Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign
終わりのセラフWith the appearance of a mysterious virus that kills everyone above the age of 13, mankind becomes enslaved by previously hidden, power-hungry vampires who emerge in order to subjugate society with the promise of protecting the survivors, in exchange for donations of their blood. Among these survivors are Yuuichirou and Mikaela Hyakuya, two young boys who are taken captive from an orphanage, along with other children whom they consider family. Discontent with being treated like livestock under the vampires' cruel reign, Mikaela hatches a rebellious escape plan that is ultimately doomed to fail. The only survivor to come out on the other side is Yuuichirou, who is found by the Moon Demon Company, a military unit dedicated to exterminating the vampires in Japan. Many years later, now a member of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, Yuuichirou is determined to take revenge on the creatures that slaughtered his family, but at what cost?Owari no Seraph is a post-apocalyptic supernatural shounen anime that follows a young man's search for retribution, all the while battling for friendship and loyalty against seemingly impossible odds. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
dicki.omer - 2015-04-22 19:07:25
I don't know why I have a feeling that this will be the new Shingeki no Kyojin XD
hintz.reyna - 2015-04-21 02:57:39
Now hear me out. I like dark anime. I'm a fan of deep philosophical and psychological stuff. So when I saw this I was like "I MUST WATCH THIS!".
I was thinking, "oh sweet, another hellsing! Vampires done right!". NO!!! I was dead wrong. The setting is in a high school. Strike 1. After three episodes whole thing reeks of shonen bullshit character development. Strike 2. Strike three was that it tried to be funny and dark. Which was not possible. That is really hard to do. Good try, but had to drop it like it was not hot. Cause it wasn't hot.
So i had to drop it. It was so dark and good at the beginning. Now its shit.
shields.carmelo - 2015-04-13 21:35:31
This is a first draft review as I've only watched 2 episodes but so far it seems to bear strong resemblances to attack on titan (which I really liked) except imo it just seems a bit... better... the main character isn't full of rage to the point of mental disability and the plot is just a bit more my thing, not a very good review but basically this seems like it's going to shape up to be a very good show.
-5 episodes update-
ok what I said at first isn't quite correct. Despite what I thought before, this protagonist is crazy. In attack on titan Eren was full of rage but at least he knew he had to train and get everyone to help him, but Yu just thinks he can exterminate a race single handedly! Dude I hate to be the one to break it to you but I think you might need a little help! Other than that however my first assessment was right I think; the storyline is getting more and more interesting with the week-long pauses being unbearable, the animation is very well done, and the characters are pretty interesting, each of whom seem to have their own backstory which is nice. The main character is still an arrogant bitch but hey, most of the time he's ok in my books. To conclude, my original review of this looking like it's going to shape up to be a very good show is, so far, holding true and looking forward to what future episodes bring.
- 9 episodes update -
In short, I am really loving this series. The characters are great. The plot is great. The setting is great. I love it. There have been some nice plot twists, some funny moments, it's just fun really. The one thing I would say: wait until the anime has finished airing! YOU DO NOT KNOW CLIFFHANGERS UNTIL YOU'VE WATCHED OWARI NO SERAPH WITH ONE WEEK IN-BETWEEN EACH EPISODE AND, TRUST ME, YOU DON'T WANT TO!!!
jayne20 - 2015-04-13 20:33:41
After 2 episodes I'm very split on Owari no Seaph (or Seraph of the end which I personally don't like the name of) the 1st episode really grabbed my attention, gave you an intersecting world, introduced some characters who you can really have feelings for and really got you hyped for the series. But episode 2 has really concerned me, for one it resorted to a school environment (which always annoys me in these kinds of shows) and has got some really cliche moments in it. Also the characters they introduced in this episode just seemed to annoy me, I personally hope the series stays dark and with action moments like episode 1 compared to the almost slice of life vibe of episode 2 (I like slice of life, but not with this kind of show)
As for the animation their are some really good bits but theirs also moments where it looks awful and this fluctuation is rather annoying, I'd rather have stable animation to half good half awful animation. I do like the character designs a lot though.
Music hasn't really done anything for me yet so neither here nore their yet.
I will stick with the series but episode 3 may determine how into the show I will be and how passionately I will follow it
mdietrich - 2015-04-13 13:26:26
lol so far im kinda interested but to me its like Attack On Titan but with cuter boys and no homo to that .
bkassulke - 2015-04-12 04:01:42
Goddamn, the 1st episode was good. MC was gaining his suffering index points with a speed of light, and the plot was promising
The first shadow was the katana wielding preview. like, modern society, lots of guns, why not use those?
1) It's dangerous to engage in close-range combat with a being that has +20 speed and +30 agility
2) Even if society is in ruins, it's still pretty doable to make bullets
And then comes the 2nd episode and it's like BAM SON YOU WANT SCHOOL COMEDY? I AM SURE YOU WANT SOME SCHOOL COMEDY
Also a plot twist with a dear friend revealed in the opening.
Rest in pieces you promising ongoing. Dropped
nelle.shields - 2015-04-10 06:24:03
this review is not complete for the moment i just put it here for later(when the anime gonna be finish) for not forget to write my review so i just gonna give u hint about this anime no need to like or dislike the review for the moment.
normally the most people dont "TURN ON" on vampire serie but this one look pretty interesting and have a serious and hardcore beginning i think a large of action gonna be in this one with a big drama so.. lets see what is gonna happen !
wmayer - 2015-04-08 13:35:37
A história do Seraph of the End começa como um qualquer Shonen, com o nosso protagonista a fazer tudo por vingança, matar todos os vampiros porque um vampiro matou a sua família, ele quer tornar-se mais forte, ser o mais forte, poderoso o suficiente para poder aniquilar qualquer chupista de sangue que se cruze no seu caminho o que vai acontecendo, nada de surpreendente, mas no fim da temporada vários plot twists acontecem tornando as coisas mais interessantes e deixando muito em aberto para a segunda temporada em Outubro.
In 2012, the world allegedly comes to an end at the hands of a "human-made" virus, ravaging the global populace and leaving only children under the age of thirteen untouched. It is at this time that vampires emerge from the recesses of the earth, likely followed by age-old horrors of the dark thought only to be myth. The vampires sweep the earth and claim it in a single violent stroke, subjugating the remnants of humanity and leading them beneath the surface to safety. This "protection" comes at the price of donating blood to their captors. At the age of twelve, Yūichirō and his friend and fellow orphan Mikaela plotted to escape along with the children in Hyakuya Orphanage. However, this resulted in their deaths and Mikaela sacrifices himself in order for Yūichirō to escape and be saved by members of the Moon Demon Company, an extermination unit of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army. Four years later, Yūichirō dedicates his life to destroy vampires and seek revenge against them for murdering his "family".
Num mundo onde humanos são escravizados como gado para alimentar os vampiros, e a humanidade está quase extinta a história tenta ser relativamente séria e negra, disse relativamente porque minha opinião acho que não teve muito sucesso e as vezes tem piada.
Os personagens são um pouco básicos em nível de personalidade e as relações entre eles também , pouco desenvolve durante esta primeira temporada, mesmo com um episódio onde ficamos a saber o que os motiva a querer fazer por a sua vida em risco para lutar contra os vampiros, apenas o protagonista tem alguma pouca evolução no fim e as relações começam a mudar
Como podem reparar à aqui uma tendência, tudo fica melhor no fim da temporada o que abre a oportunidade para uma segunda temporada superior.
A direcção artística combina fundos pintados à mão com personagens coloridos embora a animação dos combates deixe um pouco a desejar mas.quando a animação é boa é boa, os combates sofrem muito de cenas em que praticamente não há animação como os animes à antiga, isto foi especialmente grave no fim da temporada quando parecia que ia haver uma grande guerra e que foi resumida a imagens em movimento, depois plot twist surpresa onde a qualidade da animação aumentou e quando a surpresa acabou voltou a reduzir, até parece que estavam com o dinheiro contado e tinham de andar a escolher os momentos que valia a pena animar em condições. Houve até outra ocasião em que parecia que ia haver uma batalha valente e decidiram simplesmente nem a mostrar.
A primeira temporada pode ter partes paradas, mas a verdade é que final deixa a oportunidade para uma boa segunda parte, com um especial cliffhanguer no final do ultimo episódio depois dos créditos, são 12 episódios com o objectivo de introduzir o mundo e os personagens e só na segunda vai começar a desenvolver o enredo principal. Se estiverem à procura do próximo Fullmetal Alchemist ainda não o encontraram, mas é certamente um anime para manter debaixo de olho.
akuphal - 2015-04-06 06:31:59
*Disclaimer: This is only my impressions on episode 1 and the direction the show seems to be going in. I believe a show as a whole cannot be judged on its first episode and this is not what I am doing here.*
Wow, I had my doubts before I watched this first episode and now I can see they have been realised.
The direction that the story seems to be going in is generic and unimaginative: Guy's family is killed (who we had no connection to at all, so their deaths have no feeling behind them at all) and then goes on to a school where he learns to hunt vampires (and of course fights them while still being trained) etc. etc. Nothing we haven't seen before a million times and certainly nothing anyone put any time into thinking about. I found myself almost laughing at times because the show was so edgy (edgy: trying so hard to be dark and serious in order to impress/entertain the audience and failing in every regard to the point of feeling in your face). The deaths in the show had no weight to them due to the fact that we only just met the characters and hadn't formed any attachment to them, maybe if we had a bit more time with them it might've been alright. The deaths are there to just provide motive for the characters future actions and are really just plot devices to drive the story forward.
The characters are similarly generic; selfless friend who sacrifices himself to save the protagonist, the protagonist himself who is a cookie cutter, cardboard cutout of a character (irritated with life, has a group he want vengeance on) and of course the villain who gets 10 seconds of screen time before being killed off, in order to illustrate how the bad guys are 'evil' for the sake of being 'evil'.
The animation was one of the better parts of the episode, though this shouldn't be to hard. The character designs are pretty nice for the most part, however the main character is as generic as can be. But the animation as a whole is somewhat fluid. However the painted backgrounds do not fit in at all and makes everything look fake; a point for being stylised and different from most shows, however -2 points for being stupid. Cgi is also used for the characters whenever the show uses a long shot, which helps to break immersion.
The sound is alright, the soundtrack was composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, famous for his works on AoT, Kill la Kill and more recently Aldnoah. Zero-all of which had brilliant soundtracks (regardless of how good the shows actually were). However this doesn't seem to apply to Seraph. While the music wasn't bad and was somewhat effective at its job, it wasn't spectacular. It was just aight. The voice acting for all of the characters was solid with the exception of our main protagonist, who sounded too old and fake.
All and all the first episode of Owari no Seraph couldn't be called disappointing as I got what I was expecting. So far the show looks to be the next Akame ga Kill or Mirai Nikki.
Though this is just the first episode, I'll give it until episode three to prove me wrong.
courtney.schamberger - 2015-04-06 05:06:03
*AfterEpisode 1*
I had my doubts.. namely,the potentially slow pacing that turns countless fans away from many animeseries. Upon watching the trailer, we are shown that the 'highschool/childhood'setting will precede the inevitable demon/vampire slaying. I was afraid that wewould have to suffer through multiple 'childhood' episodes, possibly beating adead horse when it came conveying the many hardships that Yu and Mika must'vegone through during their stay with the vampires (can somebody sayunnecessarily over-sexualized vampire feeding? XD). I was pleasantly surprisedto see that the childhood arc was short and sweet. The audience is given thenecessary background, needed to establish our interest in Yu's conflictinginterests.
*Afterthe Finale ~ Verdict ~ No Spoilers*
I'll keep this brief. Ifyou're here before having seen the first season, you want to know whether ornot it's worth watching. My answer is yes. You may find yourselfcompletely bored at many points throughout the she series. However, the show does manage to set up for the second half well enough. You should expectto encounter numerous occurrences of poor directing and logic, however; it maybe worth banking on an amazing second half. Give it a try.
*Afterthe Finale ~ Spoilers*
The series tested mypatience at times. The high school vibe was very strong in the early part ofthe series. I found it funny that the rest of the students were pretty muchfodder in comparison to the main characters. It make me as myself, "Arenone of these other students more qualified than Yoichi?".. But Idigress.. After having their spirits tested, they prove they're 'worthy ofdemonic possession'. Yu and the rest of the gang proceed to their firstassignment beyond the wall. We're shown that Mitsuba would rather waste timeyelling at Yu for being hasty than actually make an effort to coordinate herteam. After their tactical retreat, the team must rescue 'livestock' from thevampires. We're shown a lackluster fight scene or two and, much to my surprise,the show decided to skip right over the main fight. I dismissed it (they'resaving the moneys, I told myself).
Now the vampires are leading a full-scale attack on the fortified stronghold and it's up to Moon Demon Company to prove their worth. This leads us to episodes 10 and 11. As many of youprobably realized, Gurren should've been dead in no time. If the productionteam didn't want him dead then they should've found a way to not have himstrangled until seconds prior to the sniper shot. Another thing that reallyirked me was the lack of effort put in the action scene choreography. At onepoint, the vampires are in complete control of the situation, however; themajority of them sit around and sharpen their fangs from boredom. What littleaction we did get was void of creativity. I don't really know what to say aboutYu's seraph mode. It was okay but nothing special. Then fast-forward to thepart where Gurren alerts the noble to the sniper.. what an idiot.. Then, ofcourse, the rest of the human army shows up just in time. This was doneterribly. If the main forces were on their way then at least give us a scenewhere we're shown that they are aware that Gurren's forces are in trouble. Otherwise,you end up with an unnecessary deus ex machina feel.
After reading my rant, I'm sure you're wondering how I could possibly still have high hopes for the second half of the series?The answer is 'the finale'. I was very impressed with how things were tied up.this doesn't dismiss the poor direction, however; it did manage to add a levelof weight and depth that was previously lacking. Everything from the pacing,attention to detail, music, character interactions and more were done pleasantly well. For the first time in this entire series, i found myself drawn in.Yu didn't seem like as much of an idiot anymore and Mika wasn't quite asone-dimensional. Plus it was nice to see further characterization of Shinoa, showing her emotions and convictions. The scene where the piano ballad was played over bothvampire and human life was thought-provoking. In that moment, Ithought, "Maybe both sides have their bad guys, while the majority of bothare good." Just some food for thought.. Oh and of course we have ourcliffhanger. Ferid was obviously talking with one of the humans. I don't wantto tick anyone off so I'll keep my guess to myself.
I managed to bump both character, sound and enjoyment up to 7 after the finale. All-in-all the first half was good.