ちゅーぶら!!The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing black lace panties. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits of [these kinds of] underwear" via an underwear club with her schoolmates, who are worried about their bodies' development and which underwear to choose. (Source: ANN)
miller.jeramy - 2015-05-04 04:00:38
This is the anime we question the existence of and why it was even GREEN-LIT.
What's it about? A twelve year old girl named Nayu whose brother is an underwear maker, and she models his new pairs....she wants to get people into the right kind of underwear, so she starts an "Underwear club."
That's my only fucking reaction to this. What's with Japan and its super underwear fetish? ...........................................................................
Though, I give it a star for being...unique. Not any anime could just go about underwear. So, I can't give it a 1; it gets a 2.
Animation is average. No comment.
The OP, ED and voice acting is fine. There's nothing wrong with it.
The characters are okay. Just don't really expect much out of them. They're still a very diverse cast of characters with a diverse...size of boobs, I guess. I mean, if you must know I did like some of the characters, but I won't say which ones. Go away.
Enjoyment? ..........................
Let me just say I feel like a criminal watching this anime.
Skip it. Unless you're a lolicon. ^^;
theresa77 - 2013-03-17 16:56:27
I originally watched this show because the synopsis for it seemed absolutely ridiculous, but surprisingly enough it was good for a lot more than just cheap laughs. After reading other people's opinion on it, it made me very sad how few people really understand this anime.The target audience is in fact not horny young men attracted to 2D girls. It isn't even ecchi. It is targeted to everyone with an open mind.The message this show is trying to get across is that underwear is a lot more than just eye-candy for men. It portrays painfully well what the state of the world is for underwear and how people can't shake off the belief that it is something shameful, something to hide and talk about only in secrecy -- which is a pity, because, as this show proves, there is a lot to be said there, and the designs are worth admiring.While the anime is lacking in visuals, sound and unique characters (except Nayu), many of the problems it deals with no anime to my knowledge has dealt with before.
schroeder.jonathan - 2013-03-09 10:03:46
I can forgive a lot for characters that I like. And even after 4 episodes, I just did not warm to the characters. It is worth noting that unlike for other reviewers, the age of the characters was never an issue for me. They are obviously in high school.I do not have a problem with the basic story - I have a real fondness for underwear, and I was willing to like this BUT in the first few episodes at least, the anime relied too much on the humour, and uncomfortableness, associated with younger women wearing "sexy" underwear. Having said that - if someone in my club requests to watch it, I *would* continue. I would be interested in seeing how the underwear club develops, and in finding out more about her brother(?) who designs the underwear.