Anonymous Noise
覆面系ノイズNino, a girl who likes to sing, experienced two farewells in the past. First, with her first love, Momo, and second, with Yuzu, a boy who composes music. But upon those two farewells, she made a promise with each of them: to continue singing until they find her voice again. Time has passed, and now these three are in high school...?! (Source: Amazon)

ebalistreri - 2017-06-30 12:23:35
-This my rating is base on the show overall placement by the genres that define it. This is the system that I use since it seem unbelievable weird to give it a lower rating because it quality is lower than say “Code Geass” (Action, slightly Mecha, Psychological )
- The rating is more base on the amount of enjoyment I had than the quality.
The anime is surprisingly enjoyable with some great song tracks. I would even say it is one of my favorite SHOUJO anime. Although Saori Hayami is a slight miscast as Nino for the singing, but she is a talented VA with a role like Shouko from Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice). Definitely give it 3-4 eps if you really enjoy shoujo anime or great cliche drama.
Music sample(Give it a quick listen if this is your taste):
Real Review:
I been watching anime since the first time Sword Art Online was airing Japan. Since then have been watching at least 7 anime per season. This anime I must admit is one of those anime that I had to watch every week.
I am a big shoujo anime fan despite all the cliches. If you compare this anime with only other shoujo anime, it does the cliches really well that makes it stand. The best part is there is a feeling of progression in every ep. This being a major weakness in most shoujo anime. The best way to describe the anime is that it is more a rock music and drama anime that is chained down by shoujo cliches. The music of the show was really great to listen that I would listen to it over and over for a couple of weeks.
Now on some of the weakness of the show. The major issue is the use of 3D in the performances are utterly terrible, but it still shots of the main heroine’s singing struggles I have to say is what really hooked me in. That should defined the peak moments of the animes that were strong and impactful. Then, there is the slight miscast for Nino, main heroine especially for the singing, but talented Saori Hayami does shine through. It seem on purpose though for the Nino to start out singing as ignoring and slightly terrible that gradually improves throughout the show until the big finale of the show. Lastly, Nino’s character is kinda of difficult to like, but the supporting cast makes that up greatly.
Overall: This is great shoujo anime with some great music.
This is my first and only written review, but if you guys like it and would like another review of an anime I seen. Message me on my wall.
Links: Saori Hayama’s anime roles:

thowe - 2017-06-28 08:21:07
So I just finished the series. Have to say, one of the worst shows I have ever finished. I can’t understand the writers’ complete incompetence to write either relatable or likable character’s. I hated pretty much everyone in this show. Especially the main girl. There is a good way to write dumb characters and then there is the way that this show did, horrible. The music was awful as well. You can make POP sound good, like BTS for example. However, this show could not do that, and as a result, the main song “Canary” feels like actual fucking NOISE. The story goes absolutely nowhere and the characters pretty much do not change through the series. Did I mention the horrible art-style and the HORRIBLE CG?

sheridan57 - 2017-06-28 08:19:01
Need 2 season fast and #TeamYuzu