Fantasista Doll
ファンタジスタドールUzume Uno is a young student and former champion of a trading card game competition. She is trusted with a special device containing five powerful Fantasista Dolls. These dolls are sentient virtual beings who reside in cards which are now controlled by their new master, Uzume. (Source: ANN)
collier.brandyn - 2014-03-13 17:11:38
Story: A girl named Uzume was just an ordinary high schooler, or she was, up until she came across a device that can activate Fantasista Dolls, dolls in which they serve and protect their master from certain doom and enemies while also trying to help them achieve their dreams. Sasara is the swordswomen, Shimeji is the powerhouse, Katia does explosions, Madeleine plans the strategies and tactis, and Akari just fights with yo-yos. Uzume has some not-so ordinary friends and she's not the only one who has these dolls. Her life is about to get a little bit more interesting...
Pros: The second half of the show is pretty good, as the pacing gets better and the characters get some more development, even though it's pretty basic. The action scenes are cool to look at, though I wish they showed those more often because the development like I said is pretty standard, but its better than having none at all.
*Warning: Spoiler part coming here, just keep on scrolling down til you see the end of it if you don't want to see this without being spoiled*
I also really liked the fact that there is no real bad guy in this, well it was obvious who it was but I like how she wasn't evil for the sake of being it and had a good motive for doing such a thing... and she even got to get that in the end too thanks to everyone [including the side villains] pitching in to help, and that made the ending really satisfying (though I kind of wish it was explored more but its fine).
*Spoilers end here*
Cons: The biggest problem with this anime is the pacing. I would have liked the story a lot more if it had a good pace, its just too fast unfortunately and it makes watching the first two episodes such a chore to go through. I mean we see Uzume in a tournament, then in her house, then at school talking to friends, then at the gym where she is fleeing from an enemy and then gets an exposition from Sasara and Uzume gulps it down rather quickly as they fight and then go home. It seems more like a toy deploy than anything if you ask me. While its not as bad as Saki Achigen Side A, it's still pretty bad.
The show is also very formulaic in the first half: One of the dolls or Uzume gets in a conflict or dilema, they mope and dope around for a bit while maybe shunning the others, villain of the day comes by and uses dolls to attack them in order to steal her cards and get their dream, Uzume's dolls fight, they nearly lose but then win at the last second thanks to girl with dilema earlier, everyone makes up, rinse and repeat. It gets old very fast. Granted, they do stop using this in the last third, but that is still kind of too little too late (or better late than never, you can take your pick if you want).
The voices and art are a lot to sink in and really need get used to since they are uninspired and hard to stomach at first but after getting used to it its still only average. Animation is standard at best. Also the characters are almost entirely defined in one sentence. Sasara is a tomboy who gets into fights with Uzume and is stubborn. Shimeji likes her master and is also nice but doesn't like it when others get hurt. Katia is a child-like girl who loves sweets. Madeleine is smart and would do anything to get her friends back on track. Akari is an emotionless gothic doll who is naive but likes her current master. Uzume has no backbone or personality. Everyone else is summed up in one word. Just because (kid character), just because (need creepy villain), just because (we need more lolis), and also just because (energetic), and just be freaking cause (tsundere and nice girl respectively).
Overall: It's not a bad anime, ok it is, but there's still some good stuff in it... if you can sit through the first half (the first two episodes especially) there is some light at the end of the tunnel, but you probably won't be satisfied with the destination as much. I think there's better shows with a similar premise out there (like Zatch Bell and I hear Rozen Maiden is a good one too... should check that one out also to see if it is so), so if you don't have the patience, then I say pass it up.
Thanks for reading my seventh review~