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Nobunaga the Fool


Two planets, one to the East and another to the West, were once bound together by a chain called the Dragon Stream. But now, that chain is broken and the two halves are only joined in war. Nobunaga the Fool is heir to the Eastern Country of Owari. Regarded as too foolish and carefree by many, including his friends, Nobunaga is thought to be a nuisance even by his father. A girl from the West named Jeanne Kaguya d'Arc has visions of a "Savior-King." She is accompanied by Leonardo da Vinci as she journeys to the Eastern Planet in search of the person in her visions. Leonardo and Jeanne quickly fall victim to a military confrontation between powerful mecha, only to be saved by Nobunaga. Nobunaga takes control of Leonardo's mecha, intending to warn his family of the siege he suspects. Jeanne suspects that the lackadaisical Nobunaga might be the Savior-King she's envisioned.

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: 17+ (violence & profanity)
  • Date aired: 2014-01-06 to 2014-06-23
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 9785
  • In favorites: 22
  • Popularity Rank: 1594
  • Episode count: 24
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 9 h. 36 min.
  • Genre: Action , Sci-Fi , Historical , Mecha
jarvis39 - 2014-07-01 03:09:56

I still can't understand how had I watched such a kuso anime. The story is totally illogical. And characters don't seem to have any idea of what they are doing or what they want to do. In the last episodes, most characters die so inexplicably that I can't help to laught while whatching. The worst anime I have ever watch.

cindy.ryan - 2014-05-11 02:59:30

Full review here:

bhansen - 2014-02-11 19:17:16

I finally have thechance to sit down and write this review, sorry for taking this long to updateit.
If you want to see the original version, click here:

‘’ Once upon a time, the two sides were bound bythe "Dragon Pulse" spanning the heavens. The civilization that oncehad prospered has now turned to a tale of dreams, as the inextinguishableflames of war tear the realm asunder. The two planets remain engulfed inendless battles. The return of the super technology known as "sacredtreasures" could revolutionize the world order, but no one knows of thembut one person — a "heretical girl." A girl from the Western Planet,Jeanne Kaguya d'Arc, saw heavenly visions of the birth of a "StarMessiah" who will save the world. She embarks on a journey to the EasternPlanet with Leonardo da Vinci, "the one who observes the world." Theycome across the heretic of the Eastern Planet and "the greatest fool ofthe day," Oda Nobunaga’’

The story seems simple at first, but it takes a lot of twists and turns. Thebasics of it is that Oda Nobunaga wants to rule heaven and earth and there’sthis prophecy about a destroyer king and a savior king. One of the big mysteriesof the show is who is actually who, this is revealed at the end and it’s apretty interesting twist I must say.
How well was the story executed? Well, this is an adaptation from a screenplay, so turning it into an anime might be a little strange.

There were some slow moments but as a whole the story didn’t disappoint,the firsthalf was painfully boring, but it got interesting at maybe the midway point. Asa historical story, it’s pretty wild. Gathering together people who in realhistory have nothing to do with each other (A lot of anime have done this, but Ifeel like this one did it right)Not to mention the whole mecha aspect of theshow. I felt like the supernatural aspect of the show was done really well,with the Regalia that give powers to the mecha and of course the prophecy. Thebattle between the Star of the East and the Star of the West is exactly what itis, people from western history battling people from eastern history (If thewas a Star of the North, they would win, because they have Kenshiro,lol). Onething really liked about this story was that it doesn’t explain everything onthe spot and some things are left a mystery for almost half the series.
Overall the story was good , it had it’s slow moments but it was interesting enough.Story:6/10

The characters in the show are really spot on. There were episodes withalmost nothing but dialog between characters, so they did get quite a bit ofdevelopment. I’m going to list of all the main characters, and say what I thinkabout them

Nobunaga- The main character of the show, he wasn’t very interesting to behonest. He was just like ‘’FIGHT THIS GUY, FIGHT THAT GUY, GET THE REGALIA,UNITE HEAVE AND EARTH’’ Bla,bla,bla. He’s definitely  a rule of cool character, which is kind of oddin this kind of show. He did his job as a main character, but he could havebeen quite better.

Mitsuhide- Probably the best character in this series, he wants to helpNobunaga reach his goals but he has to durty his hands to do it. We keepsdebating if what he’s doing is right or wrong. He loves Ichime ( Nobunaga’ssister) But for one reason or another, they can’t be together. This gives agreat deal of depth to his character.

Jean Kaguya D’Arck- A generic moral support female character for most of theseries, she does help in battle and since she is the holder of the prophecy,she is wanted by both sides to declare their leader the savior king. She’s adamsel in distress one episode, next episode she’s being tortured and nextepisode she’s being a little bit of a Tsundere. Overall, not a very interestingcharacter but she did her job.


Gaius Julius Caesar- The main villain for the first part of the show. Heeventually betrays King Arthur and joins Nobunaga. He acts as an ally and afriend to the group and is definitely a cool character. The only big flaw hehas is that his relationship with Ichihime felt rushed, she hated him, thenafter one cake she fell in love with him, it would have been fantastic to seetheir relationship evolve, but sadly we didn’t get that.

Sadly, no other villain is worth Mentioning. All of them were stupid and forgettable,the only worthy mention is King Arthur who is just so rushed of a character it’sunbiliavable.

Overall this series doesn’t have that strong of a cast, it could have had, butit didn’t. 4/10

The soundtrack for this series was fantastic, I take back everything I saidin the original review. All Ops and EDs were amazing, the background music feltgreat but sometimes repetitive. Music: 8/10

Due to it’s small budget, the series had pretty wonky animation. The CGIwas far from perfect and the overall look of the show got really meh in thelast feel episodes. It had moments were it looked pretty good, but overall itwas not fantastic nor horrible
Animation: 7/10

As I said before, the show started off really boring and I didn’t enjoy ituntil the later half of the series. Enjoyment: 4/10

It wasn’t a horrible series, not was it perfect. It’s a decent show thatisn’t really for everyone. It could have been great, but it just had some bigmistakes in it,
Overall: 6.2/10

Again, Sorry for taking this long to write this review and see you next time.

zbergnaum - 2014-02-06 23:55:47

If there is one word I could use to describe this anime so far, it would probably be “boring.” Ok, sorry, that’s not very descriptive, so let me elaborate. The story just doesn’t seem to fit together, the characters aren’t all that interesting and only get development during periods of filler, and the mecha battles are so cliché that they end up being comical.

There are two parts of this series that I can’t really complain about, and these are the animation and music. I can tell that a lot of thought was put into the character designs, and the animation staff has done a good job of keeping the animation smooth. The intro song is nice and somewhat catchy, and the outro song is simply amazing, and fits the mood of the series perfectly. As for the soundtracks during the episodes, I haven’t really noticed them much, and therefore can’t say anything good or bad.

Overall, my main problem with the show is the story altogether. You can tell that there is some sort of plot in the background of the series, but at the same time, every episode sort of feels like it’s somehow separated from the others. There’s already been plenty of filler in which massive character development happens, but outside of that, the characters really haven’t developed at all. But perhaps what annoys me the most is that this show tries to coast on its epic moments, which really aren’t that epic anyway. Satelight obviously thinks that if they include enough dramatic showdowns and similar stuff like that, they don’t really need to string a good story in between them. I’m disappointed in Nobunaga the Fool so far because I really wanted to like it. Seeing as they are the creators of Hellsing Ultimate and Fairy Tail, I think Satelight should be doing better than this.

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