The Magic of Chocolate
ショコラの魔法The "bittersweet, mysterious story" revolves around Chocolat Aikawa, a chocolatière who runs a shop called Chocolat Noir. She can grant wishes to the troubled people who visit her shop—if they give her something precious in exchange.
padberg.jeanette - 2014-12-27 20:27:09
oh god..... i dont want to be rude but...... serisouly the anime is very poor..... what the f**k i have watch now... (i'm not sure if the Manga is better because you have more in Manga anyway i don't have see the Manga) im gonna be simple because this is not necessary to make a big drama for this anime so yeah if you have in the mind to watch this , go away....this is not what you gonna think... this is a little awkward to watch
About The Story
i don't see the "Horror" .... this is more supernatural but i like the concept of the story but the story is too much weird for be nice but i like the idea , the others things happen in the story is too nowhere -_-' i just want to see more things with Shokora and Cacao and i dont very care about others things... this is just too random
About The Animation and Sounds
Shokora and Cacao and the chocolate in the shop are more detailed than others things in the anime....i think the creator want the people just like Shokora in the anime this is strange but anyway... the sound is good for the voice but the others sounds OH BOY !
About The CharactersShokora and Cacao are the best characters in the anime that it no more things to say....
About The Enjoyment
0 enjoyment.... the 1 thing i have enjoy is the personality of Shokora...
so yeah this finish... and i think the creators of the anime just want we pay more attention to Shokora and Cacao with his chocolate product (ChocolatNoire) and the power , they dont care about others things they have butched everything outside of the Chocolat Noire this anime is just make for captured the attention of people on their manga this is what we called business.... BUT ! if is not what i think they are very very very VERY poor in ressource .... and i don't hate but this anime can be better if they take this more serious