Suite Precure♪
スイート プリキュア♪Kanon Town is filled with music. Hibiki Houjou and Kanade Minamino have grown up in this town and have known each other since they were children. However, they no longer get along. One day the fairy Hummy from the land of music, Major Land, appears before them. The evil king Mephisto of Minor Land is planning to turn the legendary Melody of Happiness into the Melody of Misfortune. To prevent this from happening, Hibiki and Kanade transform themselves into Pretty Cure. Kanade and Hibiki have to learn to work together to collect the scattered notes of the Melody of Happiness in order to recreate the score!

brianne80 - 2013-05-22 09:19:55
Suite Precure had two things going for it. The bitchin’ transformation sequences and the CGI dancing in the ending song. Seriously, those things are so goddam pretty and colourful. Combined with the epic musical score, the bitchin’ transformation sequences were the highlights of the episode. The CGI dancing ending was possibly even more awesome. Anime always needs more dancing, but those I’ve generally been presented with haven’t been up to scratch. I can understand that the obsession with the Haruhi ending dance is precisely because it’s so easy, but you can hardly call that a proper dance. That’s just a bit of hand waving. Suite Precure is a proper dance. Anime still hasn’t quite got the hang of CGI mecha, but they’ve managed to get dancing magical girls look pretty damn awesome.Problem is, these two scenes made up about 4 minutes of a typical episode. I was often tempted to simply fast-forward to them and call it a day. The series started off fairly well, albeit in an utterly bizarre sort of way. The opening 8 minutes of the first episode were like some bastard child of Rainbow Gate, Mazinkaizer and Jewelpet Twinkle. The alternate magical musical land and the preposterously ridiculous bad guys, I laughed the entire way through the scene. But nope, can’t be having that. This is a magical girl series. We need to have human teenage girls for the young female viewers to connect with and for the dirty otaku to pen dirtier doujins of. Which is a shame, because I would have so watched a series of that magical musical land, providing it too had CGI dancing ending songs and bitchin’ transformation sequences.The main problem is the incredibly lame attempts at creating conflict between the main two characters. Hibiki and Kanade are our two heroines tasked with the responsibility of defeating massive cakes and violins who have been infected by ebul musical notes. To do this they have to dress in preposterously fanciful dresses and hairdos as PreCures and combine their powers as fighting machines. However to successfully combine their powers, they have to be as good friends as possible, to teach young girls about the importance of friendship and to give smelly middle-aged males a chance to don their yuri goggles. This would be fine and all if the methods they used to create conflict between the two weren’t so dumb. The reason the two had fallen out of friendship in the first place was because one of them stood under the wrong tree by accident. Which, while facepalm worthy in itself, the lead up to the reveal with two other little girls in the exact same position simply amplified the retardedness of the situation. The next few episodes all revolve around creating equally convenient obstacles for them becoming proper friends. None of them felt in the remotest way genuine and simply felt like Hibiki and Kanade being massive idiots.Besides, I have a massive problem with the entire plot of the show. I can handle a cat from a magical musical dimension turning two unsuspecting teenage girls into fighting machines. I can equally handle the villains being a cat and a trio of goons who sing their responses, although I do believe the show missed a massive trick by not having them being a barbershop quartet. Nah, my main problem is the whole good music vs ebul music thing. What happens in the plot is the ebul bad guys sing sad songs that make everybody all depressed. The good guys only create happy music so everyone is joyful all the time. The show even goes out of its way to say quite blatantly that music is only there to make people feel happy. I can’t be the only one who has a problem with this, right? Sad music has every right to exist and has a highly important place in society. It’s a strange thing to complain about, and maybe the show changes its tune (har har har) later on in the show to reflect a more even opinion, but the entire show centres around music. So blatantly saying that sad music is ebul grates on my nerves. Sad music needs love too!