The Future Diary
未来日記Lonely high school student, Yukiteru Amano, spends his days writing a diary on his cellphone, while conversing with his two seemingly imaginary friends Deus Ex Machina, who is the god of time and space, and Murmur, the god's servant. Revealing himself to be an actual entity, Deus grants Yukiteru a "Random Diary," which shows highly descriptive entries based on the future and forces him into a bloody battle royale with 11 other holders of similarly powerful future diaries. With the last person standing designated as the new god of time and space, Yukiteru must find and kill the other 11 in order to survive. He reluctantly teams up with his obsessive stalker Yuno Gasai (who also possesses such a diary), and she takes it upon herself to ensure his safety. But there's more to the girl than meets the eye, as she might have other plans for her unrequited love...4 [Written by MAL Rewrite]

gilda00 - 2013-09-09 14:59:39
Oh this is one of my favorite anime of all time.
Knowing what will happen in the future with the help of your phone is way extra-ordinary plus a game where you can kill the the diary holder what more can i ask for not to mention the parallel world transfer this is a master piece
This is where i find out the word yandere for Gasai Yuno who's a major killer that's what i like about her

jarrod.shields - 2013-08-31 18:29:32
Although Mirai Nikki isn't the best anime in recent years, it is in my opinion one of the most memorable, and really leaves an impression.
STORY- 7Maybe this is my personal preference, but after reading a quick summary, I knew I had to check this out. Mirai Nikki follows our wimpy protagonist Yukiteru Amano, a shy boy who logs entries in his diary rather than socialize. One day, Yuki realizes that his diary has already written itself for events that have not yet happened. When each diary entry proves to be true, he becomes skeptical and is sucked into is a battle-royale style tournament in which characters of all backgrounds fight for the position of God. It is much more complex than this, though I won't go into details. This plot always kept me guessing, and my favorite element of this show is that no one is safe. However, for the last third of the show, it took a sudden change in plot. New and confusing factors were added, and I found it hard to keep up with who was who, where I was, and just what the hell was going on. Throughout the episodes I found myself pausing to look up the plot so that I could understand everything. If you happen to understand the storyline, then you will either be immensely satisfied with the ending or feeling very cheated, depending on your opinion of the characters. I would definitely recommend the OVA if you feel as though the ending just didn't cut it.
ANIMATION- 8Nothing really stood out with the animation, though in the gorier scenes or when Yuno turns batshit is where the show really shines.
SOUND- 10I have nothing but praise for Mirai Nikki's soundtrack. All openings are memorable and the endings perfectly match the tone of each episode. The soundtrack is great, with my favorite songs being those paired with the suspenseful action scenes. My favorite is definitely OST 3 track 5, which I would recommend you checking out even if you don't plan on watching the show. I watched Mirai Nikki in subs, though at this time Funimation has released Volume 1 of the English dub. As far as voice actors, Tomosa Murata deserves recognition for wonderfully fleshing out Yuno's innocent moments and overbearing insanity.
CHARACTER- 8Mirai Nikki has a very large cast, being a last-man-standing scenario. First we have Yukiteru Amano, our protagonist. I for one could not stand Yuki and found him to be a Shinji Ikari carbon-copy. Although there were moments that I could sympathize with him, it was overruled by the stupid choices he made, lack of character development, and reliance on Yuno. It was strange, halfway through the series it seemed as if he had done a complete flip in personality, but by the end of the show he had reverted to his original self, which made it even more frustrating. Then we have Yuno Gasai. Many watched this show just for her. Probably the most intense and capable yandere in anime, she is the driving force of the show. Even though I didn't particularly like her, I still enjoyed waiting to see what she would do next. With a few exceptions, I would say that these two main characters were my least favorite characters of the show, and I felt as if the supporting cast was much stronger. Without giving too much away, there were characters such as Seventh and Ninth that I could sympathize with much more than Yuno and Yuki. They do a great job of fleshing out each character, even though you know they are temporary.
OVERALL- 8I loved Mirai Nikki. It's fast-paced, emotional, suspenseful, and all-around one of my favorites. The weakest point of this show is that if you aren't paying attention, the story can blow straight past you. This is definitely not one to miss.

dallas.mertz - 2013-08-25 05:43:50
This show is really pathetic and a complete clusterfuck! To say I was disappointed after watching the first 7 episodes will be an understatement. Was expecting a lot from this show considering it's rating and popularity but was quite disappointed in script.
The script writer/mangaka insults the viewers intelligence when he thinks that whatever weird crap he writes people are going to follow and appreciate it. Really a 5 year kid obtains poison gas, antidotes, gas mask without the help of an adult,he has no problem taping the doors and window up to the ceiling and he is perfectly capable of shifting a tied and bound grown woman. Also a girl is able to somehow get a bike out of nowhere while standing in the middle of a ground. Only 7 episodes have passed and already there are no of plotholes which I am not going to delve into more as I don't want to spoil the plot(?) for anyone.

spencer.maurine - 2013-08-16 09:07:54
A show about 12 people who can predict the future fighting to the death. Tell me that did not sound awesome!
Now yes I just explained the premise, the story is not too big, it`s just 12 people fighting to death, with one of them already dying in episode 1, the show is very gory, with blood lots and lots of blood. Even the openings are full if blood, heck the OVA opening is about things turning into blood. It also has a horror element to it, and a lot of times it even turns into thriller/mystery, and it`s also a bit of a psychological anime. The animation is great, it especially shines with blood, cause as I said earlier, they seem to love it a bit too much. The sound is great, the voice acting I superb, they feet almost perfectly, and while the dub only has 1 episode out, and is A LOT DIFFERENT THEN THE SUB, it is nonetheless great as well. And all the songs they have are just superb. The characters are probably the strongest thing about this series, as they are all very different in there own way, and not the type of characters you see in a lot of anime. Well except for the main guy...I enjoyed this anime a lot, and I guaranty that as long as you got the stomach for it, you will enjoy it as well, cause there is a lot of horror & gore in this show. Overall it`s a good show but not good enough, it ended with a lot of deus ex machine moments ( but I guess I should have expected that, considering that the one who started that deth mach is called deus ex... ) and because of that I have to give this anime an 8 out of 10!

ganderson - 2013-08-08 11:12:55
Mirai Nikki is not amazing or revolutionary, but it does have some great aspects to it that make it into an interesting series anyways. Though the watching experience isn't always up to par, the sheer athmosphere and tension which is present from time to time tends to make you more forgiving as a viewer. Unfortunately as a reviewer I can't afford to be as forgiving, and so even though it seemed like a hard series to review at first I felt like there were quite some interesting things to mention, so this one might be a bit long.
The setting reminds of a lot of things; Death Note, Higashi no Eden and Madoka Magica amongst others. These are not small names in the slightest, and in an attempt to compete with any of the above you must be willing and capable to put a lot of thought into whatever it is you wish to accomplish. The main reason why Mirai Nikki failed to do so is the liberty it took in catering the setting to its story. The story's foundation crumbles when the game whereupon the entire story is based doesn't have the strict rules it's supposed to, and the game leader is incapable of enforcing the rules himself. This reduces the setting to a pointless game, where you're left wondering why the contestants even compete in the first place, and why the game even started and was agreed upon.
The contestants themselves are also nothing more than crazed murderers and psychopaths, and why the most psychologically unstable people were chosen as the potential successors to god himself also remains a complete mystery. And there's very little variety even, it's not a contest to see what kind of person would make the best successor, but which psychopath is best at killing the others. So even though the setting seems interesting at first, reminding of such other great anime; as the story progresses it's obvious that it didn't get as much thought and attention as it should have for it to be any real competition.
The lack of attention is especially obvious for the plot, it is uncarefully put together and leaves a lot of holes open for the viewer to question. There is so much wrong with what characters do and don't do in certain situations, and there are a lot of characters and other things appearing out of nowhere. I'm still amazed at how easy it apparently is for a couple of civilians to attain firearms and poisons, and how the contestants are capable of killing tons of innocent bystanders, but refuse to kill each other when given the chance.
But unlike killing and weapons, which are widely used and available, the cast remains hidden for extended periods of time, with just as little reason. Instead of having the game kick off in total chaos with everyone trying to kill each other, the protagonist can conveniently deal with his opponents one by one, being the only interesting target for any of them. Not only is this a poor solution for avoiding complicated storylines, it is also much less interesting to watch.
The cast consists of only a few character types, most of them are murderous psychopaths with a bad history, usually killing in order to become god in the hope that they can make things better for themselves and others. The backstories are intentionally horrifying, with a lot of suffering and pain inflicted upon the character. And while the backstories usually aren't bad at all, this however somehow leads them to doing the same to others. While my gut instinct would lead me to believe that one who has suffered so much him- or herself wouldn't wish it upon others that easily, or at least wouldn't be able of inflicting that harm him- or herself no matter how noble their ultimate goal may be.
This makes the characters very unlikeable and unsympathetic, and even the more 'normal' characters turn out to be like that. They're mainly selfish, violent and cowardly, and these aspects are often glorified by the series. Because of this you won't feel much sympathy towards anyone, and it makes the entire series' intents questionable. Though this isn't always a bad thing, but more on that later.
What is a bad thing though is again the lack of complexity, the characters have one goal they strive for and ignore any other possible rational or emotional impulse. This harms the plot even further, as it doesn't allow for some actual psychological character interactions in a setting which is basically a mind game. The game turns even more into a violent mess, and any tricks and traps don't come from a character's thought process or conversations, but are merely plot-devices and set-ups.
The way the plot functions also leaves quite a few holes in the overall development. A character is brought in, and after revealing their side of the story they are often removed again in one way or another. This makes it so that any development for the side characters is made nearly impossible, leaving their simple characters as they were. The only real character development takes shape in the relationship of the two protagonists, Yukki and Yuno. But, because of the repetitive setup of the arcs, their 'development' falls victim to the same repetition. After an arc they end up at the same point where they started off at, only to go through the same sequence of developments for the next one.
This is mainly the case for the series in its entirety, after the opening arc the story goes through a lot of similar arcs with little change and eventually the final arc brings the story to a conclusion. But ignoring the repetition of the central arcs -- let's say we imagine there being only one arc in between the first and the last one -- we may appreciate a more refined and a much smoother development of the story as a whole. The story can be divided into 3 separate parts this way, somewhat parallel to the stages of recovery one might experience after a traumatic event. The first part presents the trauma itself; the second part gives the protagonist hope, empowerment and a belief in others; and the final part brings him to an understanding of himself and gives him a meaning and overall purpose.
This is also the reason why so many unsympathetic characters are presented one after the other, it generates an image of the series in which it is promoting violence and general bad behavior, only to make a complete turnaround in the end. Because of this the finale did a surprisingly excellent job in bringing the series to a close, more or less mocking itself and its characters in the process. Yuno being the character most befitting of the negative image which was built up throughout the series came to such a self-realisation the most and got the magnificent honor of openly exclaiming the majority of it herself. But the series might have achieved the same thing better if it had left out a lot of the useless middle part, maybe having only around 15 episodes or so.
Though the series can be very interesting, exciting and creepy at times, it fails to maintain it throughout. The many plotholes distract from the action and excitement, leaving you arguing with your monitor or TV-screen instead of paying full attention. And as the plotholes pile up and the plot worsens as a whole you might not be as enthusiastic as you were at first.
The back and forth development will also become repetitive to watch, the differing characters and stories will keep you from absolute boredom, but not all of them will be as interesting and the protagonist-duo won't bring you much relief either all the time. When a character's role has ended you're usually left with Yukki and Yuno in some sort of intermission mainly acting the way they did in the previous one.
The glorification, almost, of all the bad people, the violence and the general sinister nature of the series manages to create an eerie and creepy atmosphere most of the time. Unfortunately they deemed it necessary to interrupt this sometimes by adding some lighthearted slice-of-life or comedy scenes, but it wasn't so often as to be a real bother and they were amusing in their own way. Also, in turn, an interruption of the immersion will of course also result in a lack of real emotion felt with the viewer.
Though most, if not all, character interactions failed to trigger much of a response whatsoever, even when it came to the main cast. Because of the unsympathetic nature of the characters, even though it does serve a purpose in the end, harmed the main storyline in general. Not only was the repetitive plot not that interesting, it also failed to be meaningful or emotional when it tried to be. The only time when any real identification with the characters is made possible is at the ending, which did most of the sentimental work in the series. It is a nice meaningful climax, though the build-up was simply too long and it was too little too late.
Voice acting
The voice acting is good, but a little too exaggerated at times. Yuno's repetitive dialogue, by which I simply mean; her saying Yukki all the time, might get on your nerves at some point but in general it helps increase her creepiness.
The art and animation is good, yet not used at its full potential. Some great and beautiful shots can be seen every now and then, but most of the time the series limits itself to boring and uninteresting ones. So even though they had the resources and capability of producing something genuinely good looking they seemed to lack the creativity to make every scene as visually interesting as they could have. Which is a real shame, seeing as how the (visual) setting and situations would have certainly allowed for it.
The sound is genuinely great; the sound effects, recordings, music and overall sound design adds a whole lot to the viewing experience. They make the scenes more immersive and sometimes manage to bridge a plot-hole or two. The atmosphere often relies heavily on sound, and in Mirai Nikki this also one of the main features which keeps it interesting, despite the interruptions by other bad features every now and then.
Overall personal experience
Mirai Nikki is something which becomes worse over time; as the story progresses more questions are raised, more flaws are found and it's just generally more of the same. And even though they manage to pull off a miraculous ending, admittedly covering quite a bit of the flaws generated over time, it doesn't even come close to covering all of them. It starts off promising, but loses its purpose quickly. The ultimate goal for a long time is reduced to Yukki and Yuno furthering their physical relationship, while many of the emotional aspects of their relationship are never overcome. The main part of the series therefore consists of meaningless repetition, until finally an entirely new purpose to the story is found. I genuinely think the series could have been a hundred times more successful if it had been shorter and less of a drag. It definitely has its moments, but falls short in the end.
Story (setting, plot, development), Animation (art), Sound (sound, voice acting), Character (characters) and Enjoyment (immersion, emersion, overall experience) were split up into more manageable portions so I could remain focused on 1 aspect of the series in an attempt to remain objective and spoiler-free. Also no unnecessary synopsis, and the OP and ED of a series aren't an actual part of the anime! Know that all feedback is appreciated, please use the helpful button as intended, and thanks for reading!

preston23 - 2013-07-19 01:31:36
This is my first review so please bear with me.I absolutely LOVED Mirai Nikki. This was actually my first time watching a psychological thriller. Usually I try to keep safe and watch action and romantic-comedy with a wee' bit of drama. But I ventured out my comfort zone and I was very impressed.The story is a bit confusing, there were times were I had to look-up the plot online, especially when time-travel was thrown in. The only thing that truly bothered me was the main male protagonist being sorta wimpy and winy, having to rely on Yuno through the entire series, except for an episode or two. To be quite honest, despite her being insane, I could really sympathize with Yuno throughout the entire series as well, I was rooting for her and her conquest to win Yuki's (Yukki) heart.

norval13 - 2013-07-04 00:14:01
What to say about Mirai Nikki... it was a blood splattered, terrifying, deeply compelling gore fest very dear to my heart. Well, I suppose that's something to say.
This. Is. Awesome. Starting off with a bizarre premise, you are introduced to Yuki. He is kinda a dork. An unloved dork with no fashion sense and no friends. His imaginary friend, Deus Ex Machina, decides to make his life more interesting by giving his cell phone the ability to read the future. The problem? There are other people with the same gift, and they all want to kill eachother. Because Deus is god you see, but he is slowly decaying. So he wants a worthy successor. And so begins Mirai Nikki, or future diary. The plot is so wonderfully screwed up and offbeat, with so many twists and turns that you get completely lost in it. You will never see anything coming, let me promise you that. And when it does, you will sit back, giggle nervously, and start muttering "holy shit shit holy shit"
*Note-that was a little song. Sing it to yourself while watching this. I did.
They do some wonderful things with blood and explosions. Other than that, it's pretty standard. Everything is nice and pretty, sure, but nothing extraordinary. Environments are nice, characters look good, and the lighting is always eerie.
The true beauty of this show is the characters. Everyone is insane, right off the bat. Nobody is normal in this show, but everyone is devilishly creative. They all have motivations for wanting Deus's power, and they all are willing to kill to get it. Though one particular character really stands out. Gasai Yuno. Yuki's self appointed protector and wannabee girlfriend, Yuno is everything Yuki isn't. She's popular, athletic, beautiful, and absolutely batshit insane. She's introduced by saving Yuki's life from the first diary user to come after him, and remains by his side throughout. Yuno is obsessed with Yuki, so much so that she never lets anyone near him and kills anyone who tries to hurt him in any way. She is THE overprotective girlfriend you always dread and always secretly want. Often referred to as the queen of Yandere since the shows release, Yuno will terrify you, enthrall you, and keep you watching through all of Yuki's whiny bullshit.
I would not say this show is enjoyable. No, not at all. This show is like a watching a spider or other disgusting insect eat something. It is disturbingly enthralling, sucking you in through the sheer batshit lunacy. "Who created this." "Oh god that's gross." "WHAT THE HELL?" *Vomit Noises* Are all appropriate reactions to both. I was not entertained by this show. I was sucked in to the horror of it. Repeated brutal murder, deeply twisted psyches, and horrible decisions define this anime from start to finish and you just cannot seem to tear yourself away from it.
I would recommend Mirai Nikki to anyone with a strong stomach. Anyone. The plot is gripping and the characters enthralling. There is nothing about this show I did not fall into deep, disturbing love with. Go see it. But just remember. Yuno is watching.

icie99 - 2013-06-23 20:05:19
Mirai Nikki or Future Diary is a psychological survival type anime with the focus on two characters, namely; Amano Yukiteru and Gasai Yuno, these two try to survive in a game they are dragged in, though that is not all, the winner of this game will be the next God of Time and Space.With psychological anime it is to the viewers most of the times a hit or miss, as seen in the reviews of others, a low scoring review will be down-voted by its hardcore fans, and a high scoring review will be down-voted by its non-fans. But that is all small talk, this anime's main selling point is the atmosphere it gives in each tense situation, and you look at the story from the eyes and thoughts of the protagonist. Can I trust her? Will he be betray me? Those are the thoughts of our protagonist, so for an psychological anime, it has done that part really well, not much anime can keep such a feeling while not letting it get boring.Obviously no anime is perfect and Mirai Nikki is no exception, to keep telling an interesting tale while not being a bit confusing is hard, and Mirai Nikki was not able to make every viewer understand, you can say that it tried to be too clever, towards the end things get rather tangled up with each other, and the result leaves with a confusing lead up toward the end of the anime.Action-wise, it has done good, but not much more, seeing overprotective middle school girls or yandere to the experts swinging around a katana or firing a gun stays one of the more awkward things to see. The death of characters is done well, not too sudden, but not that you can see it coming fairly soon. Surprising, but subtle is how you can sum it up.Art-wise it is not too amazing, the character designs are not amazing, especially if you look at something which is supposed to be a god, this could have been portrayed better. In terms of animation it has done quite well, no skippy animating, and they probably did their best with the budget they got.Mirai Nikki's theme was creepy and very tense and it has done well with it opening themes, these maintain the theme of the anime and didn't bring you out of the mood, you can see that seiyuu wise they might have put less money in this department, every voice actor is less known, not that this matters, what matters is how well they match their character. This is done surprisingly well, Yuno's VA has the voice of an over-obsessed girl, while Yukiteru's VA also has the voice of a lonely, slightly pathetic middle school guy.Characters, in numbers it has the perfect amount for a season lengthy anime, it has two main characters which creates for lots of development, and this could be called this anime's second flaw, its development. Once somebody decides to do something they should not revert back. Yukiteru has made decisions only to not follow them up, this could be part of that he is supposed to have a somewhat pathetic personality, but if you decide to do it, then revert, and later decide to do it again, it wastes time and interest of its viewers. On the other hand, Gasai Yuno, the over-obsessed girl/yandere of the series has been done to perfection, she has been the main talking point of this anime, and maybe even its selling point, the creation of yandere is simple, you add creepy with moe, but this time the basics has been done so well, although she is a main character, she does not have a lot of development. And that is not needed neither, she was already done with developing in the beginning of the series, which has reasons explained in the anime itself. In a survival anime there are lots of deaths needed, these get shoved to the supporting characters and sometimes to the main characters as well, the line-up of supporting characters is variable and of interesting personalities.Overall I thought Mirai Nikki was a good anime, it had a classic survival plot with some strong characters.Strong points:- Good concept and interesting story.- Sound-wise it was very strong as well.- It had some amazing characters, female MC and supporting characters were exceptionally good.Weak points:- A lot of time and viewer's interest wasted on the protagonist and his "development".- Not so outstanding art, could have had better character designs.- It sometimes was too confusing, could be explained better.So if you like survival with some good characters set around middle school aged kids and don't mind blood and gore, then Mirai Nikki is the anime for you.Life lesson learnt: Don't live in the future, live in the now.

franecki.cierra - 2013-04-25 22:18:23
Last month, this would have gotten a 9/10.A number of recent circumstances bring it down to a 6/10.Though I admit I could see from the start that this series was going to be very predictable, it started off good for what it was, however, the events that occur now will only have the more impressionable (new to anime, new to the demegraphic, very young etc...) of us gripped.I'll explain further...Stroy...We have a Battle Royale style, supernatural story inwhich characters duke it out in game complex game of life and death which will eventually leave one person standing - death is enevitable.Where it goes right...There are a number of charactes present withiin the competition, so the pace isn't likely to be slow and there are a range of potential favourites.The methods in which the game is played are complex enough to gain and maintain interest - each character has a different tool, so it is importiant to follow what is going on.Many people don't like gecko endings - seeing as the manga finished, this is unlikely to have one.Where it goes wrong...Two main characters are pushed forward at the start, they're working together; it's all against them - where does this leave the oposition? All oposition seem to reside close by, when there's little reason for them not to recide on another part of the world. The two mains both being schoolchildren of the same age, in the same class.Character...We have Yuki - a quiet, nervous, passive teen boy who displays little personality and little interests.We have Yuno - an unhinged girl who is is in love with this boy for no particualr reason I recall.Delving further...Yuki is pretty much pathetic - the type who is ment to represent the common writing tools 'underdog' and 'normal school kid', yet his out-of-place self is highly inconvenient within this story, he's the type who'll hide behind the strength and/or skill of others, this is where Yuno comes into place - the 'highly intelligent' and 'very athletic' popular girl in school who turns to be a yandere, in love with the leading male, she now has the convenient task of 'being the one to protect her love', thus, giving them reason to be around one another.Enjoyment...It is good; one of the best of the year, yet personally, I think I'm a tad too old for this - everthing is predictable if you're a veteran like me.This is a great starter anime - years ago, I may have given this a 10/10.Overall...I have the ability to predict what will happen next, dispite having NOT read the manga.Good story - something different which is definetely worth the watch.Decent characters excluding a few, yet certian cliche's are hard to avoid these days to be fair. Depending on your anime intake, predictability is high; this series displays key example of plot armour and character sheild.6/10 - a fair series that, at the moment, is at a stage (8 episodes) where it can only get better? I'll make myself clear before I finish...I knew of the manga a few years back, yet never got around to reading it. It was announced last year that this was getting an animated series, thus, this adaptation was highly conveinent for me. :P Basically, I was and still am, optimistic - I want to like this series, but so far, it's just OK.

lubowitz.danika - 2013-03-18 17:48:18
Mirai Nikki is a love story of sorts, following Yukkii, a pathetic loner who thinks of himself as a bystander and does nothing to interact with the society around him, and Yuno, a gorgeous, stalker who for God knows what reason has a crush on him. As the story progresses both Yuno and Yukkii are dragged into this epic tournament that offers the winner the ultimate prize of becoming God.
While its not the best anime ever made, it tells a very pure and heartfelt story, portrayed by funny romantic moments, as well as its share of epic/gory battles and painful tearjerking scenes. Its not perfect, but it puts on a fair fight.
Story 9 - A love story, for the most part. We get to see the characters get closer to each other, change for each other and make sacrifices for each other. It comes with its own share of twists and turns, and im going to go ahead and say you will not see that coming. The story is very, very clever compared to pretty much most anime ive watched, and still manages to contain that love theme throughout. It show just how much you would be able to do for someone you love. When it explains it all in the end it makes use of quite a few scenes shown as flashbacks, showing how its clever and unpredictable, but never unfair or hard to grasp. I did not give this a full score because i expected the conclusion to be more loyal to the manga, and not so ambiguos.
Art 8 - Some of the scenes are stunning, others lacking. Both the indoor and outdoor environemts are varied, and there are quite a few locations to enjoy. Characters are exceptionally well made, with emotion clear in their faces, and the animations are top notch. A full score was not given, though, since some environments and effects are poor, and a few characters look awkward.
Sound 10 - Another strong point. While i was not impressed with the opening or ending credits, i quite enjoyed the soundtrack. Turns out there are around 60 songs, and all of them are quite good and portraying emotions. The sadder compositions were exceptionally well made, in my opinion, and i managed shed a few tears in some scenes, be that from the amazing growth and development or profound sadness.
Character 10 - Characters were quite unique as well. It's impossible not to feel some sort of attraction towards the lead female Yuno, or some sort of pity for the pathetic Yukkii. But that's only in the first few episodes. The character growth, you see, is amazing. Yuno shows quite a few colors, and Yukkii mans up turning himself into quite the respectable lead character. Some of the less-important ones, like Ninth, Seventh, Hinata or Akise were amazing too, and had quite the back story to them, showing how they are not put on the back seat just because we only see them a few times.
Enjoyment 9 - The anime is quite enjoyable. I watched it 3 times, from start to finish and still felt as though it was my first time. Some scenes, if i recall a sad one on the hospital and an epic battle on the roof, were so amazing i re-watched them 10-20 times over.