Fortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku
FORTUNE ARTERIAL 赤い約束Fortune Arterial's story revolves around the male protagonist Kohei Hasekura, who transfers into a prestigious public school in the style of an English six-year school encompassing junior-high and high school students. The school is on an island named Tamatsu Island off-shore from mainland Japan, and the only way to get there is by boat. Soon after transferring, he discovers that one of the student in the class next door to his, Sendo Erika, is in fact a type of vampire. (Source: Wikipedia)
fay27 - 2013-07-07 09:22:03
Fortune Arterial is a Visual Novel adaptation that on the surface should be a failure with a bad story and cliched characters. but does include a decent protagonist who knows how to get things done as well as a nice touch of drama.The story is actually rather overused now-a-days, Hasakura our protagonist moves to an island and transfers to a prestegious school where he meets a bunch of people he quickly befriends as well as re aquanting with a couple of childhood friends, and there are vampires. The show however does have a plot and does not just include a bunch of unconnected episodes. It uses its time to deepen and show us its characters and develops them nicely.The art is pretty nice, the characters are drawn well with some detail gone into them but for the most part are generic looking. It does suffer partly in the animation, some scenes are nicely animated but will occasionally get it wrong, it uses still shots of a character that should be moving and doesn't even bother animating people in the background and just have them there stuck which is a little off putting and is a little lazy. Backgrounds use a simple painting style and generally look ok.The opening song is a nice tune, it gits with the dark side of the show while not ignoring its lighter elements. Ending is a slow piano ballard. Voice actors did ok for this type of show, because of the type of characters this show has the over the top voices are expected and can be a little annoying and background music doesn't always fit but doesn't stand out too much.Hasekura Kyohei is the shows protagonist and is a some what decent lead, he knows what to do and isn't your typical shy boy, he is immiedietly appointed into the student council and ends up having to put together a sports event which he manages to do with little difficulty, he finds out aboutb the existance of vampires and sets out to help his friend. Erika the vice president is a vampire and really popular among the students, she has some history with a couple of characters and is the main focus for the drama. Kanade is an overley hyper person who is very close with her sister Haruna who is a lot softer and always has a smile on her face, they are both childhood friends of the main protagonist. The rest of the side characters are a little mysterious but thats because non of them get any development, the two white haired siblings are never looked too much into, Kyoheis male friend seems rather relaxed but barely gets any screentime, this seems to be one of Fortune Arterials biggest downfalls.Overall its a generic Visual Novel adaptation, it has comedy but towards to end of the show it focuses on the drama and even throws a little romance but there isn't a lot, the script and leaving a few things hanging is the biggest problem and could have been a lot better had these been addressed.