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Celestial Method


It's been seven years since an unusual saucer mysteriously appeared in the sky above Kiriya Lake. With no one knowing what this strange object was or where it came from, concern and panic spread amongst the people. But as time went on this occurrence went from oddity to tourist attraction. Before long, the world lost interest entirely, and the saucer remained nearly forgotten in the sky. Now, former resident Nonoka Komiya returns to the small town after seven years in Tokyo. With only vague memories of her time in the town, the appearance of a spritely girl named Noel causes Nonoka to slowly remember wishes she and four of her friends made in an old observatory. (Source: Sentai Filmworks)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2014-10-05 to 2014-12-28
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 7604
  • In favorites: 34
  • Popularity Rank: 1470
  • Episode count: 13
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 5 h. 12 min.
  • Genre: Drama , Fantasy , Slice of Life , School
calista86 - 2015-04-06 02:14:00

I'm a huge fan of the 'Slice of Life' genre, so when my friend recommended this anime to me I was excited for it, as the idea seemed promising. However, after the first few episodes, I found myself asking if it was really worth the watch. 


Nonoka is a girl who is returning to her hometown after leaving when she was little, due to her mother's illness. After meeting up with her childhood friends after such a long time, Nonoka realizes nothing is how she remembered - there's even a saucer in the sky! However, there are dark times ahead of Nonoka and her friends... can she make up with them and find out the true meaning behind the saucer?

This is the basic plot for the anime, in which it's up to Nonoka to help patch back the wounded friendships of her past. 

And yet it's so painful to watch. 

The drama becomes boring almost instantaneously. Whilst it explains one of the characters reasons for doing what she does, it leaves the others to flail about miserably. And how can I forget to mention about how just as you think the story is going to get better - it flips a switch and leaves you in a mess of halfassed plots that either don't make sense or are just so goddamn dull. There were so many things the anime could have talked about, for example; just what did Nonoka's mother died from and why the hell did they even return? Simple things like this, which would have helped the anime and it's characters progress, were completely ignored. I suppose in some respects, it's not that bad of a thing, but the plot just ended up being a heap of forced dramas to move it along. The sci-fi/fantasy elements weren't really talked about either, despite it being the main genre. 

There was also the problem about the ending, which I won't go into that much. But let's just say episodes 12 and 13 were not needed. 


The animation was actually something I rather liked. The backgrounds where pleasing to look at, and it's obvious that effort was put into them - especially when it came to places such as the saucer, the observatory and the planetarium. The emotions (which is always something I look for in an anime) were portrayed beautifully. You could really tell when someone was upset or when they were smiling - and as one of the themes is happiness, you do feel relieved when any character smiles. Even the movement's of the characters felt smooth and realistic, which is an incredible thing to do as an animator. 


The sound is also something that I enjoyed thoroughly, and is what made the anime standout a lot better than I though it would. A lovely mixture of piano and violin really enhanced the dramatic moments, even if they were a bit dull. However, the OP and ED are your typical happy-go-lucky themes and are fairly average in terms of quality. 


So with the plot not really working out, how were the characters?

Unfortunately, this anime had fairly predictable characters. I was hoping for a few noticeable differences, but they were really a huge letdown. And if you don't like any of the characters, then you really won't like this show at all - as it has nothing else to offer.

You have your main character, Nonoka, who you don't really end up learning much about. She's a friendly person, who's just trying to pick up the pieces to a fight she pretty much has no idea how or why it started. 

Yuzuki has more development than Nonoka and she is the first out of two to show decent progress over the time. However, she is completely based around a simple misunderstanding that took place seven years ago. (She really knows how to keep a grudge!) She honestly doesn't give up running away - literally - from her problems until at least the sixth or seventh episode.

Yuzuki's twin brother, Souta... well, there's not actually a lot to say about him. He's just more plot fodder really, to keep Yuzuki's hatred fueled throughout the show.

Koharu is a lovely character, however there's not a lot to say about her either. She is the typical mature type, and is the only character at first to be kind towards Nonoka. Most of her conversations and plot comes from Yuzuki, so whenever she's not around Kouharu feels a bit like a brick wall.

Shione is probably the most developed character in the series. Unfortunately, it isn't really made clear why she's so horrible until towards the ending of the series. However, aside from her anime characteristics, Shione's drama feels the most real and I for one could sympathize with her. Even though she was being so terrible to Nonoka, she was doing it for a selfless and semi-human reason, making her one of the more well-developed characters in the whole series. 

Noel is the mascot of the series, and her interactions with the characters is one of the main reasons why I finished the anime in the first place. She's a cheerful girl who has good traits, such as being nonjudgmental as shown with Shione and Yuzuki. However, there is virtually no explanation as to who she is. Her background is vague, with a quick getup to make it seem partially believable. Unfortunately, it is only towards the end that Noel gets a lot of screen time, as she isn't deemed as important earlier on. 


As you've probably already guessed, I didn't enjoy this show that much. 

I unfortunately watched this show for it's plot, which is not advisable as it hasn't really got one. I wanted more explanation on the moving story, as well as just some general background on anything really, but instead this anime only serves fresh angst on a over-dramatized plate of more angst. I did enjoy seeing what I call the 'Shione arc', as it felt like a story of it's own. As she, and this particular story line, is the only detailed/developed part, I found myself enjoying Shione's journey about friendship and trust and what to do when both have been broken.


It might seem like I'm being too harsh - maybe I am - but there isn't much you can say about this show other than it's flaws. The animation and music are it's only saving graces, and let's face it - if you don't like any of the characters, you will not like this anime at all. 

I would recommend this anime to those who aren't really interested in a plot and just like seeing angst. 

I wouldn't recommend it to those who want plot, detailed characters or explained reasons behind the angst that acts as the fuel.

Thanks for reading my review, and I hope you will continue to do so in the future!

scormier - 2015-01-07 21:26:26

Sora no Method isn't the type of show that you'll remember a year from now. It won't make any long lasting impressions and redefine its genre. However, what is there is fine. Most of the characters are likable, it has a few touching moments, and the amount of scenery porn is unreal. If you have the time and you don't know what to watch, then yeah, give this a shot. 

anahi82 - 2014-12-30 06:25:05

So after pondering for a while whether or not to make areview for this show, I realized many people aren't exactly giving the show afair review. I may be a bit biased towards the show because of a certaincharacter, but I’ll try my best to critique it, spoiler free of course.

Story: 4

Let’s be real, I’m not going to say the story was great oranything. In fact, the story is a slice of life anime in which childhoodfriends meet each other after many years of being separated, and it’s up to themain character, Nonoka, to mend their relationships back to what it wasearlier. She starts off with this pseudo-amnesia and doesn't remember anything about the town. She slowly learns about her relationships with each of the characters and the plot moves on from there. There’s a little bit of a sci-fi twist but its basically justsomething for the plot. That’s fine, whatever, but the plot is also forcedalong by coincidences that are misinterpreted to the point where everyone hateseach other over something that wasn't even their fault. 

The melodramaticmoments really make you wonder, “why?” and that's what I was wondering when watching this show. It does a decent job of explaining one of thecharacters reasoning and logic, but it seems like an overreaction in all of theother cases. The story is okay and seems underdeveloped… and then it decides tocompletely change it up and it leaves you with a convoluted mess of plots and issues that are barely resolved in the most ridiculous method (haha get it?). In a way people compare it to Anohana, but it reallyisn’t similar, and I don’t want to get into it because it would spoil thestory.

Animation: 10

If you’re going to like anything in the show, it’s thebeautiful scenery and animation. The show does a very good job in portrayingemotion in the characters and the artwork is colorful, which suits my taste. Itsuits a slice of life anime perfectly fine and I would say that the animationis one of the best of the season. There are multiple scenes and sceneries, andeach is very detailed. The way each scene is depicted is actually very creative and the objects don't seem out of place. Even the saucer blends into the background, which is an incredible feat! 

Sound: 9

It may just be my taste, but the opening and ending songsof the show are superb. There’s not much I can say about the sound as you haveto listen to it, but the music fits the show very well.

Opening Song:

Ending Song (I prefer this song over the opening):

Character: 7

You’ve all been waiting for this moment, it’s time for NOEL.

Actually I lied; I’m going to save her for last. This showis all about its characters as the plot is character driven. If you don’t likethe characters you won’t like this show. This goes for about every other dramashow out there.  Overall, the charactersweren’t very developed. Each character wasn’t given that great of a backstory.Nonoka is the main character, yet I know less about her than I do about Yuzuki.I’ll just go down the list of characters.

Nonoka is your typical “let’s all be friends" character. Sheis the one that starts the story off and is the "leader" of the cast. Youdon’t learn much about her as the story does focus on other characters as well.Overall she’s not the most memorable character, but at least you won’t hate her.

Yuzuki is the energetic one of the group. Her character iscompletely driven by her grudges and misunderstandings of the past. She is the best example of character development in the entire series as sheactually does change as the series progresses.

Souta is Yuzuki’s twin brother and the only guy in the group.Too bad for him, no one in the group has feelings for him, so this isn’t alove triangle anime or some crap like that. He doesn’t get much screen time sohe’s more of a side character.

Koharu is the mature onee-chan type. She’s the one who triesto have everyone get along. All her character development is from Yuzuki, andso there’s not much to say about her except that she’s a static character thatjust acts as the mediator in all of the drama.

Shione, well there’s a lot to say about her. She’s notexactly the nicest character in the series, and her backstory isn’t that welldeveloped. She has the typical loner attitude with headphones to complete the set. However, she does change thanks to a tiny blue hair girl. Hermotives aren’t clear and she does come off as a bitch the majority ofthe series. She is actually Nonoka’s closest friend out of the bunch, and this is shown later in the series.

Now Noel. She’s probably the reason why most people pick upthe show. She’s adorable, cheerful, and is probably the best character in theseries. There’s not much information about her, she’s just there and leaves animpression on all of the characters. She drives the story along, which isn’t abad thing, but unfortunately, she doesn’t have as much screen time as I would have liked. Did I mentionhow adorable she is? I can’t say much else about her that wouldn’t spoil theplot, but she is one of the main pieces in this mess of a plot.

Overall the characters are kind of bland, but the entirecharacter section is saved by Noel, because she’s the best thing ever.

Enjoyment: 9

To be fair, I really didn’t watch the show for its plot. Ifthere was only the plot, I would have put this down and just left it there torot. However, the show does a very good job in putting a lot of screen time forNoel, so I was constantly watching scenes for her. The artwork was very nice,and I did start to like the characters at the end. However Noel completely madethis series for me, and if I could I would change this entire show to “Noeldoes stuff while people fight in the background.” Noel no Method.

Overall: 8

Overall I would give it an 8, but since I like Noel so muchI gave it an extra point on my library. However, the fair judgment I would giveit would be a 7 or an 8. The story isn’t very good, and the only selling pointis the characters. If you don't like the characters, well you won't like the show. However, the scenery and music does contribute to its score. If the story was a bit more developed and the characters were a bit more memorable, I would put this anime very high in my favorites. Noel is the best. 

Overall I would save "Noel no Method" for if you need a boost of cuteness or need something to marathon on a rainy day. It isn't too bad, but don't be surprised if the characters are unappealing.

corkery.jeffery - 2014-12-16 03:54:52

Yeah somewhere along the lines i think it might have been episode 3 it realized it tried to be Anohana and then tried to change up by adding the sci-fi element to it. 
The whole middle of this series was trying to mend friendships mostly with Shione who if it wasn't clear in the opening she was going to be friends with everyone in the end so.Noel wasn't needed except for the plot  hell the guys in the show wasn't really needed either. I didn't expect much from this series but i would at least hope if they were going to make a somewhat Anohana copy cat but with a sci-fi element to it  they would have made it interesting and not boring. I feel like this anime owes me money.

lockman.braulio - 2014-12-15 04:42:13

I came into this anime with so much hype. I thought it would be a nice, loli slice of life anime. Before Chrunchyroll obtained it, there was no hints as to what the story was even going to be about.

Then the description did come out. I still thought I'd like it. I did, until episode nine came around and there was much bullshit that the anime should have ended already. =\


It resolves around Nonoka Komiya who moved back to Lake Kirikya City. In the sky, there is a saucer that is always there. There is a mysterious girl named Noel who might possibly be connected to the saucer, and as time goes on, we learn more about the Saucer and Noel. We also have the characters, Yuzuki, Souta, Koharu and Shione. This series shows the bonds between Nonoka and these five characters. 

So you know, the story is actually pretty decent. Until episode nine where it decides to go all "fuck being original" and pull an AnoHana. What a bullshit ass move there. Noel is literally Menma in reverse. Instead of wanting her wish granting, Noel wants to grant the cast's wishes. I loved this anime until this asspull happened in episodes 9, 10 and 11. It would be the anime of the season for me, but sadly, the anime sucks, I'm sorry.

The animation is beautiful. For a brand new studio, this animation is absolutely beautiful. That's the best thing about this anime. The animation is so breathtaking and almost on par with being the best animated anime of 2014. The only problem I had was with the watercolor style animation in episode 4.

The sound is also pretty good. The OP and ED are two things I never skip. They are beautiful. Larval Stage Planning is a great band. The voices are pretty good, too. Especially whoever voiced Shione, Noel and Nonoka.

The characters are terrible. Straight up terrible. ESPECIALLY SHIONE.

Nonoka is tolerable, but the again, I've never had a problem with her. She just wants to be friends with everyone again. She's very persistent and that is one thing I can admire about her. She is the only character I haven't been outright completely annoyed with besides Noel.

Koharu is boring. Really boring and barely even freaking focused on. It's like she's just there. But she's literally the only one who is "human" in this show and for someone who could easily be a mediator in this show, she's a really boring character who is literally barely in the show at all. Also, what she did in episode ten was really out of character for her. Minus ten points.

Yuzuki is alright. She's my favorite character, and until you know her story, she's also really annoying. I found her sudden going from liking Nonoka to hating Nonoka from one episode to the next to be uncalled for until you learn her story. On par, I'd say Yuzuki is the only character who REALLY got any character development at all. And that is such a shame.

Souta barely even exists. Geez. But he's an okay guy. 

Now, Shione. Shione is the worst thing about this show. I hate her so fucking much. She is the worst character in this show. She hates Nonoka, and sorry, spoilers, as soon as she makes up with Nonoka (and finds out Noel's secret) she instantly takes it back staying together. Shione is a fucking bitch. I hate how she keeps on being a stone cold bitch to Nonoka and just won't be friends with her again. Yes, she's bitter about the whole meteor shower deal, but being stone cold all the fucking time is why she's so terrible and a horrible character. YOU CAN'T BE FUCKING BITTER ALL THE TIME. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. She's gotten no development and literally made my enjoyment for this show go down south.

The show was fine for the first eight episodes. Then it carbon copied AnoHana and became AnoHana 2.0 That's not cool. Hell, this anime isn't even SAD. And I saw everything coming as early as episode 3.

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