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One Outs


Toua Tokuchi is an athlete by profession, but a reckless gambler at heart. On the streets of Okinawa, he uses nothing but his wits and a "fastball" peaking at a mere 134 kmph to somehow achieve 499 wins in the game of "One Outs," a simplified version of baseball between the pitcher and one batter. Amazed by Toua's unique prowess on the mound, veteran slugger Kojima Hiromichi artfully scouts the pitcher for his long unsuccessful team, the Saikyou Saitama Lycaons. Kojima desperately hopes Toua will lead them to the championship; however, Tsuneo Saikawa, the mercenary owner of the Lycaons, sees the vastly talented pitcher as a threat to the income generated by the team. Rising to the challenge of swaying the owner, Toua suggests a one-of-a-kind "One Outs" contract: every out Toua pitches will earn him five million yen, but with every run he gives up, he will lose fifty million yen. Adapted from the manga by Shinobu Kaitani of Liar Game fame, One Outs documents the intense psychological battles between Toua and those around him. With millions of yen at stake, can a pitcher who has done nothing but gamble in a head-to-head imitation of baseball finally lead a real baseball team to victory? [Written by MAL Rewrite]

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2008-10-08 to 2009-04-01
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 546
  • In favorites: 251
  • Popularity Rank: 872
  • Episode count: 25
  • Episode duration: 23 min/ep
  • Total duration: 9 h. 35 min.
  • Genre: Sports , Psychological
nikita15 - 2017-05-06 00:58:27

best sports strategy anime ever

armstrong.helena - 2016-12-23 09:17:00

When it comes to sports and psychological anime this one hits the sweet spot. The main character makes this anime complete, definitely one of my favorite characters. I recommend you to atleast watch this anime once. If you like these genres of course.

kulas.eda - 2016-04-29 13:14:34

One Outs (ワンナウツ)


Inever was really into sports anime, I thought that anime like Kuroko no Basketwas hyped too much and I never saw what's so interestingin watching these kind of anime. One day, I came across One Outs, which wassurprisingly popular when it came to baseball anime, but what intrigued me evenmore was the fact that it would come up in the psychological category of anime.

A sports anime, that is psychological? WhatI got was something that sparked my interest for more and the fact thatbaseball requires more than just physical strength, but also lots of thinkingand knowing how to read the enemies body language.


The story begins on the island of Okinawa,with the star player of a once famous baseball team the Lycaons, KojimaHiromichi, training for the upcoming season in the hopes of leading his team tothe championships. Here we learn the meaning of the anime title, it comes froma betting game between a batter and a pitcher, both of them try to suppress andoverwhelm each other. Tokuchi Toua, is the undisputed king of this game, andthrough multiple games with Kojima, he suffers his first ever loss and agreesto join the Lycaons because of his pitching talent.

Later on, we get to know the primaryantagonist of the show, the Lycaons team owner, Saikawa. He is only concernedwith money and getting even more of it. The one outs contract is formed betweenTokuchi and Saikawa, it grants Tokuchi 5,000,000 yen for every out he acquiresas a pitcher, but he loses  50,000,000for every run he gives up. The main battle is between these two, while Tokuchialso has to deal with the opposing teams that he faces, for each team he has tocome up with a different strategy as each team has a different style ofplaying.


Tokuchi Toa is by far the most interestingcharacter of them all. He has a black and white view of winning and losing, heis usually pitted against outrages odds and it’s always interesting to see howhe will manage to get out of this. He can read the body language of otherplayers and he uses this to manipulate or strike fear in them, so that he cancrush them even before they decide to hit or throw the ball. Through Tokuchi Ilearned how baseball can be interesting and how it needs brains not justmuscles.

The secondary characters like Kojima andthe catcher, Satoshi Ideguchi, serve as reasons for Tokuchi to explain hisplans and strategies, though sometimes they do prove to be useful.

The enemy teams all have different ways ofwinning, from star players to experts to the wicked cheaters, and watchingTokuchi reveal their plans and counter them with his really is fun to watch.Both sides continually adjust in an attempt to corner the other team. You willsee them going for errors and other foul plays just to win before the time runsout. You get to see Tokuchi use some of the enemies’ techniques against them,which puts a smile on your face.


The art is for the most part realistic,with the only exceptions being the manager and assistant manager, mainlybecause they serve as the comical reliefs of the show. The series also featuresa few foreign, American, players, who are drawn in your typical fashion, butthe designs are also good.


The soundtrack fits the enemy really well,but don’t expect to be hooked by it even when you finish the anime. It neverfeels out of place, but never really rises to something ultra spectacular. Thisanime doesn’t have an English dub, and probably never will, so I can’t talkmuch about the voice acting. I will only comment on Tokuchi’s voice actors andhow phenomenal good he does his character, the voice fits the nefariouscharacter the he is.


The series provides everything you couldask for in a sports anime about gambling, with psychological aspects to it.Because it is baseball, every episode feels fresh and you won’t see a repetitivegame, plus 25 episodes means you will have to sit down and enjoy this for alonger period. Anybody who wants to see some mental action and maybe learn somethings about the psychological side of baseball, should place this anime as atop priority, it needs the attention. 

eusebio38 - 2016-02-09 06:57:53

The first thing I have to state is that if you're someone who's hesitant to watch One Outs because it looks like "Just another Sports Anime", I recommend you throw that mindset out of the window. One Outs does not include your every day game of Baseball, as you may have guessed. While it's the general theme of the show, it digs deep enough to even have someone like me, who isn't a fan of Baseball deeply entertained.� 

The first couple of episodes give you a taste of what's to come. I personally give myself a "5 Episode Rule" with most series before I decide whether or not to drop them. If this series doesn't quite captivate you then, it's probably not for you. However, if you're interested and want more, trust me when I say that there is definitely more. 

To talk about the fields in which I rated this Anime in:   

 Story: While everything has a story, it's not what makes this series shine. The story is there, and it's good. However, it doesn't feel like what draws someone to this show. Therefore, it receives a 7/10.

Animation: This show's animation is really good. I feel like if it weren't done as well as it was, I wouldn't have felt as good about many parts of the series as I do. Having it serve the show so well, I feel like it earns a 9/10.

Sound: Most of what I've said about the Animation applies to here as well. Everything from the soundtrack, to the sound effects, to the ambient sounds hit an outstanding mark of quality, proving to both immerse me and aiding me in feeling out what was intended to be felt out in given scenes.  With it doing just as it was meant to, I give it a 9/10.

Character: This series doesn't offer too many strengths to characters who aren't Antagonists, or the Main Protagonist. While these characters lack, this series does define both Tokouchi and his adversaries well, which makes up for it. Thanks to these factors, Characters received an 8/10.  

Enjoyment: I had a blast with this series, marathoning it for my first time about a year and a half ago. After recommending it for a friend, I've been heavily considering giving it a good re-watch. The enjoyment factor is definitely a 9/10.  

Overall: Having this show be a part of my top 5, I'll surely ask anyone to try it. Give it the 5 episode test drive. If you like it, I advise you stick to it. If not, I'm sorry that it isn't your thing. This show gets a 9/10 from me, and to no surprise, a seal of approval. 

cesar.fay - 2014-07-27 20:37:30

I just loved it. I have been looking for a really "clever" anime for a while now as well as a sporty one. This series is all about whits and exploiting rules and getting of the worst kind of the worst situations in the most unpredictable way. It was just really entertaining to watch, and learn one thing or another about baseball too!

gaylord.melyssa - 2013-10-28 05:56:26

How nefarious can a main character get?When one thinks of a sports anime, their mind doesn't even consider the fact that sports can be psychological. I finished this anime in 2 days, and I just have to say....Baseball meets Death Note. Tokuchi, Toua is in my mind the ultimate main character. He's just the definition of a bad ass and that's really what makes this anime so great. The supporting characters in my opinion were not that well developed but the performance of Tokuchi more then made up for that minor loss.The score was simply beautiful when it was shown, the art was magnificient however like I said sometimes the supporting characters didn't seem like they had a lot of progress. The antognist was your typical greedy SOB which made you cringe when you saw him. However the main part of this anime is suspense. You can't enter an episode and not wonder what is gonna happen next, that is how well this anime is made. It keeps you guessing and let me tell you, good luck guessing how Toua thinks, because it's damn near impossible. Overall a 9/10, it's definetely an overlooked anime that deserves some light. You don't wanna miss this for one second.

johns.roxane - 2013-07-08 21:50:44

Have you ever thought of a baseball player who is actually has a smart mind and can calls the shot around everyone who think they will beat a intelligent man, put that together with a manager really wants you lose so bad that throws you alot of situations to prevent you win the big gold? That's what this series is all about, winning at all cost.

Story(8):Meet Toua Tokuchi a gambler, and a One Outs baseball champion undefeated who is improving at his best at pitching. All of a sudden, things changed when Hiromichi Kojima is the first man who defeats Toua after his rematch.After the match, Kojima makes Toua to join this baseball team called Lycaons(the weakest team in baseball) to help out the team win their first championship.After he joins the team, he meets the manager of the Lycaons who requests Toua to sign the One Outs contract to include huge amounts of money if he wins a match. But, if Toua loses the manager will take Toua's money down the drain.Toua accepts the deal, and that's when the exciting adventure of Toua just getting started. The story is actually quite amazing to watch just to see what Toua's actions are going to do with the opponents he is about to face. One minor problem from making the story of a masterpiece is the ending is...... what say it makes you want something more out of it to see what's happening next. And, sometimes the arcs makes it feel like it is predictable which is not bad but it gets sorta tedious from it. Out of that the story is very nice that it is very different from what you usually see from regular baseball with some huge twists.

Art(8):Nothing to say anything bad on the art. It features red background face whenever Toua makes a grin on his face when he defeats opponents which is good. The characters looks nice which is nice though the whole art ain't memorable to look at you finish watching the show.

Sound(8): The sound is fantastic, with you first hear the opening theme song features slow beat that gives you goosebumps from listening to it. Also, the ost is pretty good when something get interesting going on to the characters at the right time. One problem aspect to the sound is sometimes the songs get repetitive to hear once you already hear it again it gets annoying. One example is after the ending theme the preview songs comes, and it brings it again in some occasionally with a scene. It gets annoying that you want a new song come in so you don't have to listen to it again.

Character(9): One Outs has the greatest characters you will ever see. Their personalities are very unique that it makes you wanting to like them. Including the villain(manager) makes you really want to him so bad, and Toua(sorta like a hero to the team of Lycaons) makes you like the characters. The rest of the characters did a very good job as their role to this series including the rivalries of the Lycanos.

Enjoyment (9):This show has very high enjoyment. With huge twists type of cat and a mouse in the whole sport of baseball, it makes you very entertained that it you will be wondering, "why baseball isn't like this type of show?"

Overall(9):Best sport show you will ever seen. If you like baseball or not a huge fan of baseball this one will like the show even more that you will be cringing your teeth, and have your edge on your seat.If you like physiological shows with a smartful character and a evil villain morals his plans to bring a character than you will like this show for sure like I have been enjoying it for me.

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