テイルエンダーズTomoe Shiro, a formidable racer with a very promising career, experiments a U-turn when a serious accident puts his life at stake. He recovers miraculously though when his heart is replaced with the engine of his own racing car. However, because of that very reason, race regulations demote him to the category of a mere mechanical part of the vehicle and is deprived from the right to participate as a pilot in regular races. Only in a far away colonial planet, along with a multitude of other charismatic pilots also vetoed from participating in regular competitions, will he be given the opportunity to race for his pride and the money of the prize. And so this exciting rally starts!! (Source: Official website)

jokon - 2017-01-18 03:41:13
I gotta say, I have no idea what plebeka watched but it wasn’t Tailenders. No, this isn’t a gripping epic sci-fi tale, but does more than just “not bore you”. There is plenty of exposition explaining the universe/situation and the (albeit flimsy) reasoning behind the race. The pacing doesn’t feel rushed at all, especially considering that it’s only 30 minutes long. Yes, it’s an artsy, indie, short film, but it’s a good one.
What this anime succeeds at is pulling you into a universe you know nothing about, and making you care about it and get invested in it. When I finished it I was surprised to see that it was only 30 minutes long because I would have estimated like 50. No, you don’t get a full backstory and blood-type of the main characters, but their characters are developed enough to make you care about what’s happening to them in the current moment. There are many longer anime that don’t even come close to that.
The plot is well-crafted and well executed. Wasn’t my favorite thing in the world, but definitely worth a watch; and I promise it will do better than “not bore you”.

ezemlak - 2014-05-16 20:51:29
Tailenders concept is really alike Redline - a bizzare racing competition.
Except nothing is explained. Nor the setting of the world, nor the reason for the race, neither the reason to participate or how even an operation like that is possible. Tailenders seem to rush through everything, and it doesn't have even half of the budget Redline does, even if it tried to replicate the style. The voice actors did a less-than-perfect job and it doesn't have a very memorable soundtrack. The characters are flat, unexplored and meaningless. It felt like the creators rushed through this production so much.
Even though it tries to achieve a kind of an entertaining madness, it doesn't quite reach it. To give Tailenders some credit, it doesn't bore you during it's very short run.