Saga of Tanya the Evil
幼女戦記On the front lines of the war, there is a little girl. Blond hair, blue eyes, and porcelain white skin, she commands her squad with lisping voice. Her name is Tanya Degurechaff. But in reality, she is one of Japan's most elite salarymen, reborn as a little girl after angering a mysterious being who calls himself God. This little girl, who prioritizes efficiency and her own career over anything else, will become the most dangerous being amongst the sorcerers of the imperial army.
asha.ebert - 2017-04-05 15:32:53
Deus lo vult
michel63 - 2017-04-05 14:04:53
Saga of Tanya the Evil es rara, si, pero en el sentido en como cuenta su historia, quiere ser seria pero teniendo un estilo peculiar de presentar a sus personajes en la narrativa.
Primero que todo, la protagonista (no quiero spoilear nada, ya que su origen es interesante), no me convence del todo, tiene sus puntos de hacer una revolución para la nación en la que sirve, y lo hace de una manera que te hace cuestionar e sus acciones, me gusto eso de ella, pero…el problema es como ejecutan la historia aquí, ya se que se inspira en hechos reales (no se basa, ya que fíjense que le cambian los nombres a los países de Europa), pero nos dan en unas cuantas escenas de exposición, muuuuuchas exposición, no nos explica muy bien el como llego esta ahi, como es que logro descubrir eso, por que contradice algunas ordenes, tales cosas, ya que el autor la hace como alguien que controle a las masas, eso no esta mal, pero a muchos no les va atraer si es que no explicas muy bien sus motivos. Ya que incluso, ¿como logro tener conocimientos políticos tan avanzados que un gobernador promedio si es que antes era alguien normal de negocios?
La animación, brutal, música, buena, escenarios, buenos para no caer en los países de la vida real (tal como hizo Fullmetal Alchemist o Attack on Titan), y es una buena obra joder, ya que despues de toda la locura que nos muestra en pantalla, es una serie que al menos se diferencia del mercado de hoy en día de darnos lolis adorables, aqui no, aqui tenemos una loli nazi con poder de pólvora y moral.
Es disfrutable y entretenida.
bogan.dahlia - 2017-04-05 01:25:56
bobbie16 - 2017-04-03 04:17:23
I like how this show didn’t pull any punches. The main character is irrevocably and unapologetically evil. There are moments when you flinch at her actions, but some where you almost sympathize.
In terms of visuals, the show is well done. The magic looks cool. Not only that, but the magic works with the existing tech in a reasonable way. The soundtrack is also interesting and combines well with the aesthetic.
All in all, I think this was a good show. There is an equal focus on combat and strategy. However, if you don’t have a strong stomach, I’d advise against watching.
glind - 2017-02-22 06:33:10
Can’t explain but, I’m only getting chills that I’m enjoying from watching this anime up to this point. ( ´థ౪థ)
madison45 - 2017-02-15 19:29:09
This is a series that is really brought to life after episode 2. I would highly recommend watching the first two episodes at least before deciding to drop the anime.
Story: The first episode starts off fairly generic, you have your classic tsundere loli who just happens to be better at everything than everyone else. I was considering dropping the anime at this point but I’m very glad I didn’t.
The plot is incredibly interesting and very character driven. The pacing keeps you on the edge of your seat, spending just enough time on a scene or character before moving on.
Overall Story: 4.5/5
Animation: The animation for this series is well done in the sense that it is up to par for modern day anime. When the anime does go all out for a scene it is gorgeous, although doesn’t last longer than a minute episode.
The animation has a grim overtone which suits the series well.
Overall Animation: 3.5/5
Sound: To be honest I had to go back and listen to the soundtrack again before writing this section. The music is relatively generic although does an amazing job at setting the mood while watching the anime. It never feels out of place.
Overall Sound: 3.5/5
Characters: This is where this anime shines. The main character Tanya drives the story forward seeking a cozy life away from war. Her actions constantly surprise those around her as well as the audience. We get to know what’s going on insider her head and being to root for her victory.
The other characters in the story aren’t nearly as fleshed out although they don’t need to be. This story is about Tanya and currently she is abstaining from making relationships so given we see things from her perspective it makes sense we wouldn’t know much about the other characters.
Overall Characters: 4.5/5
Enjoyment: When it comes to anime, I have always lived by the rule that marathoning is the only way to watch. This anime is so compelling that I feel the need to abandon my creed and watch it every week. Trust me I tried to wait, but there’s something about it that just made me need to know.
Overall Enjoyment 5/5
Overall: 4.5/5 (For Episodes 6 and Below)
Story: 4.5/5
Animation: 3.5/5
Sound: 3.5/5
Characters: 4.5/5
Enjoyment: 5/5
I hope you enjoyed this review, and thank you for taking your time to read it.
jarrod.vonrueden - 2017-02-10 06:11:18
World War One seems to be in vogue with the release of high profile games and anime that features vintage hardware military and conflicts of that era. Youjo Senki is the latest animated project to incorporate this tumultuous setting while adding a few twists of its own by taking place in an alternate 1920s, where the onset of first World War is delayed and magical powers are an integral part of military doctrine. It follows the personal story of Tanya Degurechaff, a Japanese salaryman reincarnated into a female mage, and offers a unique perspective in the which the main protagonist behaves like an anti-hero and borders on the edges of villainy while fighting for Germanian Empire.
Youjo Senki is defined by the main female lead of Tanya as she ascends the ranks of the Imperial Army though bloodshed and maneuvering within its bureaucracy. What makes her character and story so interesting is that she provides a fascinating case study on villianary. From the onset, her ultimate objective is to live out a comfortable life by following the rules to an dogmatic degree and being competent. It is a mundane goal, far from the stereotypical ambitions of world domination, fame or riches, but it does ground her character to be relatable.
Being a sociopathic salaryman in her former life, Tanya runs afoul of a God due to her lack of empathy and atheism, which then causes her to be reborn into a grim world in order to unlock her faith in a higher power. The crux of the series is for Tanya to physically survive the ever expanding conflict that will become the First World War in this alternate timeline challenge for Tanya become twofold as she is to survive in this new world while not succumbing to the spiritual whims of God’s conversion efforts.
However, Tanya does have access to quite a bit of power in the form of retaining full knowledge of her previous life, extremely high magical potential, ruthless work ethic and state of the art equipment. Despite ending up in the body of a ten year old blonde girl, there is very little pandering to when it comes to her loli physicality, and those who underestimate her quickly find themselves outclassed and outmaneuvered. Tanya is completely ruthless and brutal when it comes to waging warfare as her tactics are to swiftly end the fight with clever tactics and overwhelming firepower. Off the battlefield and with the knowledge of World War One, she can sweet talk her way to the command staff with groundbreaking military doctrine and instill a sense of reverence in her troops.
Indeed, the greatest downfall to her is the incompatibility of her final goals, ideology and actions within the military environment resulting in the various schemes that she cooks up to ensure a comfortable position ends up with the opposite effect. Her adherence to rules, regulations and orders does not offer any alternate route in spite of Tanya’s being the villain in her own story. While the civilian business world can be far more accommodating to the desires of talented individuals, the military values competency by award those specific individuals like Tanya, with greater responsibility. There was no way that the Imperial Army was letting a brilliant tactician and ace mage with unmatched strength or leadership ability, be sidelined in the greatest war to end all war. As smart and cunning as Tanya is, for her to not realize that simple face seems like an oversight to me.
The other characters of the show don’t even come close to holding a candle to the flamethrower that is Tanya, but that doesn’t mean that they are poorly designed or constructed. Her subordinate, Viktoriya Serebryakova, a female conscripted into the German Empire Army, acts as the foil to Tanya’s cold efficiency and utilitarian worldview. With nationalistic ideals, a strong sense of duty, concerns about her comrades and a belief in a higher power, she is far more akin to your noble anime female heroine. It is this juxtaposition of their attitudes that makes their interactions so peculiar as Viktoriya is slowly smitten by her superior officer.
Finally, there is God himself, who is portrayed as a singular entity as opposed to the myriad of deities in the source material. Appearing through proxies at every encounter, Being X, as Tanya refers to him, is far more sinister by setting up Tanya in situations where she has no choice but to praise his name in exchange for the usage very powerful Type-95 magical orb. Everyone else worth mentioning is part of the German High Command staff that want to see Tanya be used to her maximum potential, with one exception, by giving her the best military assets and the most dangerous missions.
From the limited information available, Youjo Senki is the first main animation production from Studio Nut, a newfound company is made up of former Studio Madhouse employees. There is obviously some talent behind this anime production as the action sequences looks quite good and convey a sense of ferociousness as Tanya butchers her way through the opposing force. The backgrounds also looks great with the landscape and skybox being highly detailed while having this drab color palette that fit the bleak tone of Youjo Senki. The only compliant that some other people may have is the differences in character designs between the source material and the anime. Tanya and Viktoriya looks leagues apart when compared to their Soujo-like appearance in the manga and light novel. Personally, I think that sociopathic nature of Tanya and the wide-eyed look of the optimistic and duty-bound Viktoriya meshes well with their respective trollish and dopey animated appearances.
If you can only watch a few shows out of the winter 2017 season of anime, Youjo Senki would easily be on the list of recommendations. The World War One setting is worth the admission alone as portrayal of the various weapons and military doctrine is spot on. Having one of the most understandable psychopathic loli that anime has to offer, only adds to its uniqueness and enjoyment.
haskell.upton - 2017-01-21 02:22:22
Im on the fence of dropping it because while it is a good show i don’t like how it just (and it not subtile about it either) shove religion in the show i mean i get its for the plot but it gets to be a bit much at times
raoul.labadie - 2017-01-13 01:49:25
An anime about an evil loli with extremely powerful magic bent on destroying her enemies? Yes please. Mostly good animation, though let’s see how the story compares to the original LNs in the long run.
torphy.enola - 2017-01-12 09:00:39
Interesting concept, especially after watching the second episode.
Hopefully it has some direction. Animation is enjoyable and oddly enough the sound design is great.
The weaponry and magical items have sound effects that really agree with me.