Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
KINGSGLAIVE FINAL FANTASY XVThe magical kingdom of Lucis is home to the hallowed Crystal, but the menacing empire of Niflheim will stop at nothing to make it theirs. War has raged between the two for as long as most can remember. King Regis of Lucis commands an elite force of soldiers dubbed the Kingsglaive. Wielding their king's magic, Nyx Ulric and his fellow glaives stand before the crown city of Insomnia, fighting to stay the inexorable advance of Niflheim's imperial army. (Source: ANN)
imann - 2017-01-17 17:40:17
The graphic is AMAZING!!! i even re watched for more than 10 times!!! Specially the battle scenes GODDD!!!~ ///v///
Well in my point of view there’s still a negative part for this movie, 1st the characters dialog is weak (specially Libertus comment about: “damn those eyes, there’s something about those eyes…” < I laughed my ass off so badly~LOL), 2nd the story is uh…weak (it’s nonsense in my opinion, why would the king sacrifices his entire kingdom [ including his people ] just to save his son?! whyyy???)
anyway…everything is amazing~ still re watched it until today XD
note: sorry for my bad english X(
norene.turcotte - 2016-10-30 15:38:31
Tengo serios problemas con esta película que pertenece a la franquicia de videojuegos de Final Fantasy, ya que a muchas personas les pareció mala esta película por su guión, personajes y forma con nos narran la historia. Pero yo les tengo unas cuantas observaciones que hacen que la película, al menos, lo intenta de ser resaltante, no en apartado técnico, ya que ahí en todo momento es sobresaliente, y por dios, ya poco a poco el CGI se va acercando a la realidad y menos mal que no cada cada rato se acercaron a los rostros y diseños japoneses, ¡gracias estudios de animación de Square!, o sea, mira esos rostros, escenarios y peleas, o sea, dsdargrgsgrrgergdasdsdfdsfsdfd.
Ejem, total, en el apartado argumental concuerdo con la gente de que la película es muy expositiva, o sea, los personajes hablan mucho, y eso sabiendo que tocan temas complicados como son la monarquia, política y cosas del legado y demás cosas sagradas que hacen que el mundo donde se ambienta sea como esta, pero si hubieron vigilado la forma en como se contaba los sucesos en los primeros 40 minutos de la película, mucha gente no se hubiera dormido, menos mal que yo ya estoy acostumbrado a las películas lentas, pero los Square quisieron darle introducción al videojuego de Final Fantasy XV, y aunque la escena post-creditos no afecta a la historia principal, debieron ser más dinámicos y hasta más cuidadosos en las costumbres de la gente (ya que vi ciertos personajes de fondo que están tan de lo natural que hasta no se percataban a tiempo de lo que sucedía en su alrededor, y sabiendo que la gente de la ciudad carecen de emociones, y al final, nadie se pregunta de los muertos que hubieron en la batalla final).
Y tampoco sentí ninguna emoción cuando ciertos personajes morían, y eso que la dirección de la obra nos lo querían mostrar como algo divino y único. No, se queda muy corta en ese apartado, no todo el tiempo las cosas tienen que ser series y legendarias.
Pero yo al menos debo decir que lo intentaron, debo reconocerlo, ya que yo vengo siguiendo las producciones audiovisuales de Square Enix desde un buen tiempo, y debo decir que hasta ellos quieren mejorar en sus proyectos y hacerse lucir entre el mercado, ya que ahora quieren ser ambiciosos, pero tienen que ser más tranquilos y saber que es lo que nos aportan para la próxima, y pulirlo muy bien para el publico quien les quiere mostrar sus productos.
Les recomiendo esta película a los que son amantes de lo fantástico (con un toque de cyber-punk, sdsdsasdfdf), de los efectos visuales virtuales y de los seguidores de Final Fantasy. Al menos es una obra mejor que los cortos anime que nos dieron sobre los protagonistas del juego de Final Fantasy XV.
alessandra58 - 2016-08-30 17:23:08
I do not share any sentiment others have generally given it.
I didn't find it to be convoluted and very simple to follow - Though, you do need to have some Final Fantasy XV knowledge. It was kind of predictable, really?
The other complaint I hear was that the action was shot confusingly... and I can't agree with that either.
Now, I can see where the complaint comes from, but if you've watched Anime (or hell, just Japanese action movies) before, you shouldn't have any issues following the action.
It's shot in a style and you often see over there, with a lot of zoom ins and zooms outs and a lot of camera rotating. It's never actually shakey, though, which is what I expected when (western) critics wrote that it was confusingly shot.
What I got was a Japanese action movie shot like a Japanese action movie. Now, obviously, that may almost seem hyperactive, despite there not actually being that many cuts.
Add to that that the fighting is, as well, very "anime" and fast-paced... yeahh.
I'm used to watching Japanese action animated series and movies, though, so for me, it wasn't an issue. Despite me understanding why it can be confusing, I can't personally critique it.
But it's very obvious why this movie did well in Japan, and not so much here. It's - all in all - very Japanese. Especially towards the end, when (essentially) Kaiju battles start taking place.
I guess there are some benefits to being a Japanophile lol
Now, the English voice acting...
With the exception of Sean Bean, Leana Headey and Darin De Paul everyone sounds off and wrongly cast.
Aaron Paul is okay at times? But mostly he just sounds bored as hell.
All in all, I thought it was a highly entertaining movie.
Buuuuut, obviously, just like Advent Children, and most game/movie tie-ins (or like watching a movie based on a running anime series), don't watch this if you don't want to play the game. It's basically a 2 hour long intro cutscene, even going through some of the stuff we saw in early FF Versus 13 trailers. You'd be confused as hell, and you wouldn't care. So, yeah.
bechtelar.rachel - 2016-08-18 12:41:28
This is a classic example of a movie that you should not seeif you have zero idea about the franchise it was based on (similar to AdventChildren). Yes it is truly well made and have remarkable story execution butyou will have that snarky feeling that goes “Damnit! Now I have to play game!”.And trust me, that is not a good feeling. To be more precise. This movie is atrap. It will get you hooked on the lore and the characters too much that youhave to buy the game it was based on to get the full experience and to get thatfeeeling of closure that this movie never truly had. Sorry for spoiling abit,but we will get there eventually.
On to the review. This is a closer look at the lives of the Kingsglaiveunit; an elite force under the command of the King Regis of Lucis. In thecenter of it all is Nyx Ulric, a man branded by his comrades as a ‘hero’. Afteran almost failed campaign the Kingsglaive was re-assigned to the capital aspart of the countermeasure against the ongoing threat to the kingdom by theforces of the Niflheim. In the capital Nyx learns the ugly side of politics andthe true worth of their group was nothing but an afterthought. After somedecisive struggle to turn things around, things blow out of proportion and Nyxmust fight to survive and protect a princess that is considered as a catalystfor the impending war.
Let me just point out the obvious. This film looks amazing!The detail on the characters arerediculously photo realistic. Every expressions made by each characters areflawless. The background details are staggeringly poignant and you can feel thecity light up when the characters walk around it complete with neon signs andactually functioning civilians and vehicles. The monster designs are nothing I’veever seen before for the most parts. When they drop the gigantic monsters inthe battle its truly a sight to behold. Battle animation does not slack offeither for the set piece for large scale combat scenes are very intricate andyou can truly feel the chaos and desperation war and conflict can bring. Eventhe one on one combat between key characters are amazing in their own rightsfor they are nicely executed and choreographed despite some of them draggingfor a bit. Truly a remarkable feat in CGI technology and filming.
Characters are a mixed bag. Besides Nyx Ulric and King Regiswe are forced to relate to Lady Lunafreya who kinda a pushover for the mostparts. Nyx by himself is avery well writtend character who knows his place andacts accordingly to the situation. He is quite a good MC to relate to in themost agitating parts of the story for he keeps his composure when everyone elseloses their minds. King Regis is a very charismatic old man who will stop atnothing to protect his kingdom. Yes he fall under a certain overbearing leadertrope but he is fleshed out well enough to make a name for himself in thisrather predictable story. Back to Lunafreya, well, she is brave and determined,I give her that. But she is really stubborn that she gives alot of people ahard time in most situations. Other characters are not exactly worth noting forthey fall so hard under certain tropes like the best friend and the tokentraitor so I might not bother with them.
And now for the story. Well, like I said, its a huge setupfor the main game. It will make us crave for the main game and see how the maincharacters there will resolve the mess that happened in this movie. And thesuspense is now killing me! I hate when movies do this! But then again this isnot supposed to be a theatrical release movie to begin with and is just plannedas a bundled bluray with the game in the deluxe edition. So I just paid for aDLC of a game (or its console) that I donot own. So yeah, who am I to complain at this point? But is the story anygood? Well, I would not flip out if itwas bad wouldn’t I? It is a very good set piece for a game that is not out yetand it might probably get the moviegoers who are interested in the game to getmore hyped about it. As for a stand alone film story it gets it job done but ifit is not co-related to a game many would argue that it suffers from ‘sequelbaiting’ due to it inconclusive nature and unsatisfying final resolve.
As for the audio, it gets the job done. The sountrack isfantastic and every score during key battle scenes add to the experiencea ndwill get you constantly hyped. Voice acting is a hit and miss. I watched theenglish dub and I would say that Aaron Paul nailed Nyx Ulric so hard that I cantell that he put alot of effort in this character. Sean Bean really shines asKing Regis and you can feel the lisp in his line delivery that is certainly aSean Bean signature. Other cast are not as elaborate. Leana Hedley is afantastic actress and all but her portrayal as Lunafreya is kinda watered down.Alot of her delivery quite awkward and even felt forced. And the if you want solid awkwardness look no furtherthan Libertus. Most of his lines are forced to the bone that some of his dramaticscenes ended up cringey.
Editing is all over the place. As somebody who edits videosfor a living, the abuse of fade-to-black transition in a film triggers me. The firstact is full of it that it almost droveme mad. Don’t get me wrong there are some amazing use of transition in thisfilm but its too far apart and often easily neglected. Pacing is quite an issuetoo. One time you are in a castle hall way the next scene is elsewhere dangerous. The fluidity ofstory composition is quite lacking in this one. But hey, that is just me, Iguess.
Overall this is a fantastic movie worth watching in thetheaters if you don’t mind its inconclusive nature. If you want some coslurein your movies I suggest you hold on for a while and wait for the game’srelease and buy the deluxe edition so that the Bluray for this movie isincluded and you can enjoy it fully.