Major S5
メジャーAfter the baseball season was over, Gorou returned to Japan. There he learned from Toshi that there is going to be a Baseball World Cup the following year hosted in America. (Source: AniDB)

joel74 - 2016-12-09 20:48:21
Not willing to write a huge review however i was very disappointed there was noting on here other than someone saying it's bad. Major is an incredible series and younger years attach you to the protagonist so well as you watch him play ball and grow as a person from 5+. The later episodes end with him in America trying to compete. Somewhere along the line this show disappointed me with it's direction, however it is still my favorite sports anime of all time and is an incredible watch with plenty of episodes. Goro Shigeno is a character you will always be rooting for because he creates his own path even in the face of adversity.

roberts.kaya - 2016-02-16 07:41:45
Worst anime I have ever seen. Even worse than Fairy Tail and Boku No Pico. I would never recommend this to anybody.