The Eden of Grisaia
グリザイアの楽園Grisaia no Rakuen begins right at the end of the previous installment, Grisaia no Meikyuu. Kazami Yuuji is arrested under suspicion for terrorism. A video showing apparently concrete proof that Yuuji committed these acts, and he is held in custody by Ichigaya. Ichigaya knows full well that Yuuji didn't commit the crimes he has been accused of. But he did fail to assassinate Heath Oslo, who is the leader of the terrorist organization with an extremely devastating weapon in their possession. In fact, Ichigaya have their own plans for Yuuji... But all may not be lost for Yuuji. The girls of the Mihama Academy are not about to let Yuuji be used for political gain, and neither may the mysterious new figure which appears before them.

morissette.jamison - 2015-07-19 20:26:22

ilynch - 2015-07-10 13:59:04
personal opinion: story: [3] fan service [9], I hate how this anime build the harem so fucking fast, you feel like theres a huge content missing, tons of great characters that had like a minute of relevant roles in the show, f*cking hate that, but if your looking for a good fan service, then you may want to watch this.

amanda.ernser - 2015-06-26 12:51:40
Plot: Yūji Kazami is taken hostage after the events of the first season Grisaia no Kajitsu. It is up to the Girls in this series to band together and overcome military might and save their husbando. Yes, the story is pretty ridiculous. I can't say that the pacing was the reason as the whole premise of the story couldn't have been helped regardless of how many episodes were in Rakuen. It is a fun watch but there is no substance to the story. Try not to think to hard about why it is what it is. The ending was satisfactory and is a good ending for the characters. Spoilers: Its a Harem ending.
Animation: The animation of Grisaia is good. The character designs are similar to that of the VN and the scenery is also descent and interesting to look at. I would say overall the animation is typical slice of life animation. It is overall very fluid and stays true to the source material
Sound: What I really find great about Grisaia is almost the entire visual novel cast also voices their characters in the anime. The exception being Yuji. All of the main heroines are voiced by the actress that voiced their characters in the PSP version of the game. I thought each character was voice really well and the characters were really able to draw out the emotion of the show. The opening is also very good.
Characters: Outside of Yuji the characters get no more development outside of the events in the original Grisaia no Kajitsu. This season is all about Yuji and him completing the mission his old master gave him.
Enjoyment: As a fan of the novel I enjoyed this series regardless of the crazy story and pacing issues. It was a fun watch. I would recommend playing the Grisaia no Kajitsu VN to get the most out of this series though.
Other: It should also be noted that the first few episodes are from the second visual novel Meikyuu so Raikun is condensed into less then 7 episodes. This makes it feel even more faced paced then it already is.