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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress


The world is in the midst of the industrial revolution when horrific creatures emerge from a mysterious virus, ripping through the flesh of humans to sate their never-ending appetite. The only way to kill these beings, known as "Kabane," is by destroying their steel-coated hearts. However, if bitten by one of these monsters, the victim is doomed to a fate worse than death, as the fallen rise once more to join the ranks of their fellow undead. Only the most fortified of civilizations have survived this turmoil, as is the case with the island of Hinomoto, where mankind has created a massive wall to protect themselves from the endless hordes of Kabane. The only way into these giant fortresses is via heavily-armored trains, which are serviced and built by young men such as Ikoma. Having created a deadly weapon that he believes will easily pierce through the hearts of Kabane, Ikoma eagerly awaits the day when he will be able to fight using his new invention. Little does he know, however, that his chance will come much sooner than he expected... (Source: MAL)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Violence, Profanity
  • Date aired: 2016-04-08 to 2016-07-01
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 3704
  • In favorites: 281
  • Popularity Rank: 276
  • Episode count: 12
  • Episode duration: 22 min/ep
  • Total duration: 4 h. 24 min.
  • Genre: Action , Drama , Fantasy , Horror , Zombies
mkling - 2016-07-05 22:32:11

Are you familiar with something related to human eater? I bet you are. As anime lovers, people will not be surprised to hear something like that. Tokyo Ghoul and Attack on Titan as the examples of man eater. So does the Kabaneri. The differences are, Kabaneri’s series man eater is not humanoid species, Kabane is another species. Those humans who got infected mysterious virus become Kabane. And also, Kabaneri’s series is about survival. Survival of mankind who left in the world from Kabane’s attacks (quite different from Tokyo Ghoul). To this state of storyline, I declare, from my opinion, it’s not something new even if the source of story is stated original. It’s post-apocalypse anime caused by Kabane’s  attacks.

Ikoma, is a normal human before he is bitten by Kabane. He successfully stops the spread of the virus from his infected arm on himself. Later on he finds out that the success to stop the virus in his body doesn't mean he is negative (from being a Kabane). Yeah, this is where our hero begins his story, he is a half-human and half-Kabane, a Kabaneri. His first obstacle is to make others believe that he won't going insane like Kabanes. But, a hybrid still a hybrid, he has genes of a Kabane, makes him half of it. His journey starts off. He and the people in his area, is on survival train to reach a safe shelter far away. Along the way, they will find many Kabanes head off.

I mentioned above, this series was reassuring for me, and even made me curious which is not often for me to get attached to something-like Kabaneri’s series (because the CGI animation). Yep! The graphics there mostly 2D, but got CGI animation in it. Not too much, sadly, not appealing either. Nicely, they can bring the terrible fact of countless deaths and horror vibes with the visualization aside from CGI animation. I don’t know whether the animation being lack of colours intensity or lack of sharpness that made the characters somehow look ungraceful. Back to the ‘reassuring issue’, indeed it was convincing “at first.” The story progress for the halfway of whole show was exciting, far from dull improvement. After few episodes in which the Kabane apocalypse isn’t the real threat, that was when I wanted to drop this series for sure. The political spice stirs the whole purpose of me watching the show, of being so engaging by its survival and journey to get to safe place, into a show of a noble madman makes use of Kabane into political/personal grudge thingy. This turn-over can’t be worse.

The characters development had slow improvement, feels like nothing at all even if so many occurrences and feelings there; the frightfulness, will to survive, optimism, friendship, desire to help, guide the main characters to be more adaptable and dependable to fight the Kabane. Not only their strength, but also kindness in their hearts. The relaxing moments tuck as the characters take their rest for fighting Kabane. I think its purpose to show that even in hard time there must be time to relax awhile, and to deepen their relationship which is not interfered by Kabanes. Unfortunately, I think it didn’t fit well. Maybe if they put it into different way, it will work better.

The OP and ED have done by EGOIST and Aimer with chelly (EGOIST), these names aren't new to you.  "KABANERI OF THE IRON FORTRESS" by EGOIST is the OP theme for Kabaneri series. Personally, EGOIST's works do not fit my taste but I do have several works from them that I keep on my playlist. But this one, absolutely no for me. The OP sounds like it tries to give you something dreadful about the show, about how frustrating fighting never-ending Kabanes and survive in a shelter. So dark and full of sadness. Not because of its terror vibe, but the music itself I can't barely enjoy. Aimer with chelly (EGOIST) "ninelie" is the ED theme. Better than OP a bit. The insert songs are quite good along the show.

Such a turn-over brought down my excitement to watch this. Well, 6.5 for its anti-climax ending.
Pros: Entertaining anime (at first), it successfully got the tension and horror.
Cons: It's unlikely to be original because I can feel it is so similar with some other series, and damn minus for its turn-over. So bye.

vladimir62 - 2016-07-03 05:28:17

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is a show that got an incredible budget and definitely flexed its endless money in some of the greatest eye candy you will see this year. From the character designs, to the fluid animations, its hard to get mad at this show in those sections. But, where the show does fall short is its lack of ingenuity. Much of the dialogue sequences deconstruct into generic banter we've all seen before, charterers are pretty predictable, and the story does surprise you at times, but makes not incredible strides at what they are trying to say. That being said everything they do is polished. Even with everything we've seen before, they just do it so well the only room I have to complain is that its been done before. Its just an entry into the genere and I think many people are overlooking that and labeling the show as a copycat. Overall its a well rounded show that I thoroughly enjoyed because of its quality rather than its ingenuity.

katrina.nolan - 2016-07-03 00:21:20

Eghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. My expectations were way too high.

kim.little - 2016-07-02 20:38:14

Easily could have been the anime of the season but succumbed to cliche's and overall dullness in it's plot. 

I don't know why there are so many good reviews for this. If you you've had your fair share of anime, TRUST ME! Skip this. 

colin79 - 2016-07-02 03:10:10

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri is a great series that only really lacks in it's story, there are a few holes to pick here and there but overall it was definitely enjoyable for me, beautiful art style, interesting character cast, and for me, an undefeated soundtrack for this season. All in all, an unmissable series that is definitely worth the watch.

tromp.alexandra - 2016-07-01 02:10:32

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Review

*Heavy Breathing*

HMMMMMMmmmph. Ok. Let's talk about this show.

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is a spring 2016 anime brought to you by Studio Wit, better known as the people of who gave you Attack on Titan, and other less impressive titles. Kabaneri in my eyes seems to be Studio Wit's way of calming down anxious Attack on Titan fans with a story similar to that of Titan with a few differences, one of those main differences being, TRAINS!!!! (with Zombies)

In short, you have Attack on Titan with Trains set in feudal Japan. Naturally as a fan of Attack on Titan, I was excited to see this show on my computer screen, only to come to face with the harsh reality that it wouldn't be any good. This show essentially takes every well known action drama zombie-apocalypse cliche and doesn't use them to their fullest potential, there's no sense of tension, no sense of fear, the characters are 2-Dimensional (no pun intended), and it introduced me to one of the most retarded villains I've ever seen, Biba. Oh god Biba, I cannot even begin to explain on how much of a flamboyant retard he is, so for your sake and mine let's not talk about him, because the more I see his face and the more he inner monologues I will be prepared to murder some house pets in order to vent out my anger.

Animation wise, it's slightly above average. If you've seen the animation for Attack on Titan and some other Wit products you know when they're showing you their A-Game, Kabaneri pales in comparison to Wit's other shows. And I think the most disappointing thing I found in this show was the soundtrack. Yeah this is specially rare for me in my case because if there are shows that I'm not particularly fond of, there's usually one track in it's soundtrack that makes up for all the stuff I had to go through. Here there's not one song that caught my attention, not the OP and not even the ED. In fact the more I think about it, the artists for the OP and ED should have been reversed, considering that the artist were Aimer and EGOIST.

But what's the overall rundown? If you're looking for a dumb popcorn flick anime, then watch Kabaneri, if not, then I suggest checking the frequently mentioned Attack on Titan if you have not watched it already.

HB Score: 5/10
My personal score: 4.4/10

ryan.mozelle - 2016-06-15 03:34:22

Regardless of what other reviewers would have you believe, Koutetsujo no Kabeneri will NOT scratch that Attack on Titan itch.

They may share an animation studio, they might share similar plot elements, and they may have a similar level of technology but Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is a rock solid disappointment. Wit Studio manages to capture all of the grandiosity and intrigue that kept us hooked with Attack on Titan... and then bury it in a sea of odd plot devices, inscrutable cliche, questionable events, inconsistency, and poor character development.

It's hard for me to be this harsh, but Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress really is a show that kicks ass from the very first episode and then drops the ball not even four episodes later. A great premise that followed in the footsteps of literal giants that really failed to live up to the former's reputation.

I, for one, had to quit after they introduced the fact that they possessed two-way radio (But still used steam powered guns), wireless headsets, holograms, computers, and a man cut a 2ft wide braided steel cable with a single stroke of the knife within the same episode. Also worth noting that a character gained the ability to shoot lasers from their mouth, but I'll leave that one alone.

Prior to that episode, a previously mature character suddenly reverts into a bubbling and obstinate child for plot purposes, they introduce steam powered motorcycles and night vision goggles, and a private army run by the son of the shogun (Which is apparently the only armed militia capable of defeating the Kabane despite using identical tactics).

Part of what made Attack on Titan so great was that the events were at least quasi-magical, but still made sense within the world of the story, it doesn't ask much of you beyond that you apply existing lore to things as they unfold. The titans do not shoot lasers, their guns are not powered by steam, and every detail of the plot is thought out from end to end. There is never an action without reason, characters are not one dimensional, and all things happen for a reason. Conversely, there are many things within Koutetsujou no Kabaneri that don't even make sense within the world of the story.

Steam motorcycles? Steam propelled bullets that can't penetrate the iron heart of a Kabaneri but...can when wielded by specific characters? Humans can barely defend themselves within a (somehow) solid iron fortress but managed to build a complex network of self-sufficient and railroad connected cities? Gunpowder has not been invented and yet they use fireworks? Kabane can sprint at dozens of miles per hour, jump distances greater than 100 feet, and yet once within ten feet they shamble at less-than-walking speeds? They are drawn by the scent / taste of blood, and yet would rather kill someone new than even start to feed on existing blood from an already-caught victim? A phenomena in which the Kabane can control gravity and assemble dead bodies into a giant, living mech? Honestly, what?

With that said– if you can manage to stomach the characters and notch your suspension of disbelief so high you might strangle yourself with your knickers, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress might still be worth a watch. Action, as expected, is still extremely well done and the premise is still worth considering if you can look past all of it's flaws.

yolanda92 - 2016-04-30 05:08:25

Fuck this show. Fuck trains. Mumei's a cunt. Everyone's an idiot. Tupac's alive, Kabaneri is just pure cancer! Cancer, cancer, CANCER, CANCER!! isn't that bad. It just did the one thing I didn't want it to do in adding a human as the villain, taking all attention away from world building, character development, the kabane, or anything I cared about. Just a bland villain for the sake of doing exactly what every other modern zombie-esque production does. "Humans are the real monsters!" Why can't monsters be the real monsters for a change? Why can't you develop the wonderful characters you already have instead of adding one dimensional scum smears? Why couldn't you be everything I wanted out of an anime?

tromp.julian - 2016-04-26 04:10:19

I think I just found my new favorite zombie anime with a historic twist. Also the animation is more than amazing, it reminds me of the reaction I had when attack on Titan first came out.


carroll97 - 2016-04-17 01:44:23

once upon a time the world was faced with a great threat! and so humans, driven to desperation by their unkillable foes built great walls to keep them out! but one day the monsters destroy one of the gates and over run the city! the main character, whose mother was killed by the monster, fights back! but against his will he is turned into a part monster!!

sound familiar?

thats because this anime is Atta- I mean Koutetsukou no kabaneri! and bears no similarities to AoT at all!! hahahahah.

but seriously... if you like AoT, you'll probably like this one.

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