Izetta: The Last Witch
終末のイゼッタ"If I am promised to the princess, then I will fight for her sake." In 1939 C.E., the imperialist nation of Germania invaded a neighboring country. All at once, that war spread throughout Europe, and the era was dragged into a spiral of a great war. Then, in 1940, Germania's attack turned towards the Principality of Elystadt, a small Alpine country abundant with beautiful water and greenery. (Source: Official Website)

daniel.troy - 2017-01-29 20:47:32
Character development for anyone but the main two characters was weak, and the show was pretty one dimensional.
That said, I was enchanted throughout the entire experience and swept away by the affection the people of Eylstadt have for each other and their nation. The characters, even those with no development, are lovable and interesting. I’d watch a spinoff series on the obviously present secret adventures of Lotte, the maid! Ah, well.

hoeger.mariane - 2017-01-12 09:12:04
This anime was truly a fun and entertaining anime
But it was plagued by bad writing and not enough episodes to show its true potential as a show.
The theme was solid.
If only it had the time to mature, it would have been much more than what it is right now.

khansen - 2016-12-21 02:18:32
Premise was awesome, but the main antagonist completely changed the flow of the show. And to top it off? They didn’t have the balls to execute at the end. First half was so good too, it bums me out.

xhackett - 2016-12-20 01:17:55
If you want a short answer on if I think it’s worth your watch, I’d say yes, but also no, to an extent.
CHARACTERS (3/5): The most important aspect of any story to me is character growth, relationship and engagement. The characters don’t shine, even the main duo, Izetta and Fine, felt like carbon copy archetypes to me. However, there were moments where I enjoyed watching their relationship progress. In all, characters were lacking for me, but not painful to watch.
SOUND (2/5): The opening is forgettable to me, and I have nothing extraordinary to make of the sound production as a whole. Very forgettable to my taste.
PLOT (2/5): When I first heard the plot for this one, it sounded incredibly promising. However, the main issue that I found with it was the tension-building and uniqueness of story. The pacing was - average, to say the least, nothing was rushed, static or messy in terms of plot pace. A smooth pace was the only issue I didn’t have with the plot. I found the tension leading up to the finale to be quite anti-climactic, feeling underwhelmed by the cliche-ness and lack of originality. Again, another cardboard-cut out story for me.
ANIMATION (4/5): This is where I feel Shuumatsu no Izetta really shines. Very beautiful, fluid animation. All in all very colourful, vivid, and quite enjoyable to watch, especially in action sequences (despite them being anti-climactic within themselves).
OVERALL ENJOYMENT (2.5/5): Putting it altogether, I’d say my enjoyment for this anime was average. It was an average series. Enjoyable, but not what I’d dub “memorable”. Lots of potential was available, but story and characters fell behind for me. Not a must-watch.

vkeeling - 2016-12-20 00:31:32
This was an amazingly well done anime

issac83 - 2016-12-19 14:51:10
I found it to be disappointing.
It opened up really strong with 2 nice leads and an nice premise of old warfare but then suddenly magic. But after the 3rd episode, eh.
I could go on about how conveniently dumb most of these situations get in order to move the plot along like how the bad guys somehow perfected the technology to do futuristic shit like cloning in a world where they don’t even have cellphones, but nitpicking at these things would be dancing around the real issue I have with the anime.
Point is, it doesn’t go far enough. It’s just constant cockteasing on what could have, and either doesn’t do it, or doesn’t go far enough with it.
They’ll gladly push the suspension of disbelief in favour of giving the villains the upper hand, but they won’t do the same for the protagonists, which ultimately just made it annoying for me to watch.
The biggest example of this is Izetta’s powers. They have one, and ONLY one scene, where she cuts her hand and throws her blood onto snow, and then materialises spears to shoot out and impale planes chasing her.
And then the episode after that we get her using Telekinesis to use “modern” military weaponry to make short work of fucking tanks
Here I was expecting Izetta to be using a combination of “modern” technology along with her witchcraft to make for some of the most exciting and interesting action scenes since I dunno, but they don’t do that, for some reason she sticks to using telekinesis and flying exclusively for the rest of the anime, and quite frankly, it was boring.
We also get to see what kind of a strong and capable leader Ortfine is in the first episode, that she’s resourceful, a quick thinker, is willing to make the tough calls for the greater good, and can handle diplomacy, well I sure hope you enjoyed that 1st episode cause you’ll never see it again.
And whenever Fine finally gets to showing her leadership in terms of politics and negotiations, they are skimmed past so quickly it’s like “why even bother?”
The antagonists are over here getting away with murder, but they won’t even give us a proper, homosexual, romantic relationship between the 2 leads, but they sure as well will keep teasing us with the thought every episode.
I am willing to suspend my disbelief as far as I am asked, as long as I am given something really entertaining in return, unfortunately this anime decided to put it’s emphasis on things I either did not care for, or outright hated, while leaving behind the areas I was genuinely interested in, so when things kept escalating, my interest didn’t escalate with it, leading me to be sorely unsatisfied with it’s climax.
So no, I didn’t really enjoy this all that much, and if Fine and Izetta weren’t such good leads I would’ve dropped this a long time ago.

lazaro.nienow - 2016-12-17 22:44:58
I finished, but it was an overall generic anime with a couple cute characters but a storyline which was trying too hard.

kareem66 - 2016-10-08 23:44:27
Nothing works here.
Characters are bland, it does a poor job at setting up the story and the aesthetic is all over the place. It is pretentious, braindead otaku fodder in every way, and it's trying to portray itself as something much smarter and more inspired than it is. It even has the nerve to get a close up on a golden luger held by a nazi, and then it says "Who dares wins" on the grip. That's downright insultingly bad!
It has awkward pauses in the middle of animations and they show no understanding of how to make a proper cut in a scene.
You may say It's unfair to base this opinion on just one episode, but by all means. There's no redemption after what's already been shown.
Yet another bad anime hoping to create the waifu of the season to be talked about on social media. Done!