11eyes イレブンアイズWhen the Sky turns Red, the Moon turns Black, and monsters begin roaming the streets, Satsuki Kakeru is at a loss for what to do. Along with his best friend Yuka, they try to decipher why they have been sent to this strange world, which is seemingly empty aside from themselves. However, when the "Red Night" ends, Kakeru and Yuka believed it was all a dream, until it happens again and they are left in a dangerous situation. They meet four others in the same predicament: Kusakabe Misuzu, an expert swordswoman, Tachibana Kukuri, a strange mute girl who looks uncannily like Kakeru's deceased sister, Hirohara Yukiko, a lively young girl whose personality reverts to that of a cold killer when her glasses are removed, and Tajima Takahisa, a young pyrokineticist. As the six of them band together to survive and discover what this mysterious world is, things take a turn for the worse as six shadows appear before them... [Written by MAL Rewrite]

yrath - 2016-03-09 20:13:09
11eyes is an anime in which there is positive about the start and a lot of negative about the end! Let me explain :
During the first episode, we understand that our protagonist is quite special, indeed, at times it enters a parallel world to ours (world is frankly well done and whose malevolent atmosphere is really good).
The rest is to be expected of course, this world contains kinds of evil creatures who want to kill him and various other characters who will appear throughout the story. And why? Because they have in them a certain power capable of bringing back to life an evil witch! Therefore, we must kill them! joyful!
In short, we feel there quite a cliché!
For the rest, the story itself is pretty good, it takes relatively upright and forward appropriately, albeit slowly at different times! everything sorely lacking "dynamism". However, this is not all, an episode (7 or 8...?) things rot...We are witnessing there to the downward spiral of the series.
In this kind of animes, producers tend to place some pressure on our characters to the base and thereafter, this so-called pressure tends to increase and, due to an adverse event or a revelation will gradually fracture the group of friends who initially was welded! Here, the disturbing element is the most laughable, and, due to the fact that it is a pseudo childish romance ! Like what they did not know what else to find.
Basically, we are witnessing an almost dislocation of the group and for good reason: the cute Yuka that at the beginning turns out to be the stereotype of the childhood friend so kawaii and nice to throw in developing a real morbid jealousy actually degenerates into schizophrenia, which completely spoils the atmosphere of departure and also really tarnished the image of the series.
Excluding all that, the graphics break anything to be honest, it is not revolutionary at all, even far from it! As for the OP and ED I have no memory...
Then comes the last point which has made this anime completely fallen in my estimation, it is part of the so-called "Resurrection"! The "important" pseudo historical characters who die in combat miraculously back to life! And what is more, they have forgotten all the events they experienced and return to their everyday lives without remembering anything! From my perspective, I find that there is no worse as the end, it's sloppy and thoughtless especially if we take into account the fact that the series is quite dark.
In short, a series with a potential that unfortunately end with a bitter end !

effie.christiansen - 2015-04-29 10:20:30
The game is brilliant but I think the OVA ruin the game .

morar.edwardo - 2015-03-15 20:31:04

dorris.botsford - 2014-12-28 23:20:24
Good setting, decent music, okay art and animation, story riddled with plot-holes, characters with not enough room of development.

wolff.brandy - 2014-02-22 17:44:05
The original review (I don't recommend it): http://hsmedianerdreviews.blogspot.com/2013/11/anime-review-11eyes.html

lonzo.bruen - 2014-02-02 18:08:03
11Eyes is the one show that I would consider my guilty pleasure anime. It has plot holes, a horrible 11th episode (which is awkward considering its name), too much forced fanservice, and mediocre characters that bring nothing new to anime. What it does have is an excellent soundtrack, good animation which builds a nice emotional mood (in between the panty shots that ruin that mood), and, well, I enjoyed it much more than I probably should have.
The story starts off like most "transported into a world almost identical to the one the characters were in and forced to survive" shows like Shakugan no Shana, Yumekui Merry, Accel World, etc. 11Eyes has a good start as it shows the strong bond between our two childhood-friend protagonists. They barely manage to survive in the alternate world that resembled their own city. The only major difference being the lack of people and the strange demonic creatures that attacked them. They attempt to return to their normal lives, but are forcefully brought back to that world once again. This time, however, they are saved by a mysterious girl who goes to the same school as them and has also been brought to that world just like them. According to her, she has also seen several other students from their school in that world fighting for survival. This begins their fight against the creatures in the world they call the "Red Night" that they keep being brought back to.
The characters mostly consists of the group of high school students (two guys and four girls) as well as the antagonists they fight against in the Red World. Kakeru, the main protagonist, is an orphan who has a tragic past involving his older sister. At the orphanage he lived at as a child, he met his childhood friend, Yuka. They meet several other students like Misuzu, the girl who saved them on their second trip into the Red Night and Yukiko, a girl with a split personality.
The characters are a double-edged sword. While they often have great moments together, some moments and plot holes involving them ruin any chance they have being really amazing. That, and none of them have any characteristics that make them truly unique. Badass girl with swords, protagonist with an eyepatch, mediocre yandere, a character whose power is hidden for a long time before being shown to be the most powerful of them all, and someone bent on revenge at all costs. Their characteristics have been done many times before and since and to a much better extent. Still, the characters aren't horrible and they are interesting to watch. Their interactions with each other is one of their better aspects.
But the story and the characters involved suffer from one major problem. Being based off of a visual novel, 11Eyes has a tendency to show its more sexually explicit side in a way that just ends up destroying the show. The 11th episode is the biggest display of how a story can go out of its way to have fanservice and just utterly ruin the story along with it. As much as I enjoy 11Eyes, the 11th episode is one of my least favorite episodes in all of anime. It is completely unnecessary despite trying to seem necessary and just comes off as horrible, pointless fanservice that seems to undermine everything the main character, Kakeru, had been trying to do until and even after that point.
Now for a more positive aspect. The soundtrack is hands-down the best part of 11Eyes. The instant the characters are transported into the Red Nigh for the first time, it becomes clear how much of an effect the thrilling and dark soundtrack has on the emotion of the anime. The soundtrack mostly consists of heavy orchestral and operatic rock songs. I don't think there's a single bad song that is played while the characters are in the Red Night. As for the songs played in the normal world during the more relaxed scenes, they are less memorable, but are by no means bad at all.
The animation in 11Eyes is amazing. The transition into the Red Night is one of the best transitions I've ever seen. However, as mentioned before, the animation suffers in places where the story incorporates fanservice amidst the darker moments. In the end, you get thrilling psychological moments and stupid fanservice moments mixed into the same episodes at awkward intervals similar to how different the two pictures at the top are. While the school uniform in 11Eyes is one of my favorites in anime, the characters themselves have fairly generic designs, especially Misuzu who bring nothing new to the quiet, badass girl with swords archetype.
The action scenes are usually very well animated and are only occasionally cheaply animated. As the story goes on, the action scenes become more often and more characters get involved in them. The show is also fairly graphic at times when it comes to the violence in these scenes.
I recommend watching 11Eyes. As bad as it may be at times, I certainly don't think these negative aspects are enough to ruin the entire show (just parts of it). With an excellent soundtrack, good animation when it isn't being used for mediocre fanservice, and a good story even though though it falls apart towards the end, this anime is worth watching.
On a final note, I guess I should say one warning: Do not watch the epilogue OVA for this show unless you want the worst fanservice episode ever.

boyle.ursula - 2013-06-02 12:21:56
I started 11 eyes with the good feeling, it sounded interesting and looked like something I would enjoy. But I was also warned about how much of a trainreck some find it to be. I'm not the type to let other's opinions bother me so I kept a positive view. It's not the worst anime I ever watched, but I must say it didn't live up to my expectations.Story: 4/10This was the worst part of the series. It showed strong potential in the beginning. But with most visual novels turned anime, it didn't live up to it's original work. The first half of the series has pretty much next to no development and the second half is awkward at best. You have to ask yourself the question "What even happened?" way too many times. In the end there were too many plotholes.To be honest, this is what bothered me the most. Normally I can watch any anime as long as it's somewhat interesting and makes sense. This didn't and I literally had to force myself through the episodes, watching 1 or 2 episodes and then putting it on hold. I hate dropping series and that's the reason I wrestled myself through this.Art: 6/10The art isn't great, but not bad either. There wasn't much that really caught my eye. I did like how the characters sprung out, even when they were wearing their high school uniforms like all the time. Some battles scenes did look pretty awkward, the choreography was just terrible. Misuzu's sword summoning was the most interesting in this department.Sound: 8/10It's kinda sad that this is the only department that's really good. I found the OP and ED really enjoyable and addicting. The BGM was great and does a good job at setting the atmosphere. There were some annoying voice actors under the girls, but hey which anime doesn't have at least one annoying VA.Characters: 5/10Stereotypes, stereotypes everywhere. But that was still alright, until Yuka came around. She could crush this score singlehandedly. Even though she was clingy, she was still likable in the beginning. At the end of the series she was my most hated character. She just became way to annoying and I actually hoped she would get killed.And the way how suddenly everyone regresses into powerless piles of fear. Even though they were sterotypes, the were still likeable. They had their own quirks until suddenly the Kakeru had to become the main point of focus and no one else counted anymore. What. The. Hell. Happened.Enjoyment: 6/10This gets a 6 at best. There were some parts that were interesting and the characters were still awesome till the second half. But as I said before, I really had to force myself to finish this. And that's not a good sign.Overall: 6/10This show had so much potential and it's sad to see how that turned out. The show is decent, but there are many better series out there. I really want to give the visual novel a try to see how the real experience would be. Please tell me the original work is better than this?

corwin.hortense - 2013-04-02 13:54:17
11eyes, in the beginning, showed potential to be a "10" or "9" grade anime. Some shows went on and grew the beard. This one, on the other hand, devolved into something else. However, this wasn't exactly a devolution into the worst of the worst.Story - 4/10The anime showed pretty strong potential to be a very good supernatural themed story. The concept was used before. This did not discourage me from watching it though. One can use mediocre concepts and turn it into gold. I first saw this aspect as gold. This view, however, devolved and the story slowly but surely turned into something else: A screwy and awkward one. An interesting story suddenly became VERY awkward and weird. Suddenly, it's like the other characters lost their competence and some even derailed into "dreadful and annoying" (I'm looking at you, Yuka.) And the rest just got... blah. I'll give it a 4 for managing to be really interesting early on.Art - 7/1011eyes definitely has great art. Arts from other more complicated series cannot be compared to this one since its main focus was the "moe" aspect. Characters that have cute traits like big eyes and the like are found in it. Some battle scenes did look a bit awkward though. At one time, I was expecting an epic fight between two master swordsmen. It shifts to one scene. And then cue to a scene where one of them says "She's too strong." and don't fight anyway. It's like they ran out of budget to make a big fight scene. That was fail. This gets 7 for being really good at what the art's supposed to be.Sound - 9/10The opening "Arrival of Tears" by Ayane and "Sequentia" by Asriel are suberb themes and are actually VERY addicting. The BGM of the show, too, was great. Epic music was around. This gets a 9.Character - 6/10The characters are stereotypical, that's for sure. The characters were made to cater to your fetishes. This was ok, I understand. It was the point. And then IT happened. One of the main girls degraded into a sick little girl with her own sick little fantasies. And as I said earlier, suddenly most of the cast became incompetent in combat and the main guy just became central view of the show. What the heck happened? This gets a 6 for me.Enjoyment - 7/10Although not that good, I definitely enjoyed this show. Admittedly, it catered to me, being a moe anime after all. It's my type. Later on this interest disappeared due to... complications in story. This gets a 7 in enjoyment - it's quite entertaining to watch nevertheless.Overall - 6/1011eyes, though deserving lots of the flak from our fellow watchers, is a pretty ok anime. It barely crosses "5" territory, which for me is a low score already. Overall, 11eyes cannot be considered a great or a superb anime. But undeniably the show is decent enough to stand. But if one looks for story and development in an anime, 11eyes is not for you.