"Bungaku Shoujo" Movie
劇場版“文学少女”The protagonist of the story, Konoha Inoue, is a seemingly normal senior high 2nd year student. His high school life, other than a hinted incident 2 years ago, can be summed up as normal- if one can dismiss the secret fact that he used to be a female bestselling romance author. Due to that incident, however, he has now vowed never to write again. This continued on until he was forced to join the literary club by the literary club president, the 3rd year female student Amano Tooko, a beautiful girl who has a taste for eating literary works. Now he has been tasked with writing her snack every day after school. (Source: To Say Nothing of the Dog)
columbus08 - 2013-08-23 21:59:38
I will Start off my review by saying for you to understand The Book Girl Movie you must watch the 4 ova's that are separate from the Film . The Ova's give you the back story to many characters that are in the Film & also will answer the questions you might had If you didnt watch the Ova's before watching the movie .
The Story should spark anybody interest because of the Weird/Talent Factor that Tohko Amano aka 'The Book Girl" Carries in this Film. Tohko Amano Aka "The Book Girl" cannot eat real food and must ingest the books she reads by tearing out bits of pages and eating them. Konoha Inoue our main protagonist in this film happens to walk by and see her eating a page out of a book and was really in awe by her & What she was doing . But what is really great about this movie is that it gives off this typical romance vibe in the start but then.... the movie becomes way more then that as the Plot/Story Develops . The drama in this film will have you so emotional torn & literally make you want to scream at whats going on Between the Characters on your screen. Will Surely Inspire Some from the lessons the film teaches as the story goes along . Another thing to point out was the romance was just done so well that it left you wanting more at the end.
The style, colors,& Nice scenery in this film i thought was beyond amazing . There was a scene where they went into this room hall and had this space projection shinning throughout the whole place It was just so cool and beautiful how the stars was displayed in that scene. Another thing i loved was the snow in the film ,Yea I know you must be reading this and wondering how can snow be cool . Well let me tell you it can be and it was when it snowed in this film .
The music in this film had the nice touch wasnt over powering was just sweet & gentle . It really shine At the credits of the film . I couldnt Tell you the artist of the song Im referring to but just know that you will have to sit through the credits anyway to see the end scene , So you will hear the song I enjoyed from the film.
Konoha Inoue Is one of the reason why this movie was so good because the emotional trauma & regret he deals with in the film you feel every bit of it to your very core . many might watch the film and think hes a softie and cant do what is clearly right and to those people I truly understand where you are coming from . But the thing is him struggling,battling, and not knowing what to do makes you get so attach to the film which is what a viewer want . One Other character I just got to mentioned Because I totally Fell in love with her was the one & only Tohko Amano aka.'The book Girl". I just loved her character because she was just so Care-Free,understanding ,and totally hot when she released her hair out at night before she went to bed.
I rated the enjoyment so high because the film just had everything i wanted going in watching . Drama,Slices Of Comedy,Non-Forgettable moments ,and lessons I was able to apply to my own well being . The film wont having you nodding at no point ,really paced the right way and overall a very cute film .
This Film is a must see for those drama lovers out there & mainly a must see if you love romance series to,Book Girl may seem strange but dont let that strangeness get in your way on missing out on a great film .
damore.alf - 2013-06-30 06:13:13
As I conjure up thoughts on what to write for this review, I tend to find myself with mind blocks left and right, probably the same as Miu. It definitely frustrates me and I can see why Miu felt so helpless in the movie. Well where shall I begin? It's about two childhood lovers who inspire and care for one another. One day, the girl decided to write a story for a competition, while she couldn't come up with a single idea, her beloved Konoha submitted his draft in secret and later won 1st place. This saddened the girl which lead to her attempted suicide and then from there on is where the movie really starts. I don't want to make it this review as much as a summary but it seems like I already have. But to truly enjoy this story, you need to have at least a slight understanding of where each character is coming from and the sorrows they had to endure. Now imagine a person you treasured died and then 2 years later, you find them sitting in the hospital bed alive and speaking. What would you say, think, and feel? How about if this treasured person suicide BECAUSE of YOU, at least that's what the impression you're under and he/she comes up and starts hugging you like a best friend who you haven't seen in ages. I know how I would feel, I would feel dumbfounded because that's how I felt while watching that scene.To truly appreciate this movie, you must be able to sympathize with these characters. I love how 'books' (which aren't real... UNFORTUNATELY) were used as a median to transmit feelings and thoughts. A lot of references were made to famous books and I just love how the characters in the story had their own interpretation of the characters in the book. It's literally stories within stories. If you were actively engaged in the movie, you would start to try to put the puzzles together. What did Campanella mean she wants to take the railway to a place for fun? How does that transmit to share her happiness with everybody? Is it because it's a process, kind of like a train and its destination and that she'll go to many places and wherever she goes, happiness will be spread? There's also a brilliant theme that they touched upon in the movie where if you don't like yourself for which you are, then change. Become the person who you always wanted to be. Don't forget who you were and what you truly believed in. Inspiration is a beautiful thing when seized and Konoha received it twice in his lifetime, which lead to his productions of two best sellers (assuming his second book (called Literature Girl) is one too, which I think it is because this movie is amazing, wink, wink).I've read in other reviews that people seem dumbfounded by the idea that this Literature Girl is eating books. Well, I can see what you mean but I guess the purpose in her eating the book is to add a supernatural air around her. It's to add depth into a character that is so lively, yet so knowledgeable. It also makes you believe in what she says about books because hey, she eats them for peat sakes. Well now for the knitty gritty. How was the animation? Awesome. Blu-ray 1080p = win. The literature girl (blue hair one, sorry I suck with names) was so adorable. I love her facial expressions! I actually watched the 2 OVAs first and then the movie and I think it was the right choice. I was given a little taste of the story and the movie just blew me away. I can't wait for the 3rd and final OVA.How was the sound? I don't really pay attention to 'sound' when I watch an anime. It is only until I download the soundtrack do I find how many amazing pieces are in the story. I am sure the sound does sound good though in this anime because it had a very calming feel to it and when things got intense, the feelings you get do transmit and only good sounds can help accomplish those feelings.Overall? Win! I feel inspired, hey, I even wrote this review, which I don't do much (I think some can tell due to me summarizing/spoiling, hah, oh well). I personally don't like who I am right now, but I know I will one day. I would just like to finish up by saying that there really is new anime that are actually worth watching and may do the viewer some good because I sure feel inspirited!P.S. Why do you think she suicide attempted to suicide? Well I think it's because once she saw how Konoha became an author, she felt like she will no longer be needed. Pretty simple yet I don't think it's far from the truth, especially given to her circumstances and her personality that stemmed from the problems in her life.