みりたり!The story takes place during a conflict between the Krakozhia Dukedom and the Grania Republic. In the midst of the fighting, a savior appears to the Krakozhia Dukedom, and it is a high school student named Yano Souhei. Two female soldiers, First Lieutenant Ruto and Second Lieutenant Haruka, appear in tanks to intrude on Souhei's everyday life, followed by the enemy soldier Shachirofu, all of whom use firearms without hesitation at his house. (Source: ANN)
mheller - 2015-04-19 00:37:50
Story: The story takes place during a conflict between the Krakozhia Dukedom and the Grania Republic. In the midst of the fighting, a savior appears to the Krakozhia Dukedom, and it is a high school student named Yano Souhei. Two female soldiers, First Lieutenant Ruto and Second Lieutenant Haruka, appear in tanks to intrude on Souhei's everyday life, followed by the enemy soldier Shachirofu, all of whom use firearms without hesitation at his house.
The show wastes no time (and I do mean that literally) in easing us in all this and just throws in the loud action bits, destruction of the MC's house, and the misunderstandings (we'll get to that later) all in the first few seconds. Well that escalated quickly. I know these episodes are only two-three minutes but don't throw everything at us in the first episode like that, how are we going to eat all this up!?
Anyways after that they try to give backstory about how the MCs father was mistaken to go to this war and was a recent mercenary who has apparently been very helpful in turning the tides of the war. After hearing that his son is in danger because of him, he sends in some guards who are Ruto and Haruka to keep an eye on him and protect him, though the problem is they sometimes try to kill him anyways due to stupid comedic misunderstandings which are not well done at all.
I can't remember a time where they didn't have this or fanservice or stupid innuendos flying about in an episode, I think they all had them at some point. Ok, fine, use that shit for comedy, I mean it has been done well before like in Softenni and No Game No Life (sometimes) and maybe it could be good here... nope. I almost never cracked a smile during this show's attempts at 'comedy', the only time I remember legitimately laughing was somewhere near the end of Episode 2, which was so bad its good in my book and I wish the whole show was like that.
You know what I also don't like in story? Forcing out emotions, this does that quite a few times and not one of them worked. I dunno if its the pacing, the timing, the fat that the characters are super duper shallow, but there not really done well at all. Even the ending to this show was really dumb and it makes it seem like the whole show was pointless. So yeah, as you can tell, I did not like the story much.
Animation: The animation is alright for a short anime. Movements are average (though the fighting and walking scenes are awkward), the character designs are also ok, for the girls anyway, the few guys that this show has are just odd looking and just flat out creepy. Background designs are totally uninspired and bland and don't look any different or unique from other shows.
Sound: Its nothing to write home about, sounds cool but it won't stick in your head even after listening to it a bunch of times. Also the animation is like in the show except... better? The voice acting is pretty stock. Everyone fits their dull and annoying roles as far as things concerned.
Characters: Once again, nothing to write home about, everyone is a stereotype or is a watered down version of better characters.
Ruto is the loud brash idiot who fights and doesn't think straight, Haruka is just like her except more or less a tsun-tsun, Souhei is a generic MC, that enemy girl is a quiet emotionless fighter who seemed to be a good character on paper but her execution is meh. Also the other characters are just there for fan service and pointless crap.
There is one character I liked but only because she wasn't loud and obnoxious (still had loads of fanservice though and she's the worst one in that catergory).
Enjoyment: That one moment in Episode 2 and that girl are not enough for me to fully enjoy this show.
Overall: It tried, but it failed. I thought it had potential, I mean you can't always expect a masterpiece but I was expecting something... also this is a pretty short show. I still would not recommend this anime though.
Pros: Funny moment in Episode 2, that one character whose name I cannot remember, cute girl designs, mediocre animation.
Cons: Obnoxious characters and 'comedic' misunderstandings, meh music, incredibly idiotic story and premise and ending.
Also recommend: Soranowoto; Kancolle (yes, I liked the anime)
Thanks for reading my 77th review~