HANOKA~葉ノ香~This anime is the first full-fledged TV anime made with FLASH. The story takes place on a planet Tokinea where human beings and Star Races have been fighting. The story revolves around a girl who was made as "Demon God," an ultimate weapon against human beings, and a boy who is a partner of the girl. (Source: AnimeNfo)
brook26 - 2015-02-28 21:03:25
...What the hell did I just watch? This is a serious question by the way... well I definitely saw something, but I have no idea what to make of it after, during, and even before watching it. Well, I suppose I can try to describe this show into some decent detail.
(By the way, just want to get this out of the way, this anime is made in flash, if that bothers you then please don't read or watch)
(^This is a DVD release!? :O)
Story: The story takes place on a planet Tokinea where human beings and Star Races have been fighting. The story revolves around a girl who was made as “Demon God”, an ultimate weapon against human beings, and a boy who is a partner of the girl.
It's about as clichéd as it sounds. No really, this story has been done to death in other media and there's almost nothing new added into the mix to keep it interesting. There's not even time to emphasize or ease you in on it all, the show just throws you right into the center with little to no explanations whatsoever! You don't even have the time to get to know the characters in this, which will make you not care in the slightest about them or the dangers that they're going through.
Not to mention that this story is totally predictable and clichéd. At least Amuri In Star Ocean was unpredictable and that was what made the show entertaining. Now ok, the show is also pretty bad, but at least it was bad in an entertaining way, this show is bad, but more or less in a boring way since you can predict almost everything the characters will say and do.
Now there are some twists in this show and to be fair, some of the ideas for this show sound good (Yuri the boy, naming Hanoka, the girl etc) but the executions on them are pretty dang weak and don't really tie into the story much unfortunately. Not to mention the ending is incredibly unsatisfying. It's hard to explain why though, but it needs to be seen to be believed... though I doubt anyone would want to watch this.
Another thing I hate is that every time a new episode starts, it always replays the cliffhanger scene from the previous episode. It's just a nitpick of mine but I can't stand stuff like that. Could of had done a previously on or something to save time but I guess that'd be more confusing and cost more money would it? The pacing is also crappy, things go by way too quickly for anything to sink in. Maybe if they didn't do those dumb attempts at recaps then it might not have been an issue.
Animation: This is the first anime to ever use flash animation, and boy does it show. This looks more like a fan made anime project than an actual anime. In fact, fan made anime look better than this (Memories Of Phantasm, etc.)! The animation is really stiff and choppy, not to mention the background and character designs look bland and uninspired.
Sound: The voice acting is dull. When characters give out lame exposition, they sound decent, but when they try to pull off an emotion, they just sound like they don't even care at all and it falls flat.
There is an opening that lasts about a third of the actual episode (another thing I don't like in short anime), and to be fair, the song is actually pretty good. It's really the only good thing in this, it's a pretty good song and I recommend listening to it on its own if you have the time... if it was available on Youtube that is :c
Characters: Not much to talk about in terms of characters, nobody has any personality and those who do are clichéd as all hell. Yuri is a boy(who looks like a girl) who wants revenge on the monsters who destroyed his home and killed his people. You can pretty much predict everything he'll say.
Hanoka is just a girl who's being used as a weapon and doesn't like to be confined. She's also kind of nice and quiet. Not much else to her except that.
Everyone else is annoying, serves no purpose, or... both!
Enjoyment: Meh, didn't enjoy it that much. I had a feeling it would be bad, and only saw it cause I had nothing better to do, but I thought it would also have something in this besides the OP that could also be salvageable or bad in a funny way, but alas, it had nothing for me. It wasn't painful or annoying, but god it just amazed me at how much I did not give a shit.
Overall: Unless you have nothing better to do or are making a project about how to not make a good anime, then I suggest you skip this one. I get what they were trying to do but it just wasn't executed well at all. Packed with bad clichés, characters, voice acting, and abysmal flash animation, this is one short anime to avoid. Its not even so bad its good, its so bad its... bad.
Pros: The opening, and its also pretty short, I guess, so its not much of a time waster.
Cons: Clichés everywhere, horrible animation, WTF (in a bad way) ending, bland art and voice cast, pacing is crap, not even so bad its good.
Also recommend: I don't know if I can recommend something like this as I don't know any other, but... um... I guess there's always Amuri In Star Ocean (sure its CG and its still bad, but it does a better job at engaging the audience and is not predictable. Only watch if you enjoy so bad its amusing), Xenoblade Chronicles (non-anime), and anything else that can do this plot and animation better.
Thanks for reading my 73rd review~