and the mystery surrounding the little girl is great.
While the relationship between her and Mikoto could have been stronger and better paced, it wasn't too bad in all honesty. The pacing wasn't so bad, and there are some good callbacks to the previous arcs that are vital to the story telling. However sadly, the villains are the absolute worst in this, no depth or good motives, and just to make matters worse, that damn bitch in the climax of last season shows up again! I didn't want to see her back, I wanted her dead! Oh and speaking of, WHERE THE FUCK IS HARUMI KIYAMA!?
So yea, sadly there is nowhere as much slice of life as before, only two episode out of twenty six had slice of life and I think they're the best mainly cause of the drawn out fights and talk from those SIXTEEN EPISODES beforehand!
Animation: Character designs are the same, but for the new characters they present, some look good (like the secondary good guys), while others look awful (like the evil scientists). The new backgrounds look pretty unimaginative and dull looking especially compared to a place called Academy City. The action on the other hand is unbelievable. It's been upped to a degree and is more awesome this time around, the angles, the usage of powers, the stakes, its all so real and very well animated! Lip syncing is still just as prominent, and things are on model fine.
Sound: The voice acting is still top notch, what more is there to be said? Though the villains sound obnoxious at parts.
Sadly I don't think the music is as good as the other two. Both EDs and OPs have alright choruses but forgettable verses, but hey, at least the animation on them is great~
Characters: The girls are still the same as ever, and even though I complained about Mikoto and what she did, but I guess since she was the only main girl that hadn't gone through all the development, I guess it would make sense to give Misaka more screen time, but I don't think its a very good reason since I really like the girls together. I'm glad they tried to develop her, but I didn't think it was done the best.
I know its supposed to develop her character and she doesn't want to put her friends in any danger, but there's only so much I can handle seeing her not tell her friends anything and have them say stuff like 'if there's anything you want to talk about or something that's bothering you, just let us know, we can talk about it'. And I wouldn't mind if they said it like once, but they bring it up multiple times that Mikoto should tell someone about her problems and not handle it all by herself. Fucking Touma even does this (On the flipside at least he contributes more in the show and is not as generic as before)! I was also hoping someone else would call her out and/or eventually find out about her expedition, since the girls were always so suspicious about it... but nope! Never finds out about the sister thing at all or even ask Mikoto a thing. Well at least she learns her lesson AFTER she commit it and gets into a new problem in the next story arc.
I won't talk about the other girls this time since I would just be repeating myself, so let's talk about the sisters. The relationship between them and Mikoto could have been done stronger, since they only share a few scenes together, and it includes them not getting along so well, but they are actually pretty interesting characters. They go by different names but all act and feel the same. The girls talk in first person and narrate the things they do in a monotone voice, which is pretty intriguing with the way they were written, as they experience new things slowly and surely, even in peril, they seem to look different emotions even when they don't sound it. I kind of grew on them by the time the story was done.
The little girl Febril, is a curious young girl who has a child-like innocence and shares an interest in Gekota, particularly a pink Gekota puppet she persuaded Mikoto to give her. She irritated me at first with how annoying she was, but as she played a bigger part and we found more of her backstory, I didn't dislike her as much.
Shinobu (I think that's her name) is an interesting character, but she reminds me too much of Kiyama from the first season, right down to the bagged eyes and wanting to help save someone she cares deeply about. Her design and motives are nice at the very least.
And like I said, Touma isn't as bad as before and plays a bigger part in the season (and we find out more hidden depths for Misaka which is cute).
That girl Kuroko hates is a character I really warmed up to now, she's definitely not just talk too and is pretty nice, can't see why Kuroko hates her. Also Misaka has one herself who is a bitch I think(?) and has no purpose in this. God, what is with these shows in having characters who are great, bad, or share no point in the story? :S
Enjoyment: While I didn't like this as much as the first season (even with the awesome climax, it still was a pain in the ass to sit through SIXTEEN episodes of one story arc that could have easily been shortened a little bit), I do still recommend it if you're a fan of the first season and wanted to see more Misaka and more action.
Overall: What I said above enjoyment :P
Pros: Mikoto is still awesome as always, she gets some development, the action is even more epic, the climax is one of the best in all of anime, the callbacks are great, the sisters and concepts are interesting, still great voice cast, nicely done twists and turns, is intense in some parts.
Cons: First story arc DRAGS, Mikoto's actions in some aspects are cringing, pacing could have been better, the villains are worse than last time, there's not as much screen time with Misaka's friends, music isn't as good, dull backgrounds, Harumi Kiyama isn't in this, Febirl is pretty annoying in the beginning.
Thanks for reading my 98th review and I'll see you next year in 2016~ :D

mhuels - 2015-06-28 05:42:36
Spoiler free because im not a dick.
Story 9/10 : The overall story and progression improved compared to the first season. It drew me in and made me want to binge watch the series.
Animation 8/10 : The art and animation is really good, its not the best I have seen obviously but it gives the show a really good atmosphere along with good character design, nothing too drastic is done to make the characters look like weaboo trash.
Sound 9/10 : This show has some kick ass opening songs. The OST's that are heard through the series are good as well. Also, Imagine Breaker making that high pitched sound every time it negates something is just kick ass.
Enjoyment 10/10 : I REALLY enjoyed this season of Railgun, it kept me on the edge of my seat and was very well done, every part of it was executed perfectly. The comedic parts gave me a good laugh and the cast made the show very enjoyable for me!
Overall 9.5/10 : Give me Railgun Season 3 pls.

agleason - 2013-12-16 05:05:22
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun is a side story of Toaru Majutsu no Index. For Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S, it covers the Sister's Arc that spans over 16 episodes as compared to 5 episodes in the original series, and its in the viewpoint of Misaka Mikoto, instead of Touma. The second arc, Silent Party, is a new anime-only arc that is not featured in the light novels and manga.
In order to give a fair assessment of the story, I will be breaking it up into two parts. The first part, assessing the Sister’s Arc, and the second, assessing the Silent Party Arc.
Story – Sister’s Arc (10/10):
"Will you do what it takes to save someone? What if you don't succeed?"
This is the main theme of the Sister's Arc.
Assuming that you’ve already watched the Season 1 of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, it was about how Misaka Mikoto and her friends work together to defeat the evil that exists in Academy City (Gakuen-toshi).
This is not the case in Railgun S, especially for the sister’s arc. This time, (SPOILER STARTS HERE) Misaka Mikoto is alone and has to solve the problem by herself. What problem you may ask? She has to make up for her mistake when she was tricked into giving scientists her DNA map back when she was a little girl, which led to the production of 20,000 sisters. These “sisters” were made so that they can be killed in order to make Academy City’s strongest level 5 esper, Accelerator, become a Level 6. (SPOILER END)
Yes, this arc has actually been done in Toaru Majutsu no Index, but in this case, its way more detailed and shows the events that lead up to Mikoto’s despair. Every episode is interesting and it contributes to the understanding of us, the viewers, of Misaka Mikoto’s pain in this ordeal as she realizes that no matter what she does, it ends up in failure and as more and more of her plans get thwarted, the solutions decrease. Just how is she supposed to do something about it when she cannot do anything? (なにもできな).And what we are given is an amazing arc with extremely dark, sad and exciting moments throughout.
To add, the battle scenes were done extremely well such that you actually get to see both perspectives of the antagonists and the protagonists. Also, the screenplay was done so well that you might find yourself rooting for the characters, wanting them to get back up and fight and overcome this ordeal.
Not to mention, the closure of the Sister Arc in Railgun S is done extremely well. It is a true closure, showing (SPOILER WARNING) Accelerator’s true reason for participating in the experiments, the Sisters’ acknowledgement of Mikoto’s struggle, (SPOILER END) and the smile back on Mikoto’s face. I couldn’t have asked for a better closure for the sisters’ arc.
Story – Silent Party Arc (7.5/10)
This arc is an anime exclusive arc and is not featured in the manga or light novels. That being said, unfortunately, the expectations set by the sister’s arc is way too high, and this arc is unable to reach those marks.
This arc (SPOILER ALERT) is about Misaka and her friends discovering a mysterious girl named Febri, who is linked to an underground organization that aims to take over Academy City. (SPOILER END)
This arc was developing a little bit way too slowly at times, and was not as interesting, leaving me bored in a lot of the episodes, especially the first few, such as episodes 18, 19 and 20. In addition, the story was not presented as well since the atmosphere meant to be created was lackluster. Meaning, parts where are supposed to make you anxious do not do so, which left you with an “Oh, okay.” Not to mention, (SPOILER ALERT) they created a “time bomb” for Febri such that she only has as long to live as the number of lollipops she has, but yet, it was rushed and as a result, felt like it was solved too easily. Worst of all, the antagonists of this arc were bragging so much about their inventions, but yet were so easily defeated. To add, the last scene with Mikoto destroying the warhead was sort of anticlimactic.
Now that the negatives are out of the way, what’s done extremely well in this arc is the link back to the previous arcs. The relation to the previous arcs adds to the story greatly such that it is easier for the viewers to relate to the story.
From episode 21 to 24, the episodes were interesting again as we find out more and more about the mysteries and secrets behind Febri as well as the plans that the antagonists have.
And perhaps the greatest aspect about this arc is portraying the friendship that Mikoto has with her friends, mainly Kuroko, Uiharu and Saten. It truly shows what being friends is about - Helping each other in times of need, and to rely on one another. Their example, I believe, is something that everyone should learn from.
All and all, even though this arc was not presented as well, it was still interesting nonetheless. Not forgetting the awesome fight scenes that were presented to us.
Art (10/10)
The art is once again done by JC Staff. If you liked the art in the first season, you'll definitely like the art in Railgun S. Moreover, the fighting scenes are amazing. Misaka's electricity, (SPOILER WARNING) Mugino's Meltdowner, Selvirun's bombs... (SPOILER END) each scene is just so crisp and detailed.
(HUGE SPOILER) In episode 16, you can see that Accelerator’s plasma just looks so detailed and amazing that it actually might send chills down your spine and show just how powerful Accelerator really is. (SPOILER END)
Sound (10/10)
The soundtrack this time, in Railgun S, is great as well. The soundtrack matches the scenes perfectly. Sad soundtrack for sad scenes, eerie soundtracks for serious scenes, and exciting soundtrack for the action scenes. All are pivotal in immersing the viewer, and its done perfectly.
The Opening for the first 16 episodes is Sister's Noise, yet another catchy piece by FripSide. If you liked the openings for Railgun Season 1, Only My Railgun and LEVEL 5 Judgelight, you'll definitely like this. The ending is Grow Slowly by Iguchi Yuka, voice actor for Index. In a few of the episodes, the ending was Stand Still, also by Iguchi Yuka. It was extremely fitting for those episodes and it might just send a tear down your eye. The opening for the next few episodes is Eternal Reality by FripSide, and the ending is Links by Sachika Misawa, voice actor for Meigo Arisa in the Endymion no Kiseki movie.
As for the voice acting, Rina Satou did an amazing job voicing Mikoto, especially the moments when it shows her despair and struggles, something not many voice actors would be able to portray well.
Character (10/10):
The characterisation of Misaka Mikoto is perhaps one of the best part of the series. In Railgun S1, we see that she's this cheerful tsundere that loves to hang out with her friends. In Railgun S, this changes drastically... We can see that she is no longer as cheerful, but instead very depressed. Each episode you can see her in such a depressed state, not knowing what to do. When I saw this, I really could empathise with Misaka, and wish that she would actually go back to her cheerful self, just like Kuroko does.
Moreover, in the silent party arc, you can see that Mikoto actually learns from her mistakes and not make the same ones that she did in the sister’s arc. Now that’s character development for you.
To add, in season 1, Kuroko was just this lesbian that was good in upholding justice. In Railgun S, yes, she’s still a lesbian but throughout the episodes, we ca see just how much of a friend she is to Mikoto and how much their friendship has developed since the season 1.
Enjoyment (9/10)
I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed Railgun S. Every episode is exciting and kept me on the edge of my seat, excited to see what's going to happen next and how the writers are going to overlap the scenes with those in Index. Though the silent party arc was boring at the beginning. I still enjoyed myself greatly.
Overall (9/10)
Yes, the Silent Party Arc had its downfalls, and though it wasn't that bad, I don’t think that it is fair to dock points off the series just because of that. The sister’s arc was done amazingly, a masterpiece, if you will. That alone is enough to pull the series up by a few points and considering how fitting the music is and how beautiful the art is, its justifiable to give this series a 9/10. And if you haven’t watched it yet, do yourself a favor and go watch it now.

emelia40 - 2013-10-12 08:58:15
To aru kagaku no railgun S in contrast to To aru kagaku no railgun 1st season, railgun S has more of a plot than railgun 1st season. However of course, not saying that the first season was bad but railgun S really pulled up the standard of the Railgun series, notably in the Sisters Arc. Overall, great show.

bridgette.prosacco - 2013-07-26 07:10:35
*Written 15 episodes into the series (Will update after completed)
My first impression video on the first few episodes.
I’ll try to keep the spoilers at a minimum but there shouldn’t be a need to do that if you watched Toaru Majutsu no Index.
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S picks from the first season and focuses on The Sisters Arc when Misaka finds out there were clones made from her DNA to be used to shift the strongest level 5 esper, Accelerator, to level 6.
The series starts out back to Misaka’s daily life at Academy City along with her roommate Shirai and their friends Saten and Uiharu. The first few episodes is more focused on the slice of life aspect, but soon after it dives deep into the darkness that is the Sisters. After Misaka discovers about the Level 6 Shift and the thousands of Misaka clones killed off, she makes an effort to stop the experiment by destroying facilities involved with it. As she dives deeper and deeper into the inner workings of the experiment, she starts developing a sort of self-loathing and guilt.
What really captivated me (in particular) about this series is the developing relationship of Misaka and Touma. As you already know, Touma is not the main character but still plays an important role in world. Although his appearance is rare and short, it sparks a lot of interest as to what will happen between him and Misaka. Obviously there will be some flirting which I quite enjoy watching, but there is always something different and exciting that happens when he shows up.
Story – 9
Story is quite original, featuring both slice of life and action into it. As stated, the series is centered on the Sister Arc, which had been briefly covered in Toaru Majutsu no Index. However, more detail and care into how Misaka faces her predicament is applied and gives a more focused perspective from her view.
Although I cannot give this a 10, it is near there for being very entertaining. Some episodes seem repetitive when referring to Misaka’s actions. Overall the story is going along quite well and I’m looking forward to the remaining episodes.
Characters – 9
This is just my personal opinion, but all the characters are well developed and presented. They all have their own roles that fulfill who they are in each scene. There is not an excessive number of characters that completely overwhelm the entire series like I see in other anime. You can pretty much know most of characters easily and what their personalities are without getting lost. This is probably because most of them don’t appear generic, each is unique in their own way. But I also cannot give this category a perfect 10, mostly because all characters seem too predictable at times and remain unchanged.
Art – 9
I love the art style of J.C. Staff so this might be completely bias, but I think an 8 is most reasonable. The animation in this series is very beautiful and sharp. Everything is drawn very crisp and lush which I find very pleasing to the eye. The transition from chibi back to regular is also fluent and not over-exaggerated. I might be repeating myself at this point but rest assure the scores are 9 for a reason. Compared to season 1, there has been no change in animation at least not that I’m aware of. This is not particularly a bad thing, in fact it keeps things consistent but it would have been nice if they did something different that would wow us.
Music – 10
I would definitely have to give this category a 10 for it is just beautiful. The music is very captivating and stays true to the emotions and feel from the first season.
The 1stOpening, “sister’s noise’ by fripSide, is a perfect fit and matches with its previous counterpart “only my railgun” also by fripSide.
The 1stEnding, “Grow Slowly” by Yuka Iguchi and “stand still” in Episode 11 and 14 were very emotional and presents the feelings Misaka is going through very well.
Enjoyment – 8
I’d definitely say this series has been enjoyable so far. With its seriousness at the intense scenes and the slice of life bits in the middle, it has a good balance that keeps me wanting to watch more. My only problem is that it may get a little (just a little) repetitive at times (might have mentioned before). Still, I thoroughly enjoy this series thus far.
Overall – 9
Great anime. Would definitely recommend. I'd give it a thumbs up!

zachary.runolfsson - 2013-07-24 09:42:59
The original railgun was boring as shit, it was a good idea, there just wasn't enough actual story content to fill the 24 episodes they decided to make. The first few episodes were pretty good but then it devolved to blatant fanservice and repetitive situations. Railgun S takes the standard set by the original series majutsu no Index and blows it out of the water. Its amazing storyline completely overshadows the fact that the original railgun wasnt that good.
The series is centered around Misaka Mikoto, one of the characters from Toaru Majutsu no Index. In a town which trains people to become more than just human she is one of the most powerful, the level 5's. Touted as the 3'rd strongest at such a young age Misaka is different because she worked her way up to her strength. The story is about her daily life and struggles being one of the strongest in a town where everyone's goal is to get to where she is.
Hey guys you cant take off yet I left my bag in the back seat.
She understandably has trouble making friends, but as time goes on she gets a pretty good group of close friends by her side, and gets to act like a normal girl for a while.
From left to right: Shirai- The slutty one who just wants to explore her sexuality, Uiharu- The stoner who actually has flowers growing out of her hair, Saten- Lord prince of darkness, Misaka- the railgun
The problem is she's not normal, seriously though, this girl looks cute, she's dangerous as fuck...
The first guys you ever see hitting on her are dead by the 5-minute mark of the original series. Her namesake railgun can take out a building with a quarter as a projectile.
She is seriously not to be fucked with, which makes this series where the normal people in her life do normal things to her, thoroughly enjoyable.

caleigh16 - 2013-07-01 17:42:55
* This review was written 18 episodes in, and I will update it when I finish the series. Also, feel free to post in my feed if you notice anything wrong with my review.
I've seen many reviews say "mild spoilers," but I won't include spoilers, because many of you are probably going to read this before you get into the anime.
If you haven't watched Toaru Majutsu no Index, you should probably go watch it now. It would also help to watch To Aru Kagaku no Railgun to have a background of the characters. If you don't know, the series order is Index > Railgun > Index II > Railgun S.
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S is a sequel to Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, and is a side story to Toaru Majustu no Index, but even though it is a side story, I feel like this is more enjoyable than the parent story. Railgun S focuses more on the Sisters Arc, which also occurs in the first season of To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Story - 10
Like I said before, the story is based on the Sisters Arc, which is portrayed in Index. In Railgun S, they show it in more detail from the perspective of Misaka Mikoto. It dives deeper into the emotion and scale of the project than Index, and is definitely portrayed in a more emotional and enjoyable manner. I won't be talking in detail about what's in the story, because I would end up spending a whole day on this review and it would just be a bunch of spoilers for those who haven't seen it.
Railgun S has both slice of life and action scenes, and it elegantly combines and displays the two with every episode. It's also able to show comedic scenes without ruining the overall serious plot running in the story. It is definitely engaging and will keep you wanting more after each episode.
I rated this section a 10, because the way the Sisters Arc has been portrayed is absolutely astounding. Because of this, the Sisters Arc has become one of my favorite arcs in all of anime.
After the Sisters Arc is an anime-original arc, which will hopefully be just as good. It seems as though it will focus a bit more on slice of life, but the opening shows some action, too.
Animation/Art - 9
The animation and art of Railgun S is really nice. It's very much able to draw you into the scenes with the well-animated action scenes, but the art isn't a full on masterpiece when compared to other anime that are known for their art. Even though it isn't as good as some other anime in terms of art, it is still very detailed and appealing to look at (as you can see in the screenshots) and the animations/art for this anime is definitely where it needs to be. It's also great how it's able to switch from very detailed art in a serious scene, to simplistic (but still just as amazing) art in a comedic scene.
So in short, like I said, the animations are definitely well above average and thoroughly entertaining to look at, but there are some other anime which have art and animations that are just as good.
Sound - 10
The sound section for Railgun S is rated a 10, because, like the art, it is able to pull you in and it can really make you feel the power and emotion emanating from the scenes.
The Railgun series also has outstanding Openings from fripSide, namely "Only My Railgun", the 1st OP of Railgun, and "Sister's Noise", the 1st OP of Railgun S. The 2nd OP for Railgun S, "Eternal Reality", is, in my opinion, just as good.
Also, the Ending for Railgun S, "Grow Slowly" and the ED of episode 11 "Stand Still" (which I'm listening to as I'm writing this) can really sum up some feelings you get from this show. Though, the EDs aren't as renowned as the OPs.
The soundtrack for this anime definitely contributes to the feeling of the series, and really emphasizes it.
Character - 9
The Railgun series definitely handles the characters better than Index, and each character has their own personality and their own aura when they're in a scene.
The first thing that I noticed about Railgun is that there is much, much, MUCH more character development in it compared to Index. Each character can contribute a lot to the scene with their personalities, and it really adds a lot of enjoyment to the anime. I personally think that watching Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten is much more entertaining than watching Touma and Index. An example of this is Kuroko, because when you see Kuroko in a scene, it's probably going to be funny.
In my opinion, each character is really interesting and they each contribute a lot to the anime. Also, the character development is better than what I've seen in most other anime. The only thing that keeps this from being a 10 is that characters can sometimes be boring (looking at you, Touma), and sometimes predictable (Misaka tsundere, even though Misaka is my favorite character of all time).
Enjoyment - 10
The enjoyment I get from Railgun S is immeasurable. No matter what type of scene it is, action or slice of life, I will enjoy it. Even though it's not perfect (well, to me it is), it's definitely enjoyable and portrays a whole range of emotions.
Even though this may vary from person to person, I really think that almost everyone will enjoy this, too. Even if you didn't like Railgun, Index, or Index II, I DEFINITELY recommend that you watch this, because I think that this is handled much better than all of the previous seasons. Hopefully Index III will be just as good.
Overall - 10 (I think it's a 1,000,000, but others may think it's a 9)
In my opinion, this anime is a 10, because the Enjoyment really weighs a lot on how I rate this anime. Like I said in the enjoyment category, even though it's not perfect, it's definitely enjoyable and portrays a whole range of emotions. And honestly, even if you're discouraged by the previous seasons of Raildex, I think this is on a whole new level.
Bye guys, and I'll leave you with mini Misaka.