
aleen.rice - 2015-09-06 12:37:23
Infinite Stratos season 2 wasn't that bad, but the ending left a bitter taste in my mouth because it left so many questions unanswered and its just begging for a third season.
The story felt like it wasn't complete and needs to be continued(6/10), the animation was good just like the last season(9/10), sound effects were basically the same as the last season and still good(7/10), characters a bit cliche but still enjoyable(7/10).
But despite some of the hiccups, the second series was enjoyable scoring it a 3.5/5 or a 7/10

vkeeling - 2014-04-09 22:31:10
I personally think that IS: Infinite Stratos 2 wasn't as good as the first season.
First, there is way too much harem in the story. Almost half the anime is filled with harem and doesn't even have anything to do with the story plot.
Second of all, there really isn't a antagonist but at the same time there is. For example, there is an opponent in the anime but they rarely appeared. Also, in most parts the anime no longer had anything to do with mecha/machines.
Finally, the anime goes off track as you watch each episode.
My final reaction after I finished watching the anime was that I had no idea what I just watched. I think that even if I re-watch the anime, I still will not understand it.

jtowne - 2014-03-23 22:56:31
A Infinite Review

aherzog - 2014-01-09 17:58:02
I started watching the first season of IS because I wanted to see the power suits and was only mildly dissapointed. This season, however, is shit. Half of the episodes are all about fanservice and how sexually oblivious the protagonist is, and have no fighting or story progression whatsoever. The fights that exist are poorly coordinated and show no teamwork, and the thin plot is, ... well, it's an anime, so it gets weird. if I want harem fanservice, I tend to prefer a comedy/ slice of life like Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai that doesn't need a plot.

lmertz - 2013-10-11 17:50:45
Infinite Stratos 2 is finally out, and since Infinite Stratos 1 turned out to be surprisingly good, there's going to be higher expectations for this one.
Now, here is a first impressions of S2 which is 6 times longer than my entire review of S1.
Episode 1 has 3 or 4 main parts to it. It starts off with Ichika having some flashbacks about IS1, but he also has a dream about this mysterious woman who looks suspiciously like Chifuyu, but before he can speak to her she promptly chokes him to death.
Somehow I get the feeling that this woman won't be joining the harem.
Speaking of harems however, he wakes up with Laura in his bed (again) and gets handed a poster for a Yukata festival. Ichika being Ichika, he wants to invite everyone.
Another chunk of this episode was all about Laura and Charlotte. Moslty it was just amusingly adorable Laura-service, but we also got a scene of her taking on a bunch of armed criminals. Fear not Charlotte fans, for we get to see her kicking some ass too by dressing as a butler and joining the fray.
Just a thought before I continue. I get that Laura is a little human weapon, but Charlotte? She may be an IS rep but at the end of the day she's just the daughter of some rich guy, so where did she learn all that ninjitsu?
After all this comedic nonsense we do end up with Ichika taking half the United Nations Defense Council to a waterpark and a Yukata festival (yes I know Japan and Germany aren't on the defense council yet), but the whole thing doesn't actually get much screentime, and is all done in a quick montage.
Perhaps what we see here is IS maturing a bit, sidelining the harem elements in favour of actual plot.
Speaking of plot,
The Mysterious Woman makes her return, this time she's in some military base in a decked out IS, and on top of that there's someone on the phone giving her orders and calling her 'M', a codename obviously.
Who is this woman? Is it Chifuyu? A long lost sister maybe? What is she after?
She claimed to be there for an IS but that can't be the whole story.
Also, why is she showing up in Ichika's dreams?
In my opinion this was a really strong start to the new series (or season for those of you who speak Americanese).
The second episode however, was almost all about this new girl, Tatenashi.
As I said earlier, IS might me maturing a bit, so I get the feeling that she's going to be more than just another girl for the harem, but so far all we've gotten is her joining Ichika's legion of personal trainers and a load of fanservicey shots.
I have to say, at the moment I'm a little disappointed. All the other girls have their flaws, but they are at least fun and likable characters, Tatenashi however, is just plain annoying. Hopefully she'll develop as we progress but for the moment I just wish somebody would punch her in the face.
Something in the second episode I am pleased about however, is the fact that they aren't just dismissing what happened at the end of IS1.
(There's going to be a spoiler zone here, scroll past if you haven't seen IS1 and don't want to be spoiled)
Spoiler Zone
See, at the end of IS1 the harem gets more or less resolved with Hōki on top.
Ichika may not have succeeded when he tried to kiss her, but when the other girls show up, guns blazing, he picks up our dear Shinononononono-san, and runs for it.
"So what?"
Well I'm glad you asked, see in a typical harem the guy would probably just flee for his life, and the girl would probably get angry and join the horde trying to kill him. But no, he flees for his life and takes his woman with him.
Back on topic however.
When I started IS2 I was worried that this would get pushed aside so that the harem faff could continue unhindered, but we actually do have some repercussions.
We saw a little bit in episode 1 but this one was a bit more substantial.
On the subtler side we see Hōki being a bit more open with her feelings, and on the more blatant side Ichika is having romantic dreams about Hōki, with a short reference to what happened in the OVA.
It may seem like I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but what we have here is a harem that has an actual plot AND with the lead male having a love interest of his own.
Spoiler Zone ends
The animation, both in 2D and the 3D is still as good as it was.
The opening and ending are both pretty good, not as good as the first but maybe they'll grow on me.
I'm giving it the same scores as IS1, removing one point from characters for the annoying Tatenashi, but adding it again since our existing characters are getting some more development.
If you've seen IS1 and liked it, you should be watching this anyway, if you didn't like it, this one might just change your mind.