Crest of the Stars
星界の紋章Based on a science fiction novel series, Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monsho) is the first installment in this sci-fi saga. The story follows Jinto, whose world was taken over by the largest empire in the galaxy: the Abh. Jinto's father, the planet's prime minister, handed their world over to the Abh in exchange for a standing in the Abh Empire. As a result, Jinto became a prince and was shipped off for an Abh Education. There he meets a princess of the Abh Empire, Lafiel, whom he quickly befriends despite her cold exterior. The Abh Empire is plunged into war soon after and the story continues from there... (Source: ANN)
aimee33 - 2013-07-27 02:19:53
I'll be honest I am not much of a fan when it comes to older anime but i have to say I have really enjoyed this series. If anyone enjoys the genre's this anime is listed in they should totally watch this anime, I'm sure they will enjoy it like I did. Along with the enjoyment I got from watching it I believe it has really good character development as well.